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Sleeping with new puppy


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Hi all. I will be getting a new Cocker Spaniel puppy in a few weeks and I am researching as much as I can to try and do all the right things from the start.

I have read very mixed opinions about sleeping arrangements for the new puppy - some that advise to put the pup in a crate and ignore the whining barking etc all night, and others that say have the pup sleep near you so that they are not alone and you can settle them easier.

I would much prefer to have the pup near to me at night as it would break my heart hearing it pining all night for its mother and siblings, but at the same time I don't want to start a habit that is difficult to break. For those of you that slept with the pup at the beginning, how long did you do this for and how did you wean yourself away ?

Personally I don't want to go down the crate route, I have a kitchen that it can be closed in when I am out so I am happy with that, its just the night time sleeping that I am unsure about.

Can anyone offer any advice ?

Thanks :)
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I tried to crate bax only to learn that he LOATHES confined spaces (4 years on and i still cant get him into a crate). i started by the side of the bed with a crate but he kept me up all night so i moved him to my bed.....and he never left..... i have a queen sized bed and he hogs the whole thing. he strategically places himself smack dab i nthe middle. jerk. :mad:
All my puppies slept with me as soon as i brought them home and still sleep with me today. I love having them close and they sleep great even my 7 mth old. And i love a cuddle :)
Rosie (5mths old) sleeps with me.she hated the crate. We both get good night sleep and has just started to sleep on blanket at bottom of bed.unless shes cold then comes up closer. Yes i do like the closeness as does Rosie.
My Labrador was crate trained as a puppy and always slept in the kitchen at night until he was about 3, then I came home a bit tipsy one night and decided that I was single and had a double bed and it would be quite nice to have him to cuddle! He's been in our bedroom every since :rolleyes: Now I'm with Oliver he's been demoted to his own bed during the night (although we have tried several times to remove Oliver from the bedroom with no success :D:D)

All I would say is, once you've made your decision you will find it hard to change. Dennis would never sleep away from us now (which suits us all)
All mine have slept in their own bed right beside mine and have never been a problem.
All my dogs, past and present, have slept either on my bed or mostly now in their own beds, but always in the bedroom.