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Sleeping habit


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hi, just looking for advice, our dog who is nearly 3 sleeps thru the night until our grandchildren stop. They can be fast asleep, no movement etc but he wakes thru the night and howls, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, at a bit of a loss as what to do.
Welcome to the forum:) This sounds like an unusual problem, but hopefully we can come up with some ideas.

Where does he sleep? Is he shut in to the room he sleeps in, and how far is he from where the children sleep? I'd be curious to know what he would do if given free range of the house - e.g. would he go straight to the children's room?

Also, does his routine change much when the children are staying?
He sleeps downstairs in one room, which he is quite happy with normally. His routine is much the same, only thing that differs is when we are eating, we shut him in kitchen, he can still still see us but youngest likes to share. Was wondering about if he was closer at nigt what he would do, as he and the youngest are same age, so grown with each other. . Outside bedroom is only a small space, so limited where to put him to try
Maybe when the grandchildren are there he is more anxious being separated from the 'pack' as such, especially as they are young. Can you give him free reign at night to sleep where he wants or is there a reason he is kept seperate? Dogs can sleep in small spaces, you just have to be careful not to trip over him!;)
We had the same with our Parson, always knew if someone different was in the house even if we pretended to say goodnight to them and made them go outside :D we’d sneak them back in when dogs were put to bed, no talking or making any noise at all but she knew and would start whining the minute we were all in bed , many a time had to sleep downstairs to keep her happy :rolleyes: but an excellent excuse for peeps not staying the night ;)