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Show Etiquette

I had a flat tire on the way to Paignton about 3 years ago (might even be 4 years now). Had to wait for RAC, had to go get tire replaced at a nearby garage (too far to drive on the tiny spare). Kept calling a friend by the ring to see where judging was at - of course it was a day they were flying through. Got there (parked in the back of beyond), and raced into the showground as fast as my poor back would let me walk, and got there with enough time to throw Savannah at someone ringside (who I barely kenw) and get in line with Teya just before they called her class. She got 2nd that day! Go figure LOL.
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I am always pathetically early :clown: and since I pathetically travel by train I can't take a crate, a chair or other comforters, so Eskil gets lots of excerice circling around the venue with me :b though I still prefer to be early than to cut it just fine, my nerves are bad enough.
Must admit I too am usually hours early and suffer the same as Noise regarding nerves, you would think after 20 years of showing that I would be a bit more relaxed (w00t)

You do seem to have a more 'laid back' system in the UK. In NZ, be it an open show or champ show, the same rules apply, it's up to you to be ringside. Our stewards would never in a minute dream of going & calling an exhibitor if they knew the were around, they never leave the entry of the ring unless it's for morning tea or lunch. If you're late & the class is in or has been handed over to the judge, you simply miss out.

I was at a show last year, I had checked my dogs number in with the steward while the breed before us was in & went off to get the dog. It was an indoor show & getting around the outside of the rings was a challenge with crates, chairs & people chatting. Whippets started & I picked up my male dog and ran to the ring, hollering along the way that "I'm here"... a fellow exhibitor saw me running & turned her back knowing that I wouldn't get there in time (she too had a dog in the same class). I ended up getting to the ring right as the first dog took it's first step & wasn't allowed in the ring. In this instance, fellow exhibitor could have pointed out how close I was & the steward would have waited for the few extra second's. We ended up winning the breed with one of our girls & later on the judge saw me in the ring with the dog (boy) in stakes & came up afterwards & asked why I didn't show the dog under him, he liked him very much. Explained what happened & he said he would have been happy for him to have come in the ring & he was disappointed he missed judging him. That's life in the fast lane - only happened & most certainly won't be happening again.
IM ALWAYS EARLY :p i dont need the panic lol even though i have girls im always at show before dog judging starts
At one time or another we all go home together with nothing . This is showing,yes? would never enter any comp if i thought i could not win!
last saturday i also went to newark to watch the whippet judging, circumstances had prevented me entering as i didnt know if i could attend, unfortunatley the starter of this topic seems to have made up her own version on certain points or was not party to all the facts.
firstly because of the mix up with parking arrangemets (ie exhibitors from the game fair parking in the spaces reserved for the dog show) most people had to park a fair distance away, yes perhaps the puppy exhibitor had cut it a bit fine timewise, but under normal circumstances being third breed in the ring she would have been ok.

when the judging had ended for the second breed i phoned the exhibitor to see where she was, she was walking from the car park which must have been a good quarter mile away, when i told her position wise where we were in judging she started to run, i informed the steward that she was on her way & would be there asap, there was no 2nd call as the strward had informed the judge & it was his decision to wait, he also informed the other exhibitor as he walked into the ring,

when she arrived at the ringside she changed leads and went straight in apologising to the steward, judge and the other exhibitor, at no time did she stop for a "natter"with anyone as stated

as for the junior entry, yes maybe he did embarress himself by asking if he could now be judged, but new to showing he obviously doesn't know the ropes yet, we all have to learn somewhere so perhaps the breeder who sold him his puppy, knowing he wanted to show should have started him in the right direction and been more aproachable, these are very nice people not "know it alls" and are keen to learn from any advice offered,

i dont have any "axe" to grind and i dont usually post like this but i feel people are being mislead unfairly, i will not go into a slanging match on here, if the member who started this post wishes to phone me to clarify things she has my number


Good one Jackie .

I know the people you are on about . Nicer people i have yet to meet . willling to learn too . I showed him how to trim his whippets tail not long ago , because the `breeder hadnt bothered ` . Now he does it himself and always asks if hes got it right ,

Willing to learn ? you bet he is

Im always happy to help new comers , unfortuanalty I wasnt at this show