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Should We Intervene ?


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I know people say to let dogs sort out where they stand with eachother and with Leon it has worked :thumbsup: as once he told Teasel off a couple of times she's let him innitiate play and otherwise treads quite carefully :unsure:

But Picco is an absolute angel with her o:) and lets her get away with murder :b to the point where we wish he would tell her off :unsure:

Most of the time Picco seems to love playing with her :) but at other times you can tell its a bit of a strain :unsure: but he puts up with it o:)

Should we intervene ? as we can see her picking up bad habbits and expecting all dogs to be as forgiveing :unsure: or are we misreading it and Picco is quite happy and just enjoying it :b and will tell her off if it goes too far :unsure:

Apart from that I must say its all going far too well :b I think we're just a lot more relaxed this time around and its rubbing off on Teasel :thumbsup:

she's had a lot more freedom than we ever gave Leon and Picco at first :unsure: but she's taking it all in her stride and has up until now been an angel o:) so we're waiting for it all to come crashing down around our ears :D

One thing I must mention is :unsure: she looks like a whippet :eek: where as when Leon was little he looked more like a Gremlin :oops: so thats good I suppose :D



She is just soooo gorgeous :wub: :wub:

I found that when I introduced Spry, Callie and sienna let her get away with a lot, especially callie and I like you would wonder about it and say to callie "tell her off "but as she got a bit older and had been here a while they started to let her know when things were'nt acceptable, even now though sometimes she jumps on them to make them play and you can tell they can't be bothered but they just let her carry on till she gets bored :lol:

I'm so glad things are working out well and I have to admit I thought the same about being too good to be true but it's still the same 7 months on, wouldn't change a thing :thumbsup:

Should also have said Spry doesn't do that with other dogs that she doesnt know, she wont go near unless the girls approach them first so it hasn't made a bad habit for her she 's more weary of other dogs than them, not sure why :unsure:
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Haven't got to that stage yet. I'm sure things will settle down.

Ours looked more like a shar-pei, he was very wrinkly. I can't believe leon was a gremlin THIS is a gremlin:


Steve, Teasel is gorgeous :wub: :wub: :wub: , and I have to say I love your little avatar, did you make that yourself????? Just brilliant.
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Jones said:
I cannot believe that that little o:) is capable of beating anybody up, let alone tough Picco who sorts out Leon-nappers! :- " :lol: She is so cute!! :wub: :wub: :wub: A real girly girl by the looks of it. :wub:

I suspect that when she starts to outgrow the real baby stage Picco will have a few words with her about manners and so on. She's probably destined to be the top dog though, being the bitch. :)

Any photos of puppy Leon for comparison?
oliverpliers said:
Jones said:
I cannot believe that that little o:) is capable of beating anybody up, let alone tough Picco who sorts out Leon-nappers! :- " :lol: She is so cute!! :wub: :wub: :wub: A real girly girl by the looks of it. :wub:

I suspect that when she starts to outgrow the real baby stage Picco will have a few words with her about manners and so on. She's probably destined to be the top dog though, being the bitch. :)

Any photos of puppy Leon for comparison?

Looks can still be very decieving :blink: :wub: o:) - (although she is Gorgeous)

I just tell my two off if I think they are going OTT ... which is most of the time really :lol: but yoiu must be an expert Steve having two already. :thumbsup:
Jones said:
I know people say to let dogs sort out where they stand with eachother and with Leon it has worked  :thumbsup:   as once he told Teasel off a couple of times she's let him innitiate play and otherwise treads quite carefully  :unsure:
But Picco is an absolute angel with her  o:)   and lets her get away with murder  :b to the point where we wish he would tell her off  :unsure:

Most of the time Picco seems to love playing with her  :)   but at other times you can tell its a bit of a strain  :unsure:   but he puts up with it  o:)

Should we intervene ? as we can see her picking up bad habbits and expecting all dogs to be as forgiveing  :unsure: or are we misreading it and Picco is quite happy and just enjoying it  :b   and will tell her off if it goes too far  :unsure:

Apart from that I must say its all going far too well  :b   I think we're just a lot more relaxed this time around and its rubbing off on Teasel  :thumbsup:

she's had a lot more freedom than we ever gave Leon and Picco at first  :unsure:   but she's taking it all in her stride and has up until now been an angel  o:)   so we're waiting for it all to come crashing down around our ears  :D

One thing I must mention is  :unsure: she looks like a whippet  :eek:   where as when Leon was little he looked more like a Gremlin  :oops: so thats good I suppose  :D




Steve - Leon/Teasel was like Chelsea/Teya - they sorted it out between them. Savannah was just like Picco - I was DESPERATE for her to tell Teya off, but her tolerance for her was quite high. She eventually did once, but for the most part just put up with her. Just leave it - if she crosses a line Picco will sort her out - it just might be a lot longer to that line for Picco than it was for Leon.

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moriarte said:
Haven't got to that stage yet. I'm sure things will settle down.
Ours looked more like a shar-pei, he was very wrinkly. I can't believe leon was a gremlin THIS is a gremlin:



I :wub: Cresteds........Gremlin indeed (w00t)
Thanks everyone :thumbsup: yes looks can be deceiving can't they :unsure: we were so worried about the boys being rough with her it never entered our heads that she'd be the bully :b

It can't be bothering Picco that much as he follows her around and does innitiate play with her a lot :wacko: its just when he's trying to sleep and she's hanging off his ears or even worse hits sensitive bits :b and thats when he gives us this look as if to say please just get her away from me (w00t)

Yes O.k perhaps saying Leon looked like a Gremlin was a little harsh :lol: but he did look distinctly odd as a pup :b and I'll find some pics later to prove it :D

Yes I did make the Avatar myself :thumbsup: I used Image Ready that comes with Photoshop :) I hadn't used Image Ready before and didn't even know you could do that with it :unsure: but its very addictive and I can't stop fiddleing with my Avatar now :wacko:


PMSL at your signature picture - with Teasel superimposed on the sand.

You are a nutter :lol:

Anyway - just to add further reassurance, Obi :wub: never once told Star off, but Vader did, so she did learn manners from him - which she applies to other dogs. As long as someone is keeping her right I wouldn't worry. Pleased that they are all getting on so well :D
Hi Steve

Nice to see you on K9. I just joined.

That's a gorgeous pic of Teasel. Can't wait to see those green field and sandy beach pics when she gets a bit bigger.

I agree with the rest of the replies.........just relax, she'll grow out of a lot ot that puppy nagging and also the boys will start to tell her off when enough is enough. But it sounds like it's going great though! I can't wait until I can get my whippy no. 2 so Emil can have company too. :)
NorenaEmil said:
Hi Steve
Nice to see you on K9. I just joined.

That's a gorgeous pic of Teasel. Can't wait to see those green field and sandy beach pics when she gets a bit bigger.

I agree with the rest of the replies.........just relax, she'll grow out of a lot ot that puppy nagging and also the boys will start to tell her off when enough is enough. But it sounds like it's going great though! I can't wait until I can get my whippy no. 2 so Emil can have company too.  :)

Welcome to K9 :thumbsup: Yes yes - more whippies to look at :cheers:
Janimal said:
NorenaEmil said:
Hi Steve
Nice to see you on K9. I just joined.

That's a gorgeous pic of Teasel. Can't wait to see those green field and sandy beach pics when she gets a bit bigger.

I agree with the rest of the replies.........just relax, she'll grow out of a lot ot that puppy nagging and also the boys will start to tell her off when enough is enough. But it sounds like it's going great though! I can't wait until I can get my whippy no. 2 so Emil can have company too.  :)

Welcome to K9 :thumbsup: Yes yes - more whippies to look at :cheers:

Hi Oscar and Kobi!

Nice to meet you too. I'm 3 and lives with mommy in Norway but we're hoping to move to England this year. Mommy spoils me rotten......sleeping under the duvet, playing ball all day long, snacks when I feel like it etc. I'm sure you know the drill. :D

Here's a pic of me being naughty when I was a pup. I love decorating the house in ripped toilet paper!

Big smooches,


Wow - Emil is gorgeous - :wub: what a handsome lad.
Welcome Emil :D You are handsome, another spoilt whippet??? I don't believe it :lol: ;) ;) :thumbsup:
That pic of Teasel is brilliant Steve :wub: I also love your avator and sig pic with Teasel on it :thumbsup: Its brilliant :thumbsup:

Welcome to K9 NorenaEmil :cheers: You are a gorgeous whippy Emil that is a familiar sight in our house as well :lol:
Teasel is just so sweet,..... But there is that look in her eye :- " :p

Welcome to K9 Emil ? your a handsom chap too :wub: