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Should I feed raw or home cooked ?

A quick google found this: The Best Dehydrated Dog Food (Review) in 2021 | My Pet Needs That There's more info here: What's the Difference Between Raw, Dehydrated, Freeze Dried, and Air Dried Dog Food, Anyway? Then there's this: Healthy Dog Food Delivery

Simply googling 'dehydrated raw' brings up those and several more.
JudyN, that’s so kind - many thanks. I’ll peruse the sites assiduously. I’m sure Mabel will appreciate the “pot noodle” approach. Many thanks on her behalf.
Okay I had to stop raw as it gave her diarrhoea and I tried so many wet foods and she either hated them or they gave her diarrhoea or made her sick. I'm thinking I might feed homemade again.
Did you try the dehydrated raw? Did you introduce raw gradually, i.e. not giving her different protein types and including offal from the start? And has she had a vet check, including stool analysis, to make sure there's not an underlying issue?

As has been said, if you feed homemade cooked, do your research to make sure she's getting everything she needs.
Did you try the dehydrated raw? Did you introduce raw gradually, i.e. not giving her different protein types and including offal from the start? And has she had a vet check, including stool analysis, to make sure there's not an underlying issue?

As has been said, if you feed homemade cooked, do your research to make sure she's getting everything she needs.
Yes I introduce it slowly , but she's not been checked for anything but when I stopped raw she was fine. I go for the same amounts of each thing when I make it. Like 50% meat , 25% grains , 25% fruit and veg
If you feed raw which I do then where ever you travel there are butchers , supermarkets, fish mongers and I take with me one/two meal amounts and raw bones and the week before get an extra Ox heart and liver from my butcher and bake them , chop them and they can be used as 'treats' or meals and they keep as they are dry baked
This thread is a bit old now but I thought it would be easier to 'piggyback' (as someone else called it, sorry!) on someone else's thread than start my own new one.
I was thinking about incorporating homecooked food into Roxy's diet, maybe one meal a week/one fortnightly, (every little helps right? I couldn't do it full time!). I was wondering if anyone had recipe ideas, I don't trust the ones on the Google search!
I've actually bought some ingredients to make some this week such as turkey mince, carrots, spinach, broccoli, apple, brown rice, eggs. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Obviously I want it to be as balanced as I can but it doesn't matter if it's not fully balanced and complete if it's only the occasional meal right?
Thanks in advance.
I feed mostly raw, but the dogs get an occasional casserole, especially in winter. They do love it. It's meat and above-ground vegetables, plus nettles and one or two apples (I get given windfalls by neighbours). There's no recipe needed, just bung it all in a pot and simmer it.

Don't give much in the way of root vegetable (I don't feed any at all) and dogs don't need starchy carbs, so leave out the rice, don't feed bread, and so on. No onion, opinions differ on garlic but if you do use it, only a very little.
Thanks Hemlock. No of course she doesn't need starchy carbs what was I thinking, thought it seemed lacking without it I guess. I'll do what you've suggested, is it okay to freeze in portions and just thaw overnight for next time if I have too much? Should make at least three meals I would have thought.
Thanks Hemlock. No of course she doesn't need starchy carbs what was I thinking, thought it seemed lacking without it I guess. I'll do what you've suggested, is it okay to freeze in portions and just thaw overnight for next time if I have too much? Should make at least three meals I would have thought.
You can freeze the food for sure...and what is best, come summer and hot the hot can put the food frozen on his dish and let him eat it as it thaw, like eating a ice lolly and helping him feel cooler ;)
I tend to take meat out of freezer in the mid morning and it will be thawed out by afternoon for their dinner. Portion size amount might get to stand warm if left over night...but if you thaw it in fridge it will be still slightly chilled in the morning and depending what time you are planning to feed it, you could finish the process in room temp in an hour or so.
Thanks Finsky! I was going to thaw overnight in the fridge but I like the popsicle idea hehe.
I'm about to make this tonight, how much water do I add? I have 500g of turkey mince and veg (no rice to absorb the water).
Thanks Finsky! I was going to thaw overnight in the fridge but I like the popsicle idea hehe.
I'm about to make this tonight, how much water do I add? I have 500g of turkey mince and veg (no rice to absorb the water).
I doubt you will need much water at all...just a drop to stop it all sticking to the bottom until the moisture is released from the mince and the veg.
Have a search for 'dehydrated raw'. I've never tried it (that is, Jasper has never tried it), but it might do the job.
I am wondering if anyone has tried GoRockecto dehydrated raw food? We have been feeding raw diet since the puppies arrived 7 weeks ago and never sick nor loose. My interest in the GoRockecto is because I have tried their small air dried fish and we are totally impressed as are our girls. It is organic and the list of ingredients is impressive and never given more than 40 degrees. I would love to hear other people’s views.
I am wondering if anyone has tried GoRockecto dehydrated raw food?

I've never tried it, but it looks excellent. That excellence comes at a price though - based on their recommendations, it would cost me £6.67 a day to feed Jasper (based on their chicken variety), and that's not accounting for the fact that he has a higher than average metabolism so may need more.