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Shanes Castle Game Fair Racingday

Bloody hell....who let the kids out !!!!
grow up you lot, isnt it meant to be fun ....FFS !!!
Yes, i'd be shocked if anyone who attended the racing and the showing didn't have fun. It was two great days of racing and showing in fantastic surroundings and the weather was kind. Looking at many of the photos there's a lot of smiles on peoples faces and the banter was great. People are making points and highlighting areas were it can be improved to make it better for the future.

There's not too many people like Albert who come on to a public forum looking for ways to improve lurcher showing and racing. In fact if he hadn't have been at the Master McGrath Challenge i think it may have been a disaster. He took the advice from lurcher people and made sure that the lure and van was moved back a further 30-40 yards so that the dogs were still driving at the line, something that others had refused to do. Also i feel that there may not have been a re-run for the final if he hadn't have been there. I'm not an Albert kiss ass, i'll speak my mind, but he's willing to listen and take on board the suggestions being made.

I definitely think that its time to have an under 21" racing class for the smaller lurchers/non peds. Just a suggestion:-

1. Ped Whippets

2. Whippets

3. Under 21"

4. Under 23"

5. Over 23"

Good to meet you briefly at Shanes - unfortunately I don't get too long to chat at Shanes as I am usually due somewhere else. In fact due to the re-run of the Master Mc Grath I missed a lot of the golden work at the Castle but at least the Ulster Golden Retriever team won for the first time - actually the first time they have run without me! Says it all!

I am always willing to listen to suggestions on how to improve any aspect of the fair - I speak my mind and I respect anyone else who does but I don't feel I need to be abusive to anyone to do this and I don't expect others to be abusve to my colleagues. I personally don't mind someone being slightly abusive to me if they don't hide behind an alias.

Thank you for line judging - you were extremely professional about it and a great help with positive suggestions on the day. I too have some suggestions for improving all facets of the events.

Good idea on the racing classes where like can compete with like - because it removes a lot of the potential bitterness. As you say they were a lot of happy faces at all the events over the weekend and a large virtually trouble free crowd.

Traders too were happy in spite of the recession. We feel we have done our bit here by actually putting more money into all the events while at the same time offering admission to two fairs for the price of one.

Look forward to working with you again,

I believe a number of years ago they used to have an elite class for the lurchers. When a dog won three races it was upgraded to the elite class. This was in the days when Seamus and Matt ran a whole lot of shows during the year. I don't know how successful it was, maybe Billy Craig and Billy Harper could comment on this. However, for this to work it would take all the show organisers to implement it.
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ill be the first to jump so to speak as ive thought on it since saturday i dont want to hijack anyones topic here but at the mourne lurcher and terrier next year the racing will be whippets(papers only)

under 21"

over 21" but under 23"

and over 23" any whippet without papers will be placed in a class depending on height to the shoulder i will see how this pans out after that but hopefully it will sort the problem as best as possible for everyone thanks kieran :luck:
what won the whippet racing??
The lurcher that won the whippet racing at the last two game fairs won again on saturday Have a look at the pic its beside the terrier Roses

lurcher looks more like a whippet but then what would you expect when the organisers said if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet they would agree They havent got a clue The racing after the master mcgrath was a disgrace never saw worse

dogs catching lure lure stopping it was hillarious at the last You would have thought it was their first but then this was the best team in the country according to Albert You need to wake up Albert and smell the coffee because yous are a disgrace
In my book the person who is a disgrance is any man who sounds off behind an alias! If you are going to slag people off why do you not have the balls to use your own name? Our team organising the terrier and lurcher events with the best prizes in the country is a NEW one and with all such events/teams there can be teething and technical problems.

It really galls me that having worked hard with our team to run one of the best outdoor events in Northern Ireland this year against the backdrop of horrendous setting up conditions we have this sort of rubbish on the forums - do you hear this from the pedigree dog show people, the gundog owners ( huge international event) or the clay shooters?

Overall we have a superb game fair organising team and we have produced the largest and best attended game or country fairs in Ireland for 34 years. Simple question for you : What have you ever organised ?

We did not say that 'if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet we would agree' so be careful what you pretend to quote. What we said was we did not run whippet racing for KC registered whippets only. But I had some constructive discussions with whippet owners over this matter at Shanes and there is a case for running a separate event for KC registered whippets only. There is also a case for splitting the lurchers into possibly an elite racing class ( rather like an Open gundog test) and another class more like a novice gundog. These are positive , constructive suggestions - we respect anyone who makes positive suggestions ( under their own name).

Excuse me Mr know all every one on this forum knows who i am under silverfox Im not hiding behind any name and when i said to MATT about

the dog not being a whippet he was the one that told me if any one comes to enter a dog with hair six inches and says its a whippet thats good enough for him Four or five were standing beside me and couldnt beleive what he had said Im not pretending to quote any one Your bully

boy tactics dont work with me We run a meeting once a month at the sporting WHIPPET club and would put your pathetic team to shame so dont come on here shouting your mouth off what any one has ever tried to run You and your team really showed yourselves up on Saturday

for what yous really are a bunch of assholes that doesnt know a whippet from a lurcher So wind your neck in KNOW ALL and learn something

about the breed :thumbsup:
Wow - I am impressed - you are so famous under your alias that 'everyone knows you'! I don't know what your real name is and so I invite you if you wish to keep throwing abuse at me that you have the balls to give me your name.

You must be paranoid if you thought I was attempting to 'bully' you I just said what I thought was disgraceful was someone who peddles abuse under an alias. I stick by that. I think that anyone with a modicum of savvy can see I was politely but firmly answering your tirade of abuse against Matt and his team and against me and the fair.

I also think it is rather pathetic that you try to use a 'throw away comment' by Matt to claim that we don't know anything about whippets. Some of the top whippet people in the country have had their dogs judged by me and I have probably forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

The decision was taken this year to continue to run the whippet racing as a non KC registered whippet event. We simply could not introduce new rules at the last minute to satisfy people like you who apparently wish to exclude others.

How can you prove that this dog is not a whippet - size proves nothing?

Our events are designed to be inclusive to both KC registered and non KC registered dogs. I have had sensible suggestions from people who don't have to hide behind an alias and can articulate positive suggestions . As anyone knows from these forums I am open minded to new ideas but I destest rather pathetically childish and nasty abuse.

We are looking at running both KC registered and non KC registered whippet racing.

Albert J Titterington
Wow big head if your judging of the whippets was as good as your organization of the racing on Saturday i must say it would have been worth

seeing One thing for sure you will never ever be asked to judge at The Sporting Whippet Club after seeing what you allowed to race as a whippet on Saturday Doesnt matter what way you try to talk your way round your racing on Saturday only one word to describe it DISASTER

You should take a run down to BALLINLOUGH GAME FAIR to see how its really done Just two lads with every thing under control This is my final

post about this as there is more important things going on in my life at the minute So bring it on BALLINLOUGH so we can have a great days

racing with folk that know what there doing
what won the whippet racing??
The lurcher that won the whippet racing at the last two game fairs won again on saturday Have a look at the pic its beside the terrier Roses

lurcher looks more like a whippet but then what would you expect when the organisers said if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet they would agree They havent got a clue The racing after the master mcgrath was a disgrace never saw worse

dogs catching lure lure stopping it was hillarious at the last You would have thought it was their first but then this was the best team in the country according to Albert You need to wake up Albert and smell the coffee because yous are a disgrace
In my book the person who is a disgrance is any man who sounds off behind an alias! If you are going to slag people off why do you not have the balls to use your own name? Our team organising the terrier and lurcher events with the best prizes in the country is a NEW one and with all such events/teams there can be teething and technical problems.

It really galls me that having worked hard with our team to run one of the best outdoor events in Northern Ireland this year against the backdrop of horrendous setting up conditions we have this sort of rubbish on the forums - do you hear this from the pedigree dog show people, the gundog owners ( huge international event) or the clay shooters?

Overall we have a superb game fair organising team and we have produced the largest and best attended game or country fairs in Ireland for 34 years. Simple question for you : What have you ever organised ?

We did not say that 'if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet we would agree' so be careful what you pretend to quote. What we said was we did not run whippet racing for KC registered whippets only. But I had some constructive discussions with whippet owners over this matter at Shanes and there is a case for running a separate event for KC registered whippets only. There is also a case for splitting the lurchers into possibly an elite racing class ( rather like an Open gundog test) and another class more like a novice gundog. These are positive , constructive suggestions - we respect anyone who makes positive suggestions ( under their own name).

Excuse me Mr know all every one on this forum knows who i am under silverfox Im not hiding behind any name and when i said to MATT about

the dog not being a whippet he was the one that told me if any one comes to enter a dog with hair six inches and says its a whippet thats good enough for him Four or five were standing beside me and couldnt beleive what he had said Im not pretending to quote any one Your bully

boy tactics dont work with me We run a meeting once a month at the sporting WHIPPET club and would put your pathetic team to shame so dont come on here shouting your mouth off what any one has ever tried to run You and your team really showed yourselves up on Saturday

for what yous really are a bunch of assholes that doesnt know a whippet from a lurcher So wind your neck in KNOW ALL and learn something

about the breed :thumbsup:
Wow - I am impressed - you are so famous under your alias that 'everyone knows you'! I don't know what your real name is and so I invite you if you wish to keep throwing abuse at me that you have the balls to give me your name.

You must be paranoid if you thought I was attempting to 'bully' you I just said what I thought was disgraceful was someone who peddles abuse under an alias. I stick by that. I think that anyone with a modicum of savvy can see I was politely but firmly answering your tirade of abuse against Matt and his team and against me and the fair.

I also think it is rather pathetic that you try to use a 'throw away comment' by Matt to claim that we don't know anything about whippets. Some of the top whippet people in the country have had their dogs judged by me and I have probably forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

The decision was taken this year to continue to run the whippet racing as a non KC registered whippet event. We simply could not introduce new rules at the last minute to satisfy people like you who apparently wish to exclude others.

How can you prove that this dog is not a whippet - size proves nothing?

Our events are designed to be inclusive to both KC registered and non KC registered dogs. I have had sensible suggestions from people who don't have to hide behind an alias and can articulate positive suggestions . As anyone knows from these forums I am open minded to new ideas but I destest rather pathetically childish and nasty abuse.

We are looking at running both KC registered and non KC registered whippet racing.

Albert J Titterington
Wow big head if your judging of the whippets was as good as your organization of the racing on Saturday i must say it would have been worth

seeing One thing for sure you will never ever be asked to judge at The Sporting Whippet Club after seeing what you allowed to race as a whippet on Saturday Doesnt matter what way you try to talk your way round your racing on Saturday only one word to describe it DISASTER

You should take a run down to BALLINLOUGH GAME FAIR to see how its really done Just two lads with every thing under control This is my final

post about this as there is more important things going on in my life at the minute So bring it on BALLINLOUGH so we can have a great days

racing with folk that know what there doing
what won the whippet racing??
The lurcher that won the whippet racing at the last two game fairs won again on saturday Have a look at the pic its beside the terrier Roses

lurcher looks more like a whippet but then what would you expect when the organisers said if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet they would agree They havent got a clue The racing after the master mcgrath was a disgrace never saw worse

dogs catching lure lure stopping it was hillarious at the last You would have thought it was their first but then this was the best team in the country according to Albert You need to wake up Albert and smell the coffee because yous are a disgrace
In my book the person who is a disgrance is any man who sounds off behind an alias! If you are going to slag people off why do you not have the balls to use your own name? Our team organising the terrier and lurcher events with the best prizes in the country is a NEW one and with all such events/teams there can be teething and technical problems.

It really galls me that having worked hard with our team to run one of the best outdoor events in Northern Ireland this year against the backdrop of horrendous setting up conditions we have this sort of rubbish on the forums - do you hear this from the pedigree dog show people, the gundog owners ( huge international event) or the clay shooters?

Overall we have a superb game fair organising team and we have produced the largest and best attended game or country fairs in Ireland for 34 years. Simple question for you : What have you ever organised ?

We did not say that 'if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet we would agree' so be careful what you pretend to quote. What we said was we did not run whippet racing for KC registered whippets only. But I had some constructive discussions with whippet owners over this matter at Shanes and there is a case for running a separate event for KC registered whippets only. There is also a case for splitting the lurchers into possibly an elite racing class ( rather like an Open gundog test) and another class more like a novice gundog. These are positive , constructive suggestions - we respect anyone who makes positive suggestions ( under their own name).

Excuse me Mr know all every one on this forum knows who i am under silverfox Im not hiding behind any name and when i said to MATT about

the dog not being a whippet he was the one that told me if any one comes to enter a dog with hair six inches and says its a whippet thats good enough for him Four or five were standing beside me and couldnt beleive what he had said Im not pretending to quote any one Your bully

boy tactics dont work with me We run a meeting once a month at the sporting WHIPPET club and would put your pathetic team to shame so dont come on here shouting your mouth off what any one has ever tried to run You and your team really showed yourselves up on Saturday

for what yous really are a bunch of assholes that doesnt know a whippet from a lurcher So wind your neck in KNOW ALL and learn something

about the breed :thumbsup:
Wow - I am impressed - you are so famous under your alias that 'everyone knows you'! I don't know what your real name is and so I invite you if you wish to keep throwing abuse at me that you have the balls to give me your name.

You must be paranoid if you thought I was attempting to 'bully' you I just said what I thought was disgraceful was someone who peddles abuse under an alias. I stick by that. I think that anyone with a modicum of savvy can see I was politely but firmly answering your tirade of abuse against Matt and his team and against me and the fair.

I also think it is rather pathetic that you try to use a 'throw away comment' by Matt to claim that we don't know anything about whippets. Some of the top whippet people in the country have had their dogs judged by me and I have probably forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

The decision was taken this year to continue to run the whippet racing as a non KC registered whippet event. We simply could not introduce new rules at the last minute to satisfy people like you who apparently wish to exclude others.

How can you prove that this dog is not a whippet - size proves nothing?

Our events are designed to be inclusive to both KC registered and non KC registered dogs. I have had sensible suggestions from people who don't have to hide behind an alias and can articulate positive suggestions . As anyone knows from these forums I am open minded to new ideas but I destest rather pathetically childish and nasty abuse.

We are looking at running both KC registered and non KC registered whippet racing.

Albert J Titterington
Wow big head if your judging of the whippets was as good as your organization of the racing on Saturday i must say it would have been worth

seeing One thing for sure you will never ever be asked to judge at The Sporting Whippet Club after seeing what you allowed to race as a whippet on Saturday Doesnt matter what way you try to talk your way round your racing on Saturday only one word to describe it DISASTER

You should take a run down to BALLINLOUGH GAME FAIR to see how its really done Just two lads with every thing under control This is my final

post about this as there is more important things going on in my life at the minute So bring it on BALLINLOUGH so we can have a great days

racing with folk that know what there doing
What a pleasant fellow you are ( in case you don't realise it this is a sarcastic comment) - and I see still throwing childish abuse from behind an alias. I detest people who haven't the balls to put their name to abusive comments.

Firstly I did not run the racing I was organising the largest and best game or country fair in Ireland of which the racing is only a very tiny part.

I did spend some time at the racing with some very pleasant and real sporting people to help adminstrate the Master Mc Grath but I do understand there were some problems afterwards with the lure and some complaints about the whippet racing afterwards. As I have said to the people who have raised these in a constructive and non abusive fashion I will deal with them. BUT I do understand the team who organise Moira and Ballinlough also alowed the whippet in question to run![/u] So your criticism is a little inconsistent.

To put matters in perspective about fairs in general I head up the team that delivers indisputably the two largest and best Game and Country Fairs in Ireland - those at Shanes Castle and Birr Castle and we have rescued the Ballywalter Fair and will grow it into a similar fair in 2012. I am not big headed but I know I am good at what I do in terms of both organising and marketing our fairs and as a dedicated country sports person everyone knows I am never slow to put my hand in my pocket to deliver good prizes or sponsor events both at our own shows. and at other events. No one who has ever approached me about sponsiorship has ever been turned away.

I don't claim to know it all and that is why I listen to constructiive critiscm and good ideas from wherever they come - the matter you speak about has been discussed thoroughly and will be dealt with but NOT because of your silly childish AND ANONYMOUS abuse. But because there have been sensible suggestions put forward.

I challenge you to come on under your own name or to shut up.

The Master McGrath again goes to prove the quality of the racing dogs in Northern Ireland. Others came from both neighbouring and further countries but never conquered!!!!!! A massive well done to both John with China, and Rose with Diego. I don't think anyone expected it to be soooooo close. In fact anyone near or on the line had no idea which dog was leading until they were a few yards from the line. It shouldn't be a shock to anyone as both John and Rose have travelled south and across the channel on many many occasions and won against the best. Anyone who expects to come to Northern Ireland and win needs to have one hell of a dog in top form. Again WELL DONE!!!!!!!! to the winner and runner up.

daz , mine in a bad way after taking a serious thumping in the all irelands , going to vets in the morning , his breathing really labouring , which makes me think hes got a punctured lung , but have to wait and see what the vet says tomorrow------ but hey , i'll be back , great show of speed machines at their best--my pup might i hope , be good enough next year
Stuart, sorry to hear about your dog. Everyone wants the dogs to come off sound and injury free. Hope its not as bad as you fear. Yes, your dog is just a big pup and you'd expect him to improve many lengths as he matures and developes.
darren----just back from the vets, ronnie not out of the woods just yet, he has bleeding on the lungs , as vet said theres gargling in the lungs as he breathes , which he said was 99% sure it's blood , after sustaining a severe thumping at the finnish in the all irelands, just got to keep mnitoring his breathing, he's on pain relief and antibiotics, so heres hoping for a speedy recovery , we wont see him racing again till at least october, if at all -----stuart

Dreadfully sorry to hear the latest diagnosis. Here's hoping for a full recovery.

albert , unfortunatly these things happen in dog racing aswell as hunting , i'm at no way passing any blame to any owner or dog , IT HAPPENS i fully accept that, stuart

Hopping Ronny recovers soon good long rest for him remember seeing him at Raby last year was looking forward to seeing him again :wub: :wub: :wub:
we'll be at raby again , but no racing for my lad ,

Well this is the most entertaining topic on here at the moment (w00t)
ill be the first to jump so to speak as ive thought on it since saturday i dont want to hijack anyones topic here but at the mourne lurcher and terrier next year the racing will be whippets(papers only)under 21"

over 21" but under 23"

and over 23" any whippet without papers will be placed in a class depending on height to the shoulder i will see how this pans out after that but hopefully it will sort the problem as best as possible for everyone thanks kieran :luck:
i will just put my thought kieran,,,if it were me over the whippets if u dont ave papers they cant run....r else u could try it like the english boys do yard per pound but i e=would only do this wit the undder 23inchs....i ave ran alot of meetings as u know kieran we run


over23-and under24 class

anythink over the 24 then they all run in the big dog class and we never had any trouble yet.... (w00t) i also would say all racing avents should be ran out of traps only way forward we run two dog racing but we ave a slipper for this,,,,there seems to be a bit of anger about different thinks lads but there is one think we must remember we all will be longer dead than we will be alive so or days should be injoyed and not injerd we will be runing the racing at birr hope to see lots of dogs and we promise for a grate days racing :thumbsup:
what won the whippet racing??
The lurcher that won the whippet racing at the last two game fairs won again on saturday Have a look at the pic its beside the terrier Roses

lurcher looks more like a whippet but then what would you expect when the organisers said if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet they would agree They havent got a clue The racing after the master mcgrath was a disgrace never saw worse

dogs catching lure lure stopping it was hillarious at the last You would have thought it was their first but then this was the best team in the country according to Albert You need to wake up Albert and smell the coffee because yous are a disgrace
In my book the person who is a disgrance is any man who sounds off behind an alias! If you are going to slag people off why do you not have the balls to use your own name? Our team organising the terrier and lurcher events with the best prizes in the country is a NEW one and with all such events/teams there can be teething and technical problems.

It really galls me that having worked hard with our team to run one of the best outdoor events in Northern Ireland this year against the backdrop of horrendous setting up conditions we have this sort of rubbish on the forums - do you hear this from the pedigree dog show people, the gundog owners ( huge international event) or the clay shooters?

Overall we have a superb game fair organising team and we have produced the largest and best attended game or country fairs in Ireland for 34 years. Simple question for you : What have you ever organised ?

We did not say that 'if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet we would agree' so be careful what you pretend to quote. What we said was we did not run whippet racing for KC registered whippets only. But I had some constructive discussions with whippet owners over this matter at Shanes and there is a case for running a separate event for KC registered whippets only. There is also a case for splitting the lurchers into possibly an elite racing class ( rather like an Open gundog test) and another class more like a novice gundog. These are positive , constructive suggestions - we respect anyone who makes positive suggestions ( under their own name).

Excuse me Mr know all every one on this forum knows who i am under silverfox Im not hiding behind any name and when i said to MATT about

the dog not being a whippet he was the one that told me if any one comes to enter a dog with hair six inches and says its a whippet thats good enough for him Four or five were standing beside me and couldnt beleive what he had said Im not pretending to quote any one Your bully

boy tactics dont work with me We run a meeting once a month at the sporting WHIPPET club and would put your pathetic team to shame so dont come on here shouting your mouth off what any one has ever tried to run You and your team really showed yourselves up on Saturday

for what yous really are a bunch of assholes that doesnt know a whippet from a lurcher So wind your neck in KNOW ALL and learn something

about the breed :thumbsup:
Wow - I am impressed - you are so famous under your alias that 'everyone knows you'! I don't know what your real name is and so I invite you if you wish to keep throwing abuse at me that you have the balls to give me your name.

You must be paranoid if you thought I was attempting to 'bully' you I just said what I thought was disgraceful was someone who peddles abuse under an alias. I stick by that. I think that anyone with a modicum of savvy can see I was politely but firmly answering your tirade of abuse against Matt and his team and against me and the fair.

I also think it is rather pathetic that you try to use a 'throw away comment' by Matt to claim that we don't know anything about whippets. Some of the top whippet people in the country have had their dogs judged by me and I have probably forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

The decision was taken this year to continue to run the whippet racing as a non KC registered whippet event. We simply could not introduce new rules at the last minute to satisfy people like you who apparently wish to exclude others.

How can you prove that this dog is not a whippet - size proves nothing?

Our events are designed to be inclusive to both KC registered and non KC registered dogs. I have had sensible suggestions from people who don't have to hide behind an alias and can articulate positive suggestions . As anyone knows from these forums I am open minded to new ideas but I destest rather pathetically childish and nasty abuse.

We are looking at running both KC registered and non KC registered whippet racing.

Albert J Titterington
Wow big head if your judging of the whippets was as good as your organization of the racing on Saturday i must say it would have been worth

seeing One thing for sure you will never ever be asked to judge at The Sporting Whippet Club after seeing what you allowed to race as a whippet on Saturday Doesnt matter what way you try to talk your way round your racing on Saturday only one word to describe it DISASTER

You should take a run down to BALLINLOUGH GAME FAIR to see how its really done Just two lads with every thing under control This is my final

post about this as there is more important things going on in my life at the minute So bring it on BALLINLOUGH so we can have a great days

racing with folk that know what there doing

We don't need to know who you are on the forum; it's irrelevant but thank you for your comments. Your opinions on issues to do with game fairs are important to us. We let the organising club get on with what they do best and I totally agree with you, they do a great job at our game fairs. They take on board what you guys say and always aim to improve the racing and showing year on year. Can't ask for more than that! We don't waste time trying to convince ourselves that our shows are bigger or greater than other shows; we simply work to improve our shows each year and the size of our crowds speak for themselves. Protecting and promoting countrysports and making them something that can be enjoyed by all ages is our priority. This is why we decided a couple of years ago to remove admission fees for children. The more people (especially young people) this brings to our shows, then the better for the future of countrysports. We realise we will never please everybody all of the time but pleasing the vast majority is good enough for us. Hope the weather holds and that you all get a great days craic at Ballinlough!
what won the whippet racing??
The lurcher that won the whippet racing at the last two game fairs won again on saturday Have a look at the pic its beside the terrier Roses

lurcher looks more like a whippet but then what would you expect when the organisers said if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet they would agree They havent got a clue The racing after the master mcgrath was a disgrace never saw worse

dogs catching lure lure stopping it was hillarious at the last You would have thought it was their first but then this was the best team in the country according to Albert You need to wake up Albert and smell the coffee because yous are a disgrace
In my book the person who is a disgrance is any man who sounds off behind an alias! If you are going to slag people off why do you not have the balls to use your own name? Our team organising the terrier and lurcher events with the best prizes in the country is a NEW one and with all such events/teams there can be teething and technical problems.

It really galls me that having worked hard with our team to run one of the best outdoor events in Northern Ireland this year against the backdrop of horrendous setting up conditions we have this sort of rubbish on the forums - do you hear this from the pedigree dog show people, the gundog owners ( huge international event) or the clay shooters?

Overall we have a superb game fair organising team and we have produced the largest and best attended game or country fairs in Ireland for 34 years. Simple question for you : What have you ever organised ?

We did not say that 'if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet we would agree' so be careful what you pretend to quote. What we said was we did not run whippet racing for KC registered whippets only. But I had some constructive discussions with whippet owners over this matter at Shanes and there is a case for running a separate event for KC registered whippets only. There is also a case for splitting the lurchers into possibly an elite racing class ( rather like an Open gundog test) and another class more like a novice gundog. These are positive , constructive suggestions - we respect anyone who makes positive suggestions ( under their own name).

Excuse me Mr know all every one on this forum knows who i am under silverfox Im not hiding behind any name and when i said to MATT about

the dog not being a whippet he was the one that told me if any one comes to enter a dog with hair six inches and says its a whippet thats good enough for him Four or five were standing beside me and couldnt beleive what he had said Im not pretending to quote any one Your bully

boy tactics dont work with me We run a meeting once a month at the sporting WHIPPET club and would put your pathetic team to shame so dont come on here shouting your mouth off what any one has ever tried to run You and your team really showed yourselves up on Saturday

for what yous really are a bunch of assholes that doesnt know a whippet from a lurcher So wind your neck in KNOW ALL and learn something

about the breed :thumbsup:
Wow - I am impressed - you are so famous under your alias that 'everyone knows you'! I don't know what your real name is and so I invite you if you wish to keep throwing abuse at me that you have the balls to give me your name.

You must be paranoid if you thought I was attempting to 'bully' you I just said what I thought was disgraceful was someone who peddles abuse under an alias. I stick by that. I think that anyone with a modicum of savvy can see I was politely but firmly answering your tirade of abuse against Matt and his team and against me and the fair.

I also think it is rather pathetic that you try to use a 'throw away comment' by Matt to claim that we don't know anything about whippets. Some of the top whippet people in the country have had their dogs judged by me and I have probably forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

The decision was taken this year to continue to run the whippet racing as a non KC registered whippet event. We simply could not introduce new rules at the last minute to satisfy people like you who apparently wish to exclude others.

How can you prove that this dog is not a whippet - size proves nothing?

Our events are designed to be inclusive to both KC registered and non KC registered dogs. I have had sensible suggestions from people who don't have to hide behind an alias and can articulate positive suggestions . As anyone knows from these forums I am open minded to new ideas but I destest rather pathetically childish and nasty abuse.

We are looking at running both KC registered and non KC registered whippet racing.

Albert J Titterington
Wow big head if your judging of the whippets was as good as your organization of the racing on Saturday i must say it would have been worth

seeing One thing for sure you will never ever be asked to judge at The Sporting Whippet Club after seeing what you allowed to race as a whippet on Saturday Doesnt matter what way you try to talk your way round your racing on Saturday only one word to describe it DISASTER

You should take a run down to BALLINLOUGH GAME FAIR to see how its really done Just two lads with every thing under control This is my final

post about this as there is more important things going on in my life at the minute So bring it on BALLINLOUGH so we can have a great days

racing with folk that know what there doing

We don't need to know who you are on the forum; it's irrelevant but thank you for your comments. Your opinions on issues to do with game fairs are important to us. We let the organising club get on with what they do best and I totally agree with you, they do a great job at our game fairs. They take on board what you guys say and always aim to improve the racing and showing year on year. Can't ask for more than that! We don't waste time trying to convince ourselves that our shows are bigger or greater than other shows; we simply work to improve our shows each year and the size of our crowds speak for themselves. Protecting and promoting countrysports and making them something that can be enjoyed by all ages is our priority. This is why we decided a couple of years ago to remove admission fees for children. The more people (especially young people) this brings to our shows, then the better for the future of countrysports. We realise we will never please everybody all of the time but pleasing the vast majority is good enough for us. Hope the weather holds and that you all get a great days craic at Ballinlough!

Perhaps you don't waste time trying to convince anyone your fairs or bigger than better because they aren't. You are very willing to leap in at the slightest criticism of our events - perhaps you and Silver Fox should concentrate on getting some more bags of Pedro for Ballinlough.

I find it extremely interesting that it would appear that you should wish to associate yourself with comments of someone who hurls abuse behind an alias! AND of course quite ironically it would appear that Silver Fox's comments could also apply to Moira and you where it appears the whippet that first caused all this controversy was classified as a whippet in your racing.

If you are happy to accept Silver Fox's anonymous abuse I am not.

what won the whippet racing??
The lurcher that won the whippet racing at the last two game fairs won again on saturday Have a look at the pic its beside the terrier Roses

lurcher looks more like a whippet but then what would you expect when the organisers said if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet they would agree They havent got a clue The racing after the master mcgrath was a disgrace never saw worse

dogs catching lure lure stopping it was hillarious at the last You would have thought it was their first but then this was the best team in the country according to Albert You need to wake up Albert and smell the coffee because yous are a disgrace
In my book the person who is a disgrance is any man who sounds off behind an alias! If you are going to slag people off why do you not have the balls to use your own name? Our team organising the terrier and lurcher events with the best prizes in the country is a NEW one and with all such events/teams there can be teething and technical problems.

It really galls me that having worked hard with our team to run one of the best outdoor events in Northern Ireland this year against the backdrop of horrendous setting up conditions we have this sort of rubbish on the forums - do you hear this from the pedigree dog show people, the gundog owners ( huge international event) or the clay shooters?

Overall we have a superb game fair organising team and we have produced the largest and best attended game or country fairs in Ireland for 34 years. Simple question for you : What have you ever organised ?

We did not say that 'if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet we would agree' so be careful what you pretend to quote. What we said was we did not run whippet racing for KC registered whippets only. But I had some constructive discussions with whippet owners over this matter at Shanes and there is a case for running a separate event for KC registered whippets only. There is also a case for splitting the lurchers into possibly an elite racing class ( rather like an Open gundog test) and another class more like a novice gundog. These are positive , constructive suggestions - we respect anyone who makes positive suggestions ( under their own name).

Excuse me Mr know all every one on this forum knows who i am under silverfox Im not hiding behind any name and when i said to MATT about

the dog not being a whippet he was the one that told me if any one comes to enter a dog with hair six inches and says its a whippet thats good enough for him Four or five were standing beside me and couldnt beleive what he had said Im not pretending to quote any one Your bully

boy tactics dont work with me We run a meeting once a month at the sporting WHIPPET club and would put your pathetic team to shame so dont come on here shouting your mouth off what any one has ever tried to run You and your team really showed yourselves up on Saturday

for what yous really are a bunch of assholes that doesnt know a whippet from a lurcher So wind your neck in KNOW ALL and learn something

about the breed :thumbsup:
Wow - I am impressed - you are so famous under your alias that 'everyone knows you'! I don't know what your real name is and so I invite you if you wish to keep throwing abuse at me that you have the balls to give me your name.

You must be paranoid if you thought I was attempting to 'bully' you I just said what I thought was disgraceful was someone who peddles abuse under an alias. I stick by that. I think that anyone with a modicum of savvy can see I was politely but firmly answering your tirade of abuse against Matt and his team and against me and the fair.

I also think it is rather pathetic that you try to use a 'throw away comment' by Matt to claim that we don't know anything about whippets. Some of the top whippet people in the country have had their dogs judged by me and I have probably forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

The decision was taken this year to continue to run the whippet racing as a non KC registered whippet event. We simply could not introduce new rules at the last minute to satisfy people like you who apparently wish to exclude others.

How can you prove that this dog is not a whippet - size proves nothing?

Our events are designed to be inclusive to both KC registered and non KC registered dogs. I have had sensible suggestions from people who don't have to hide behind an alias and can articulate positive suggestions . As anyone knows from these forums I am open minded to new ideas but I destest rather pathetically childish and nasty abuse.

We are looking at running both KC registered and non KC registered whippet racing.

Albert J Titterington
Wow big head if your judging of the whippets was as good as your organization of the racing on Saturday i must say it would have been worth

seeing One thing for sure you will never ever be asked to judge at The Sporting Whippet Club after seeing what you allowed to race as a whippet on Saturday Doesnt matter what way you try to talk your way round your racing on Saturday only one word to describe it DISASTER

You should take a run down to BALLINLOUGH GAME FAIR to see how its really done Just two lads with every thing under control This is my final

post about this as there is more important things going on in my life at the minute So bring it on BALLINLOUGH so we can have a great days

racing with folk that know what there doing

We don't need to know who you are on the forum; it's irrelevant but thank you for your comments. Your opinions on issues to do with game fairs are important to us. We let the organising club get on with what they do best and I totally agree with you, they do a great job at our game fairs. They take on board what you guys say and always aim to improve the racing and showing year on year. Can't ask for more than that! We don't waste time trying to convince ourselves that our shows are bigger or greater than other shows; we simply work to improve our shows each year and the size of our crowds speak for themselves. Protecting and promoting countrysports and making them something that can be enjoyed by all ages is our priority. This is why we decided a couple of years ago to remove admission fees for children. The more people (especially young people) this brings to our shows, then the better for the future of countrysports. We realise we will never please everybody all of the time but pleasing the vast majority is good enough for us. Hope the weather holds and that you all get a great days craic at Ballinlough!

Perhaps you don't waste time trying to convince anyone your fairs or bigger than better because they aren't. You are very willing to leap in at the slightest criticism of our events - perhaps you and Silver Fox should concentrate on getting some more bags of Pedro for Ballinlough.

I find it extremely interesting that it would appear that you should wish to associate yourself with comments of someone who hurls abuse behind an alias! AND of course quite ironically it would appear that Silver Fox's comments could also apply to Moira and you where it appears the whippet that first caused all this controversy was classified as a whippet in your racing.

If you are happy to accept Silver Fox's anonymous abuse I am not.

As I said, our crowds speak for themselves and I think you will find if you go back through all our posts that, by comparison, there is little criticism of your events by us. Everyone is entitled to put their opinions across and we as event organisers, like you, decide how we will deal with them for our shows - whippet issues included. Now would all of our times not be better served doing other more productive things for country sports rather than this?
what won the whippet racing??
The lurcher that won the whippet racing at the last two game fairs won again on saturday Have a look at the pic its beside the terrier Roses

lurcher looks more like a whippet but then what would you expect when the organisers said if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet they would agree They havent got a clue The racing after the master mcgrath was a disgrace never saw worse

dogs catching lure lure stopping it was hillarious at the last You would have thought it was their first but then this was the best team in the country according to Albert You need to wake up Albert and smell the coffee because yous are a disgrace
In my book the person who is a disgrance is any man who sounds off behind an alias! If you are going to slag people off why do you not have the balls to use your own name? Our team organising the terrier and lurcher events with the best prizes in the country is a NEW one and with all such events/teams there can be teething and technical problems.

It really galls me that having worked hard with our team to run one of the best outdoor events in Northern Ireland this year against the backdrop of horrendous setting up conditions we have this sort of rubbish on the forums - do you hear this from the pedigree dog show people, the gundog owners ( huge international event) or the clay shooters?

Overall we have a superb game fair organising team and we have produced the largest and best attended game or country fairs in Ireland for 34 years. Simple question for you : What have you ever organised ?

We did not say that 'if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet we would agree' so be careful what you pretend to quote. What we said was we did not run whippet racing for KC registered whippets only. But I had some constructive discussions with whippet owners over this matter at Shanes and there is a case for running a separate event for KC registered whippets only. There is also a case for splitting the lurchers into possibly an elite racing class ( rather like an Open gundog test) and another class more like a novice gundog. These are positive , constructive suggestions - we respect anyone who makes positive suggestions ( under their own name).

Excuse me Mr know all every one on this forum knows who i am under silverfox Im not hiding behind any name and when i said to MATT about

the dog not being a whippet he was the one that told me if any one comes to enter a dog with hair six inches and says its a whippet thats good enough for him Four or five were standing beside me and couldnt beleive what he had said Im not pretending to quote any one Your bully

boy tactics dont work with me We run a meeting once a month at the sporting WHIPPET club and would put your pathetic team to shame so dont come on here shouting your mouth off what any one has ever tried to run You and your team really showed yourselves up on Saturday

for what yous really are a bunch of assholes that doesnt know a whippet from a lurcher So wind your neck in KNOW ALL and learn something

about the breed :thumbsup:
Wow - I am impressed - you are so famous under your alias that 'everyone knows you'! I don't know what your real name is and so I invite you if you wish to keep throwing abuse at me that you have the balls to give me your name.

You must be paranoid if you thought I was attempting to 'bully' you I just said what I thought was disgraceful was someone who peddles abuse under an alias. I stick by that. I think that anyone with a modicum of savvy can see I was politely but firmly answering your tirade of abuse against Matt and his team and against me and the fair.

I also think it is rather pathetic that you try to use a 'throw away comment' by Matt to claim that we don't know anything about whippets. Some of the top whippet people in the country have had their dogs judged by me and I have probably forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

The decision was taken this year to continue to run the whippet racing as a non KC registered whippet event. We simply could not introduce new rules at the last minute to satisfy people like you who apparently wish to exclude others.

How can you prove that this dog is not a whippet - size proves nothing?

Our events are designed to be inclusive to both KC registered and non KC registered dogs. I have had sensible suggestions from people who don't have to hide behind an alias and can articulate positive suggestions . As anyone knows from these forums I am open minded to new ideas but I destest rather pathetically childish and nasty abuse.

We are looking at running both KC registered and non KC registered whippet racing.

Albert J Titterington
Wow big head if your judging of the whippets was as good as your organization of the racing on Saturday i must say it would have been worth

seeing One thing for sure you will never ever be asked to judge at The Sporting Whippet Club after seeing what you allowed to race as a whippet on Saturday Doesnt matter what way you try to talk your way round your racing on Saturday only one word to describe it DISASTER

You should take a run down to BALLINLOUGH GAME FAIR to see how its really done Just two lads with every thing under control This is my final

post about this as there is more important things going on in my life at the minute So bring it on BALLINLOUGH so we can have a great days

racing with folk that know what there doing

We don't need to know who you are on the forum; it's irrelevant but thank you for your comments. Your opinions on issues to do with game fairs are important to us. We let the organising club get on with what they do best and I totally agree with you, they do a great job at our game fairs. They take on board what you guys say and always aim to improve the racing and showing year on year. Can't ask for more than that! We don't waste time trying to convince ourselves that our shows are bigger or greater than other shows; we simply work to improve our shows each year and the size of our crowds speak for themselves. Protecting and promoting countrysports and making them something that can be enjoyed by all ages is our priority. This is why we decided a couple of years ago to remove admission fees for children. The more people (especially young people) this brings to our shows, then the better for the future of countrysports. We realise we will never please everybody all of the time but pleasing the vast majority is good enough for us. Hope the weather holds and that you all get a great days craic at Ballinlough!

Perhaps you don't waste time trying to convince anyone your fairs or bigger than better because they aren't. You are very willing to leap in at the slightest criticism of our events - perhaps you and Silver Fox should concentrate on getting some more bags of Pedro for Ballinlough.

I find it extremely interesting that it would appear that you should wish to associate yourself with comments of someone who hurls abuse behind an alias! AND of course quite ironically it would appear that Silver Fox's comments could also apply to Moira and you where it appears the whippet that first caused all this controversy was classified as a whippet in your racing.

If you are happy to accept Silver Fox's anonymous abuse I am not.

As I said, our crowds speak for themselves and I think you will find if you go back through all our posts that, by comparison, there is little criticism of your events by us. Everyone is entitled to put their opinions across and we as event organisers, like you, decide how we will deal with them for our shows - whippet issues included. Now would all of our times not be better served doing other more productive things for country sports rather than this?
Whoops - you should read the original post and see just what you appeared to ally yourself with!

Your crowds do speak for themselves. Remember I have been at your events you criticise ours without having been there. If you look at my posts I have always said Moira is a fair event run in an unpromising venue - it's not 'world class' as you once appeared to claim and indeed its a long time since I actually saw real international competition at it just North /South competition but overall it is a decent event. BUT both Birr and Shanes are bigger in terms of virtually all of the event parameters. In fact if you took the BASC presence out of this year's Moira fair things would have looked very different and if you recall you once criticised BASC as 'silly sods' for running a fair and appeared to rather gloat at them having been hit by poor weather! Where was the country sports unity call then?

It seems funny you appear to need them now!

Ballinlough is a different 'kettle of fish' altogether to Moira in size, attendance and competition structure . It certainly does not compare with either Shanes or Birr and in fact quite a few people thought Ballywalter this year had passed your 2010 attendance but of course your 2011 show has still to come. It will be interesting to see how these two fairs vying for the no 4 spot develop.

And of course one significant difference competitors at your fairs and ours will see is the difference in prize structure as we don't just make noises about what we do for country sports we plough a great deal back. Apart from the size of our crowds, prizes and shows other significant differences are that I am prepared to speak my mind in public under my own name and not behind your back or under an alias(es) and we try to make our shows different from yours in terms of trade names, branding , competitions and acts.

what won the whippet racing??
The lurcher that won the whippet racing at the last two game fairs won again on saturday Have a look at the pic its beside the terrier Roses

lurcher looks more like a whippet but then what would you expect when the organisers said if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet they would agree They havent got a clue The racing after the master mcgrath was a disgrace never saw worse

dogs catching lure lure stopping it was hillarious at the last You would have thought it was their first but then this was the best team in the country according to Albert You need to wake up Albert and smell the coffee because yous are a disgrace
In my book the person who is a disgrance is any man who sounds off behind an alias! If you are going to slag people off why do you not have the balls to use your own name? Our team organising the terrier and lurcher events with the best prizes in the country is a NEW one and with all such events/teams there can be teething and technical problems.

It really galls me that having worked hard with our team to run one of the best outdoor events in Northern Ireland this year against the backdrop of horrendous setting up conditions we have this sort of rubbish on the forums - do you hear this from the pedigree dog show people, the gundog owners ( huge international event) or the clay shooters?

Overall we have a superb game fair organising team and we have produced the largest and best attended game or country fairs in Ireland for 34 years. Simple question for you : What have you ever organised ?

We did not say that 'if someone entered a dog with hair six inches long

on it and said it was a whippet we would agree' so be careful what you pretend to quote. What we said was we did not run whippet racing for KC registered whippets only. But I had some constructive discussions with whippet owners over this matter at Shanes and there is a case for running a separate event for KC registered whippets only. There is also a case for splitting the lurchers into possibly an elite racing class ( rather like an Open gundog test) and another class more like a novice gundog. These are positive , constructive suggestions - we respect anyone who makes positive suggestions ( under their own name).

Excuse me Mr know all every one on this forum knows who i am under silverfox Im not hiding behind any name and when i said to MATT about

the dog not being a whippet he was the one that told me if any one comes to enter a dog with hair six inches and says its a whippet thats good enough for him Four or five were standing beside me and couldnt beleive what he had said Im not pretending to quote any one Your bully

boy tactics dont work with me We run a meeting once a month at the sporting WHIPPET club and would put your pathetic team to shame so dont come on here shouting your mouth off what any one has ever tried to run You and your team really showed yourselves up on Saturday

for what yous really are a bunch of assholes that doesnt know a whippet from a lurcher So wind your neck in KNOW ALL and learn something

about the breed :thumbsup:
Wow - I am impressed - you are so famous under your alias that 'everyone knows you'! I don't know what your real name is and so I invite you if you wish to keep throwing abuse at me that you have the balls to give me your name.

You must be paranoid if you thought I was attempting to 'bully' you I just said what I thought was disgraceful was someone who peddles abuse under an alias. I stick by that. I think that anyone with a modicum of savvy can see I was politely but firmly answering your tirade of abuse against Matt and his team and against me and the fair.

I also think it is rather pathetic that you try to use a 'throw away comment' by Matt to claim that we don't know anything about whippets. Some of the top whippet people in the country have had their dogs judged by me and I have probably forgotten more about dogs than you will ever know.

The decision was taken this year to continue to run the whippet racing as a non KC registered whippet event. We simply could not introduce new rules at the last minute to satisfy people like you who apparently wish to exclude others.

How can you prove that this dog is not a whippet - size proves nothing?

Our events are designed to be inclusive to both KC registered and non KC registered dogs. I have had sensible suggestions from people who don't have to hide behind an alias and can articulate positive suggestions . As anyone knows from these forums I am open minded to new ideas but I destest rather pathetically childish and nasty abuse.

We are looking at running both KC registered and non KC registered whippet racing.

Albert J Titterington
Wow big head if your judging of the whippets was as good as your organization of the racing on Saturday i must say it would have been worth

seeing One thing for sure you will never ever be asked to judge at The Sporting Whippet Club after seeing what you allowed to race as a whippet on Saturday Doesnt matter what way you try to talk your way round your racing on Saturday only one word to describe it DISASTER

You should take a run down to BALLINLOUGH GAME FAIR to see how its really done Just two lads with every thing under control This is my final

post about this as there is more important things going on in my life at the minute So bring it on BALLINLOUGH so we can have a great days

racing with folk that know what there doing

We don't need to know who you are on the forum; it's irrelevant but thank you for your comments. Your opinions on issues to do with game fairs are important to us. We let the organising club get on with what they do best and I totally agree with you, they do a great job at our game fairs. They take on board what you guys say and always aim to improve the racing and showing year on year. Can't ask for more than that! We don't waste time trying to convince ourselves that our shows are bigger or greater than other shows; we simply work to improve our shows each year and the size of our crowds speak for themselves. Protecting and promoting countrysports and making them something that can be enjoyed by all ages is our priority. This is why we decided a couple of years ago to remove admission fees for children. The more people (especially young people) this brings to our shows, then the better for the future of countrysports. We realise we will never please everybody all of the time but pleasing the vast majority is good enough for us. Hope the weather holds and that you all get a great days craic at Ballinlough!

Perhaps you don't waste time trying to convince anyone your fairs or bigger than better because they aren't. You are very willing to leap in at the slightest criticism of our events - perhaps you and Silver Fox should concentrate on getting some more bags of Pedro for Ballinlough.

I find it extremely interesting that it would appear that you should wish to associate yourself with comments of someone who hurls abuse behind an alias! AND of course quite ironically it would appear that Silver Fox's comments could also apply to Moira and you where it appears the whippet that first caused all this controversy was classified as a whippet in your racing.

If you are happy to accept Silver Fox's anonymous abuse I am not.

As I said, our crowds speak for themselves and I think you will find if you go back through all our posts that, by comparison, there is little criticism of your events by us. Everyone is entitled to put their opinions across and we as event organisers, like you, decide how we will deal with them for our shows - whippet issues included. Now would all of our times not be better served doing other more productive things for country sports rather than this?
Whoops - you should read the original post and see just what you appeared to ally yourself with!

Your crowds do speak for themselves. Remember I have been at your events you criticise ours without having been there. If you look at my posts I have always said Moira is a fair event run in an unpromising venue - it's not 'world class' as you once appeared to claim and indeed its a long time since I actually saw real international competition at it just North /South competition but overall it is a decent event. BUT both Birr and Shanes are bigger in terms of virtually all of the event parameters. In fact if you took the BASC presence out of this year's Moira fair things would have looked very different and if you recall you once criticised BASC as 'silly sods' for running a fair and appeared to rather gloat at them having been hit by poor weather! Where was the country sports unity call then?

It seems funny you appear to need them now!

Ballinlough is a different 'kettle of fish' altogether to Moira in size, attendance and competition structure . It certainly does not compare with either Shanes or Birr and in fact quite a few people thought Ballywalter this year had passed your 2010 attendance but of course your 2011 show has still to come. It will be interesting to see how these two fairs vying for the no 4 spot develop.

And of course one significant difference competitors at your fairs and ours will see is the difference in prize structure as we don't just make noises about what we do for country sports we plough a great deal back. Apart from the size of our crowds, prizes and shows other significant differences are that I am prepared to speak my mind in public under my own name and not behind your back or under an alias(es) and we try to make our shows different from yours in terms of trade names, branding , competitions and acts.

Reading this reminds me of an old saying my grandfather had - "You can fool some people some of the time but you can't fool all people all of the time."
Reading this reminds me of an old saying my grandfather had - "You can fool some people some of the time but you can't fool all people all of the time."
your granda must of liked Bob Marley :clown:
Are you joking? In his day Bob Marley's music wouldn't have made it across that much water! :lol:
Perhaps you should have taken your old grandfather's advice yourself or listened a bit more to Mr Marley!
Reading this reminds me of an old saying my grandfather had - "You can fool some people some of the time but you can't fool all people all of the time."
your granda must of liked Bob Marley :clown:
Are you joking? In his day Bob Marley's music wouldn't have made it across that much water! :lol:
Perhaps you should have taken your old grandfather's advice yourself or listened a bit more to Mr Marley!
Sure I did listen to my was his very words and his love of all things countryside that he instilled in me from a very young age, that directly led me to starting up the fairs...what better a legacy than that!!! :D
Reading this reminds me of an old saying my grandfather had - "You can fool some people some of the time but you can't fool all people all of the time."
your granda must of liked Bob Marley :clown:
Are you joking? In his day Bob Marley's music wouldn't have made it across that much water! :lol:
Perhaps you should have taken your old grandfather's advice yourself or listened a bit more to Mr Marley!
Sure I did listen to my was his very words and his love of all things countryside that he instilled in me from a very young age, that directly led me to starting up the fairs...what better a legacy than that!!! :D
At least we have that in common but correct me if I am wrong but I thought Derek started the NCG and you joined it several years later.