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Shaking Head


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small.jpg Hi, I am hoping someone can tell a first time whippet owner if it's normal for my dog to shake her head at regular intervals. She does it mostly during the night and the sound of her ears smacking against her head wakes me at least 4 times a night. I've had her to the vets and all I got was antibiotics and ear drops and a bill for £41. That was 3 weeks ago and even though the inside of her ears look fine the problem persists. Is it a trait of whippets?
I would say it is a trait, all 9 of mine do it every time they get up from laid down , does make a lot of noise your right :))
Sorry this made me smile........ got 1 that does this, maybe 3 but only 1 gets to sleep in the bedroom
Sorry this made me smile........ got 1 that does this, maybe 3 but only 1 gets to sleep in the bedroom
only one sleeps in our bed and thats because he can jump the safety gate ,not had a decent nights kip in months :p
Mine do it! I can't hear them, but I can hear my greyhound who sleep on the sofa in the lounge. She shakes her head at night, it must be like having hair annoying you in the night, I think her ears get out of place so she flaps them and shakes them!!!!!!!!! Don't waste money at the vets, it's a dog thing.
My whippet does this all the time!

While visiting family recently he had to sleep in the same room as me. The "smack smack flap flap" noise still haunts me to this day!

I got the vet to check his ears when he went for his boosters and she said they were absolutely fine and clean as a whistle.

I suspect it is just a dog (or at least whippet) thing. If you need/want to share a room with your dog I guess you'll have to try to get used to the noise or maybe some earplugs would help?! Whippets...who'd 'av 'em? :teehee:
Hi Daveycrocket,

welcome to the whippet world! I have no experience of this earflapping with mine, (plenty with vets charging thru the nose though! :angry: )

I just wanted to post to say what a beautiful face your lovely girl has - what 's her name?
my boy has a 'sore ear' if he has either done something he shouldn't of or stolen something - we go to tell him off and each time his head cocks to one side and he shakes it with a sad look on his face.......makes me chuckle

Oh yes!! Ear slapping - a common phenomenon amongst whippets :lol: There are 8 here doing it every time they move during the night (w00t)

Don't worry - just a normal occurrence whenever they stir - you'll get used to it and sleep through it soon :thumbsup:
Yes - I agree with all of the above

My Little Whippie Bo - Wags her tail!! - It looks so funny esp when it looks like shes smiling in her sleep as well and makes alopt of noise on the sofa.

I just think she is soo loved that she has wonderful dreams.

took my dog to vets gave me ear drops didnt cure it shook her head when she ran another vet said you cant detect inner ear problems put her on antibiotics for a month problem solved no more shaking heads tom
My girls do it when they wake up. My wife also does it to me when it is bed time. ;)
Both mine do it. And run in their sleep. And howl and growl. And woof! And ninja under the duvet given half a chance! Who needs sleep? :))
After 5 years of litle miss ear-flappy, I got used to it :) My 2 always do it - I think its to let you know they are up and about - just in case you forgot about them.