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Sentimental things/memories


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I think I classically do this, don't go on here for weeks then post multiple threads at once :D

I was clearing out Roxy's toy box the other day and realised I'd thrown a toy away that I wanted to keep because it just had a cute memory attached to it (so mad that I somehow chucked it, it was falling apart mind you!). I took her to the pet shop in my local town one day and let her pick out a toy and she chose this pig squeaky toy and she loved it so much that she carried it all the way through town to the car and it was just so darn cute! I could hear people say stuff like "omg look at that dog with it's toy that's so cute". I can't believe I threw it out and I don't even remember what brand it was :( I also don't have her first collar or first blanket, they got lost in a house move (however that happens!) :( ...On the other hand I did keep her lamb toy (also destroyed) that I got for her when she was spayed.
Anyone else have these doggy items that you just can't bring yourself to throw out even if they're falling apart haha?
I'm a thrower-outer, though I do sometimes live to regret it :oops: Mr N is the opposite - everything that used to belong to his parents (who dumped a load of junk in our loft when they moved to Greece) is, apparently, a family heirloom. As for pet stuff - we haven't kept any of our cat's things, apart from those that will be useful if we ever get another cat. I can't think of anything I'm particularly attached to, though I'm sure we'll hang on to Jasper's collar. I did suggest we didn't need the rosettes he won in his short showing career, but Mr N wouldn't hear of it. So I'll let him decide on what we really need to keep... within reason.

My grandaughters first tooth ...i kept it in a sherry glass....then for some unknown reason we celebrated with a glass of sherry and i poured the sherry in the glass and drank it tooth as well ...:eek::eek::D:D
Oh gosh @JudyN you have to keep his rosettes, and of course his collar. I must be quite sentimental then to want to keep ruined toys :rolleyes::D I bet not even Mr N would keep those?

No way @Tinytom that's crazy haha made me chuckle :D:eek:
Oh gosh @JudyNI must be quite sentimental then to want to keep ruined toys :rolleyes::D I bet not even Mr N would keep those?

I wouldn't put it past him;)

I do have a scab from the arm of an old schoolfriend, which she'd sellotaped to a home-made birthday card she drew for me in Biology - that would have been about 45 years ago....
I’ve got a collection of puppy teeth that I’ve managed to collect from my past 6 dogs. The tooth fairy didn’t get these.
:eek::eek: @JudyN! A scab?? Gross haha, now that's an unusual for sure! Best I've got from my friend of 20 years is the first daisy chain she made during a school break time and a picture she drew of me at school, and I think a few notes we passed to each other (probably during a lesson too....does anyone pay full attention at school?!) :D

@101 Non Dalmatians I too have dog tags on my keys! One is my old dog's who I had to rehome and the other Roxy's old one...and also a matching one to the one she has now, a red heart with her name on that I had made for my keys specifically. :rolleyes::D

@JBP that's so cute I don't have any teeth, never even noticed my girl losing any...must have gotten sucked up by the hoover :rolleyes:
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I saved my first son's baby teeth - not sure where they are, but they'll be somewhere - but DS2 wouldn't be parted from his, despite knowing that the tooth fairy would pay for them, so he collected his. No idea if he still has them, if they're up in our loft, or if they've long gone. He was a funny child though - at one point his favourite toy was a vacuum cleaner, and he took it to bed with him in place of a teddy...
I love the vacuum cleaner toy!

Most of my animal stuff I recycle to the dog rescue or to friends who ask, but I have kept one collar from each dog.
I love he went to bed with a vacuum cleaner toy that's adorable.

I donate anything she doesn't use, e.g. toys she's not keen on. I've kept a few of her old collars that I could probably donate though....I don't need to keep them all haha.
I’ve kept Jaspers collar my first lurcher, I carved a Celtic pattern onto it, all my other lurchers where only allowed to wear it when they caught their first rabbit.