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Security at Shows


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Having just returned from Border Union Champ show I have to say how disgusted I was at the lack of security on leaving the show ground. There were several of the security staff at the exit gate talking to each other, we were never asked for our passes but were just ushered out of the of the show.

Did anyone else who attended have their passes checked on leaving??

The car parking area is directly next to the benching area, so it would have been very easy for any one to have stolen a dog without the worry of getting past the guard who should have been checking removal passes at the gate.

How can we be expected to leave our dogs on the benches when they are at risk of being taken.

The entry fees for the shows are high enough surely the least we can expect is for the security people to make sure that our dogs do not leave the show ground other than with the people they are supposed to leave with.
I expect security will be tightened up after one or two dogs have been stolen off the benches. :angry:
Dogs have already been stolen from the benching, last year at Birmingham (I think)  I would have thought the security would have been tightened after this incident but a few weeks later we were at Darlington champ show and they were more bothered about people coming in without paying than they were about them leaving.

It makes you very wary about leaving your dogs on the benching area which is a great shame, after all isn't that what it is provided for.

I think that there should be a security gaurd in each af the benching tents or areas, if only to act as a deterent,  ALL passes should be checked on leaving the show ground and any one without a pass should have to prove that they own or are reponsilble for the dog they have with them even if this means waiting until everyone else has left the show ground.

I know this all costs money BUT what do they do with all the money from entries??????
I handed my passes to a 'security' gaurd at the gate at Border Union and he said I dont want that love you keep it!!

Border Union has always been very slack about it all, you can take all your dogs there and get in without passes also.

I guess they think its what we want, a nice casual show, but I will not leave my dogs unattended on the benches.  If you padlock them in the cage and something happens then no one can get them out if your not there so that does not work either.

As for the price.  I think the societies are a bit like the RSPCA, they seem to think they have to make a massive profit and have lost sight of thier prime objective which in the dog show world is to run a show for the enjoyment of the exhibitors.

But I dont know what the answer is, we still go, allthough entries are falling.
We left Border Union also without being asked for passes.  It seems the only way to have a peace of mind is to sit with your dogs on the benches - missing the judging and possibly your class.  Who knows?