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Hi there,

My Whippet bitch, Doli, is 4/5 days into her first season, so I need some info on seasons, pregnancy, (only for future reference!), and after-birth, (again, for future reference!)

1. How long does a Whippet spot during their first season?

2. How long does a Whippet spot during their following seasons?

3. How long does a season last, (both first and following)?

4. How long is the gap between seasons?

5. How long is an average gestation, (if that is the right word!), period for a Whippet litter?

6. Generally, how long does a litter have to stay with their mother before they can be sold?

Please help! We're out of washing liquid! And that stuff don't come cheap!

Washing Liquid :unsure:
To answer your questions.

Seasons vary in length - our girls tend to last for 3 weeks, the bleeding part of the season is only noticeable for about 10 days. However, be VERY careful not to leave your bitch unsupervised with any dogs from the day you first notice she is in season - they all ovulate at different times.

The gap between seasons is also dependent on the bitch. Holly for example goes almost 6 months to the day and Ruby has gone 14 months between her first and second season.

WHippets are very clean and there should be very little spotting on furniture etc but we do put pants on the girls (my nephews toddler pants) with a sanitary pad in, if necessary.

Gestation period is 63 days and puppies should not leave their mothers before 8 weeks of age. Time with their mother and litter mates is so important and should not be under estimated.
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Thank you very much for your answers, and if it matters, Doli is around 2 weeks from being 1.