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scratch racers

excuse me for being dippy but can some one define what a scratch dog is i cant work out if it is the size of the dog or if it is its breeding. i didnt realise that non ped whippets could be crossed with greys and still be called whippets cant figure out why you would do that if small dogs are what u want. Just trying to learn something lol dont mind me :)

us non ped racers dont care how big our dogs are aslong as they are fast :D
come on then you lot, what has been decided, if we need extra funding for traps surely we can start and run some raffles etc...... don't give in go for it........ :D neilpem is right us non peds will race any size whippets so long as they are fast lol :D
I don't see the point in getting larger traps for bigger dogs if they don't fit in maybe throwing them could be an alternative lol :D
if you got a big n that wont fit in whippet traps,get some flapping done with em ;) :D :D
if you got a big n that wont fit in whippet traps,get some flapping done with em ;)   :D   :D
well said neil
cheers dee :p flapping is just as much fun as whippet racing and you win more money if you got one good enough,no waiting around for hours too :D even if you dont win it dont cost much more to race with greyhounds as it does whippets,and it keeps your dogs happy doing what they do ;)
ey ritchie n mand heard they using whippet traps on bends now,lol,lol,lol,lol :D :D :p :p
No whippet traps on bend i go to alot of greyhound tracks as i have a couple of open class greyhounds myself, unless there not on show
lampinglarry..... whats your open class greyhounds race names then?mate.