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scratch racers


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seeing as we on the topic of scratch racing we thought we would open a new topic about it.

i think it would be a good idea to have some ghd traps at a set straight track ie championship track for the scratch racers to run out of,so that all registered scratch racers can have a fair crack at the whip.

there are a lot of no limit dogs that are unable to run the straights because of the size of the traps which i think is unfair surley the more money we can bring to the sport the better.

so what are your thoughts.
Great idea Ritchie, why not?

A pity that all clubs (with a suitable length track) could not afford or have the space to store an extra set of traps, I know at Lancaster the cabin is filled to its maximum, though we do have a long run out suitable for bigger dogs.

Would the owners of the big scratch dogs that can't fit in whippet traps want to run over 150/165yd though? I know watching a lot of the big uns over a greyhound track they are only getting to top gear down last straight so most wouldn't be as well matched over a sprint of 150/165yd as the say 41lbers, just a thought, and are there that many big scratch dogs that can't fit in normal whippet traps?

Before everyone gets on at me for being a scratch hater - i definately am not!!!

If whoever was running the event could justify spending £xxx on another set of traps then fair enough, personally i always thought this was the main bodies way of trying to keep the size down slightly.
Just another point, when Gin Pit had new traps made about 4 years ago we had them specially made a couple of inch bigger all over (all the dogs run from them), we're in the position that we can afford to do stuff like that - would the BWRA/NWRF be able to go out & buy a set of traps without taking an extra levy? Maybe members wouldn't mind paying an extra levy & have all the dogs run from them - i dunno?
scratch dogs run over 150/160 now anyway the only diffrence would be is that they can do it comfortably and the other dogs that cant quite fit in whippet boxes could have a run to,not only end up running on bends ,so paying full membership for 2 racers with bwra.

there are quite a few scratch dogs who squeeze into the smaller boxes as this is there only way of having a run.

also i dont expect bwra etc to pay for the traps WE would do so by raising funds for these to be used at championships etc so no organization would be put out in any way.
What a good idea lad. Nice to see young members with good ideas to improve our sport. In my young days nothing over 32lb could race.

Ive watched the Scr dogs with envy, such nice animals. Thay deserve the right to race the same as the smaller whippets.

I think its a very good idea, how can we all help raise money for these traps. Im sure there are lots of people willing to help

Nothing against having a new set of traps at all & if the money is there already or you are going to help fund raise then i can't see how anyonw will argue against it.
I am all in favour of larger traps for scratch racers. As Vicky has already said we had a set of larger traps made to allow larger dogs to run comfortably. As a farly healthy club we are able to afford this type of expense but i feel other clubs may not wish to spend money on scratch racers if the club has few as members.

If the money was raised outside the BWRA no one could argue against it on that principle but I doubt if the BWRA would wish to use their funds but there would be no harm in ringing the chairman for his opinion.

I think it more likely that members would vote for a weight limit on scratch racers than fund larger traps through a levy - the vote was very close last time without the prospect of it costing members extra money.

The other point is that this would need the consent of all scratch racers - I suspect that the 36lb and 40lb dogs that fit in whippet traps would rather run out of smaller traps and deny the very large no limit dogs the chance of running in the supreme scratch. Who gets the choice here the minority or majority?

Perhaps this could be put forward at the AGM and voted on.

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whilst i am all in favour of people running scratch dogs i do think that there should be a limit after all we are supposed to be running WHIPPETS :Dwhilst getting larger traps you will be encouraging larger dogs to run..........we have enough trouble getting through a programme now what would it be like if we had to start changing traps about....... ???in the middle of racing........ :b
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No Limit is all well & good if it's a whippet thats litter has thrown big or a 1/2 cross but some people have to take No Limit to the extreme of 3/4 greyhound & even 7/8 greyhound, it's no wonder the pedi owners ask us to justify how we can call these whippets, like pat says i just feel getting bigger traps is going to encourage people to breed bigger dogs.

I bred a 42lb dog 4 years ago from Maralyn 27lb who's 1/4 greyhound to Mick's Mystery 18lb, this is the sort of dog No Limit was originally for not people who want to race greyhounds with no tattoos!!!

I have nothing at all against any big dogs but the owners of them can't expect other whippet racers not to have an opinion!
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Hey mand

havin seen how treacle traps outta the small whippet traps lol :b !! Do you think that at the champs and i could use a big trap for her has she has trapped well outta the big greyhound traps :) :D :p
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and could i use one too just for the hell of it ??? ??? :b :b ???
nice idea rich but cant see it happening i struggle to get rio in traps 40 pound but BIG bitch ;) might be possible for big events though but your normal clubs might not afford it .you also might get people with yard a pounders asking to use whippet traps on bends, :D i don't mean myself like as I'm not bothered still its a good idea.
Just out of interest who will volunteer to lug the ghd traps onto the ??? track for the race and lug them off again ?
Its been said many times before a whippet is a whippet large or small. Yes the B.W.R.A members may put a cap on large dogs at this years A.G.M.

But there are still large whippets who would be under the 50lb cap that cant fit into a whippet trap. So can only race on the bends , to my way of thinking is most unfair. I think the owners of most Scr dogs would wellcome larger traps. Thay have as much right to race as any other whippet.
you may be right Tanyia but when do we stop calling a whippet a whippet and call it a greyhound, maybe when it is too big to fit into whippet traps........ :angry:
I agree with everything Pat's saying tonight go gal!!!

Its been said many times before a whippet is a whippet large or small
I agree yes you can get a large or small whippet but where do you draw the line? At what point do you still call it a whippet 3/4 greyhound, 7/8 greyhound? These are NOT whippets to me !!
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next big en i have will be a greyhound ;) no ear markings ,so will you all know if its a whippet or greyhound :p :p :p
If it has two humps neilpem we will know what it is :D
to right neil i saw scratch dogs years back bigger than some now ??? whats all the fuss about. letts just race and enjoy, son of a bitch is lining born free, does it mean it wont be whippets it has ;)