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'sanctuary' Kills Thousands Of Greyhounds

kris said:
YTarmy said:
kris said:
sounds to me like you want to have your cake and eat it one breath you say you loved your dog and it was the hardest decision to put him to the next breaath your sayin it wasnt  a pet it was a racing dog.quote:

If the injury had been treatable i would of had the op done, The wrist was that bad the dog couldnt even be a pet. He was in such distress and we spent along time getting over what happened along with the thought of packing in the dogs all together.unquote

if you didnt want to go to the expense of an x ray how can you tell the injury was untreatable?or do you have x ray vision?

if you cant afford vets bills for your dogs then in my opinion YOU SHOULDNT HAVE A DOG.  :angry: what happens if theyre ill?leigh cats and dogs home? :angry:

i cant believe your last this your attempt at sarcasm?

Oh my god....... I have never said what I did was right nor have i tried to argue. In fact I have stated many times that killing animals is wrong. I wrote what happened and maybe what I did was wrong and maybe i should of called a vet but the fact is i didnt. If this happens again maybe my actions would be different but you dont want to know any of this, you just want to jump down my throat as if I'm some sort of mass greyhound muderer. to date I have had 7 dogs and 1 has been put down due to injury. Before you say it's 1 to many, i agree but again you will skim over that commeny. I will put it in capitals for you

WITH HINDSITE I MAY OF BEEN WRONG AND SHOULD OF GOT A VET. I'm not trying to justify anything and would happily go to Leigh to support any demo.

Go pick on someone else

you'd happily go to leigh to support a demo!do you honestly realise the sarcasm of this remark?youd go to a demo thats against putting healthy greys to sleep when youve just done that! :blink: cant believe what im reading here :wacko: yes with hindsight you WERE wrong,and at least your conscience pricks you enough to admit not picking on you, im against what youve done and i think its wrong. :( if you dont like my opinions then why post on here what youve done?did you expect everyone to pat you on the back and say well done?im not trying to be deliberately cruel i just think you took a really bad decision there and i cant understand anyone doing what youve done.if you couldnt afford to get the dog treated why didnt you contact the pdsa or one of the many grey charities?you just posted that the dog had an injury so you had him killed.without getting a vet to look at him or anything.just on the say so of a guy who told you the injury was untreatable.surely you dont expect folk to condone what you did?this is a site for dog lovers.not dog killers.if you post stuff like this then you can expect some people on here who will stand up and be counted and im one of them,sorry if you dont like it but hey,i can live with that.

Well said Kris! This person (YTarmy) seems to be full of contradictions!
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kris said:
YTarmy said:
kris said:
sounds to me like you want to have your cake and eat it one breath you say you loved your dog and it was the hardest decision to put him to the next breaath your sayin it wasnt  a pet it was a racing dog.quote:

If the injury had been treatable i would of had the op done, The wrist was that bad the dog couldnt even be a pet. He was in such distress and we spent along time getting over what happened along with the thought of packing in the dogs all together.unquote

if you didnt want to go to the expense of an x ray how can you tell the injury was untreatable?or do you have x ray vision?

if you cant afford vets bills for your dogs then in my opinion YOU SHOULDNT HAVE A DOG.  :angry: what happens if theyre ill?leigh cats and dogs home? :angry:

i cant believe your last this your attempt at sarcasm?

Oh my god....... I have never said what I did was right nor have i tried to argue. In fact I have stated many times that killing animals is wrong. I wrote what happened and maybe what I did was wrong and maybe i should of called a vet but the fact is i didnt. If this happens again maybe my actions would be different but you dont want to know any of this, you just want to jump down my throat as if I'm some sort of mass greyhound muderer. to date I have had 7 dogs and 1 has been put down due to injury. Before you say it's 1 to many, i agree but again you will skim over that commeny. I will put it in capitals for you

WITH HINDSITE I MAY OF BEEN WRONG AND SHOULD OF GOT A VET. I'm not trying to justify anything and would happily go to Leigh to support any demo.

Go pick on someone else

you'd happily go to leigh to support a demo!do you honestly realise the sarcasm of this remark?youd go to a demo thats against putting healthy greys to sleep when youve just done that! :blink: cant believe what im reading here :wacko: yes with hindsight you WERE wrong,and at least your conscience pricks you enough to admit not picking on you, im against what youve done and i think its wrong. :( if you dont like my opinions then why post on here what youve done?did you expect everyone to pat you on the back and say well done?im not trying to be deliberately cruel i just think you took a really bad decision there and i cant understand anyone doing what youve done.if you couldnt afford to get the dog treated why didnt you contact the pdsa or one of the many grey charities?you just posted that the dog had an injury so you had him killed.without getting a vet to look at him or anything.just on the say so of a guy who told you the injury was untreatable.surely you dont expect folk to condone what you did?this is a site for dog lovers.not dog killers.if you post stuff like this then you can expect some people on here who will stand up and be counted and im one of them,sorry if you dont like it but hey,i can live with that.

I dont expect anything, I posted what I did (not just did BTW) and read the comments that came back and admitted i made a mistake and said i would do it differently. I have no problem with your opinions and maybe i was nieve. I'm new to all of this and learning and trying to do whats right, i went ot the guy who got me involved and trusted his advice.

I don't count myself as a dog killer as this would insinuate that I go round killing dogs which i dont do.

I dont really care what you write or the fact you feel you have the right to judge me (which you don't), I made a huge error and for that I'm sorry but I cannot turn the clock back so why try to keep beating me with it. anyway off to bed now as I can sleep well in the knowledge i did what I thought was right at the time
I dont really care what you write or the fact you feel you have the right to judge me (which you don't), I made a huge error and for that I'm sorry but I cannot turn the clock back so why try to keep beating me with it. anyway off to bed now as I can sleep well in the knowledge i did what I thought was right at the time

A certain phrase springs to mind here..........................................MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES :- "

Shame it was the poor dog that was put to sleep :blink:
YTarmy said:
kris said:
sorry,but i dont care if this guy has been in the breed for 100 years hes not a vet and cant make a diagnosis. :angry: that why its illegal to treat someones dog or to do what this guy did.if you couldnt afford to take the dog to a vet or couldnt be bothered then why have the dog in the first place. :( noone can make a diagnosis by looking not even a vet,that why they have bloody xrays.or wasnt the dog worth an x ray? :(
The dog wasnt a pet so no I wasnt going to pay far an x-ray after I was told the wrist was shattered. The dog was a racing dog and the injury meant he couldnt race. I have 3 kids and work part time so therefor any expensive bills were out of the question hence asking a man who knows more than most people.

Please explain where I said i couldnt be bothered to take the dog or are you just making up your own bits :rant: .

It's wrong to kill an healthy animal weather it's a greyhound, rabbit ;) or rat.

didnt take long for you to give the true reasons for having the dog destroyed then eh ?

I never asked a vet, A chap i knew who had been in the game for 40 years came to see the dog the morning after the race. He said it was the worst wrist injury he had seen and that it was shattered. The best thing to do was to take the dog and have him pts.
It really sets off alarm bells for me that, for such a bad injury, you only sought help the following morning and not even that of a vet.

If the injury had been treatable i would of had the op done, The wrist was that bad the dog couldnt even be a pet.
Sure there was no way of knowing if the injury was treatable or not, you didn't see a vet!!!


You say "The wrist was that bad the dog couldnt even be a pet."

I have a three legged dog here leading a very happy full life as a pet.
Im not in a position to condemn any1 so please do not take offence ytarmy but i have a greyhound with me whose racing owner wanted him pts at the track after shattering his leg, the trainer who looked after the dog refused & took him onboard himself, he gave the dog all the attention, time & money... now that dog lives life to the full with me & managing very well, he does no differnet to my other 3 who are all fit & well... like ive said in the past we have more good people within the racing than we do bad but its the bad always gets highlighted thats why racing is near on its knees...

Ytarmy; there are greyhound rescues out there who may of helped, its no help to you now as its been done but if you ever get another racer then please consider other routes than to have dogs pts ( to be honest racing doesnt need owners like you if that is the way you behave, the dog in my opinion needed to see a vet before the decision was made :( )
tell ya what take a f***in hike mate and leave dogs to people who care about them and dont just use and bin them !!

j :rant: hn
Have just read this topic.....its so sad

At least the dog wasn't dumped or tied to the railings of a rescue centre in the middle of the night....I might not agree with what the owner did....and I know most of you are sickened by his actions....but at least we know this dog is no longer suffering.

Regularly in my local paper a kennel advertises many breeds of dogs....its a puppy farm.....why are these kennels allowed to exsist......why are so many greyhounds bred for humans to bet money on them?

For every caring breeder who really care where their puppies go to...there are too many who breed for money and don't give a dam.

I can see two sides to this story......tonight I shall give my 4 muttleys a kiss beforeI go to the way 3 of them are latest one was in an awful state when i brought him home and 9 weeks on he is still under the vet......
FeeFee said:
mazza said:
No, not all racing greyhound owners should be tarred with the same brush, I'm sure there are some good people in this industry that would do anything to keep their dogs happy and healthy. It's a shame that the THOUSANDS OF GREYHOUNDS  disposed of each year are owned by a FEW bad apples.

Now that just doesn't add up!

I think that says it all really :( :(

Yes I think it does.

Of course some owners or trainers keep their dogs but if it were as common as people say it is then you would expect to come across them out walking.

If I ever see a greyhound out and about I always go over to meet it and chat with the owner. When I ask where the dog came from there has never been a single occasion where the owner has said 'oh I used to race him and now he lives with me'. The dogs have always come from dog homes and more often than not the owner will describe some kind of sad or even traumatic past.
Rorington said:
Yes I think it does.
Of course some owners or trainers keep their dogs but if it were as common as people say it is then you would expect to come across them out walking.

If I ever see a greyhound out and about I always go over to meet it and chat with the owner. When I ask where the dog came from there has never been a single occasion where the owner has said 'oh I used to race him and now he lives with me'. The dogs have always come from dog homes and more often than not the owner will describe some kind of sad or even traumatic past.

You obviously dont live anywhere in surrey or kent areas as im always walking my dogs whom 3 out of my 4 were mine when racing... :)
julieleigh said:
Rorington said:
Yes I think it does.
Of course some owners or trainers keep their dogs but if it were as common as people say it is then you would expect to come across them out walking.

If I ever see a greyhound out and about I always go over to meet it and chat with the owner. When I ask where the dog came from there has never been a single occasion where the owner has said 'oh I used to race him and now he lives with me'. The dogs have always come from dog homes and more often than not the owner will describe some kind of sad or even traumatic past.

You obviously dont live anywhere in surrey or kent areas as im always walking my dogs whom 3 out of my 4 were mine when racing... :)

You are lucky, Many of the owners I come accross at flapping tracks dont want to know when a dog gets a career ending injury.
YTarmy said:
julieleigh said:
Rorington said:
Yes I think it does.
Of course some owners or trainers keep their dogs but if it were as common as people say it is then you would expect to come across them out walking.

If I ever see a greyhound out and about I always go over to meet it and chat with the owner. When I ask where the dog came from there has never been a single occasion where the owner has said 'oh I used to race him and now he lives with me'. The dogs have always come from dog homes and more often than not the owner will describe some kind of sad or even traumatic past.

You obviously dont live anywhere in surrey or kent areas as im always walking my dogs whom 3 out of my 4 were mine when racing... :)

You are lucky, Many of the owners I come accross at flapping tracks dont want to know when a dog gets a career ending injury.

well youd know all about that wouldnt you? :- "
You are lucky, Many of the owners I come accross at flapping tracks dont want to know when a dog gets a career ending injury.


So you are saying that there are more scum like you about, that might be true to a lesser extent.

Most owners I know tend to look after their dogs even if injured have to admit one or two are like you murder their dogs when ythey have no more use for them.


"Scum" is plain & simple abuse!! & uncalled for. He was honest/foolish enough to admit he did what many owners do & not just in G/hnd racing......Dispose of that which they have no further use for. Always wonder what happens to some of the failed show dogs that get found "pet homes" when they don't pick up in the ring. Heard some pretty fishy stories about failed racing whippets too.

G/hnd racing is a business plain & simple & the "principles" of the market place apply to it unfortunately. Consequently 1000's of lovely animals have shortened & someimes brutalised lives. Greed & ambition don't equal good husbandry & animal welfare.

Terry Smith
:eek: :( i've said it before and i'll say it again; dogs arent here for what they can do for us financially. i adore mine to distraction, and if, god forbid, anything serious ever happens to them, regardless of cost or potential handicap (within reason) i would quite happily sell all my earthly possessions to put them right.

i can, at a stretch, understand why it isnt always financially feasable to keep a racer once it cannot race, but given how much money they may have brought in, i CANNOT understand why these poor creatures are simply discarded from the off, rather than kept while an alternative home is found! its the least they are owed :huggles:
lalena said:
:eek:   :( i've said it before and i'll say it again; dogs arent here for what they can do for us  financially. i adore mine to distraction, and if, god forbid, anything serious ever happens to them, regardless of cost or potential handicap (within reason) i would quite happily sell all my earthly possessions to put them right.i can, at a stretch, understand why it isnt always financially feasable to keep a racer once it cannot race, but given how much money they may have brought in, i CANNOT understand why these poor creatures are simply discarded from the off, rather than kept while an alternative home is found! its the least they are owed :huggles:

Well that's just it. Anyone with an ounce of compassion for their dog would see that it had proper care and a decent quality of life after it's racing days were over but sadly so many greyhounds are regarded as a money making venture and absolutely nothing more, the owners / trainers have no conscience and will dispose of that loyal canine once it's racing is over.

There's no time for sentiment in this game. :( It's all about money.
lalena said:
i can, at a stretch, understand why it isnt always financially feasable to keep a racer once it cannot race, but given how much money they may have brought in, i CANNOT understand why these poor creatures are simply discarded from the off, rather than kept while an alternative home is found! its the least they are owed :huggles:

Sadly the reality is that the number of greyhounds coming off the tracks each year hugely exceeds the number of homes that could ever be available. About a quarter of the dogs currently in rescue are greyhounds.

As we already destroy 10,000 unwanted dogs a year in this country (of all breeds) I can't see any chance of increasing the number of homes available. I fact you could argue that for every greyhound homed another rescue dog is probably destroyed.

It's all pretty depressing really. :( :(
lalena said:
:eek:   :( i've said it before and i'll say it again; dogs arent here for what they can do for us  financially. i adore mine to distraction, and if, god forbid, anything serious ever happens to them, regardless of cost or potential handicap (within reason) i would quite happily sell all my earthly possessions to put them right.i can, at a stretch, understand why it isnt always financially feasable to keep a racer once it cannot race, but given how much money they may have brought in, i CANNOT understand why these poor creatures are simply discarded from the off, rather than kept while an alternative home is found! its the least they are owed :huggles:

Very good post
julieleigh said:
Rorington said:
Yes I think it does.
Of course some owners or trainers keep their dogs but if it were as common as people say it is then you would expect to come across them out walking.

If I ever see a greyhound out and about I always go over to meet it and chat with the owner. When I ask where the dog came from there has never been a single occasion where the owner has said 'oh I used to race him and now he lives with me'. The dogs have always come from dog homes and more often than not the owner will describe some kind of sad or even traumatic past.

You obviously dont live anywhere in surrey or kent areas as im always walking my dogs whom 3 out of my 4 were mine when racing... :)

I'm not saying it never happens. I'm saying I don't think it happens as often as is claimed, else I'd meet people out and about who had done so