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Salmonella - A Killer

jinnyfizz said:
Thank you, everyone, for your sympathies  :huggles:
I am bringing Rookie (Black A Brook), my mare, home tomorrow.  She has been in quarantine in case she had salmonella too but she is fine and I don't want to leave her on her own anymore.

She will be here with my old shetland pony, Twiggy (39 this year!) and hopefully this will give her some comfort as she seems very depressed at the moment.  :(

The one positive thing in all this is that I put Rookie in foal again to the same stallion (Relief Pitcher) in June, so Furby will have a little brother or sister in May next year, all being well.  :wub:

I will update on her progress as time goes by.

I really do appreciate all the support I've had from K9 members - thanks again to all  :thumbsup:

Im so glad Rookie got the all clear,

and I do hope she feels more herself soon,poor girl must be terrible for them losing a foal too :huggles: at least she has Twiggy to help her :huggles:

Very Best of luck :luck: with any future foals.... :huggles:

I dot know if you saw my thread on here about the abandoned foal

she is doing really well now.
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:( how tragic, my heart goes out to u, i nearly lost my foal at 3 months to TB, it was awful, thinking of you.xx

R.I.P little furby.
I dot know if you saw my thread on here about the abandoned foal

she is doing really well now.

Just looked and yes, I remember seeing it - what a pretty little foal she is!! :wub:

Such a shame her mum didn't want her but looks like she's in good hands with Becky and your daughter! :)

I put Rookie back out today - she was sooooooooo pleased to be free again!!!

Should have taken the camera but forgot (as usual) :- "

:cheers: Jane