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Sad Thread (rip Thread Be Warned)

aww what a beautiful little girl and a wonderful ripe old age she got to, obviously filled with love from you.

Sorry to hear you had to do the brave thing and let her go peacefully, :huggles: to you all, tomorrow you'll be able to smile :huggles: :huggles:
So sorry for your loss, she had a good life with you and you did the last thing you could do, and were with her all the way.

Having just had my Pecker PTS I do understand, I miss him like crazy. :huggles:
Always hard saying goodbye... :huggles: so sorry for your loss...

Run free Bluer

So sorry to hear this.. :(


Sounds like she was a best friend :huggles:


R.I.P.. Blu.. xx


Tracey x

Our thoughts are with you and Caroline at this so so sad time

Thinking of you both with luv

Amanda & Nick
My thoughts are with you, I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear of the loss

of your little lady.Sleep well Blu.

So sorry to read your sad news :( Blu was a very lucky girl to share her life with you, she was obviously loved a lot. :huggles:

:unsure: Huge thanks to everyone who has sent best wishes ..................... you all will know what a horrid time it is when one of the family departs, so I have no need to describe how we are feeling right now.

Its the really little things that get to me the most about Blue not being here ....things that you dont imagine that will affect you.

Seeing the other dogs, Archer in particular, wandering round the house, seemingly looking for her............. :(

Getting their food ready and having one bowl too many.......... :(

Letting them all out for a wee and calling for the old girl to hurry up and come back in ....... :(

and the hardest, seeing a big tough bloke in bits 'cos his best friend has gone...................absolutely heartbreaking. :( :(

I know we did the right thing, but at this stage it doesnt make things much easier.

Thanks again kind people :huggles:




Nick here again... (still cant log in --Nigel???)

Thanks for the words... I am so lost at the mo i dont know if im coming or going...

I managed to deal with the horrible stuff like sorting her cremation and stuff today so ive almost dealt with it all now but it still dont seem right that i CANT hear snoring from the armchair or keep finding her behind me when I go to sit back, Caroline is suffering as well cause me being sad is making her sad as she cant really do anything to help me :(

I know with time the pain will ease and thinking of the fun times we had today made me smile and chuckle at some of it...

Ithink in a few days this will all settle a bit in my head as the realisation sinks in but it still seems unreal sometimes....

anyone got any meds????????? :lol:

right im off for a shower as I was to knackered to even wash last night as I had cried myself to sleep.

Pat ! thanks for the messages, be good to see you both again, this time I will be brave enough to hold Belle if thats ok as she was just stunning...
Nic & Caroline...a pair of my bestest friends. I know exactly how much that little dog meant to you and you know i too had a soft spot for her. When you text me Friday night my heart sunk for all 3 of you and i knew what effect this would have on you. Nic full credit to you chum to have her for 17 years which is a lifetime to anybody. Youre entitled to cry..youre entitled to be down the dumps for a while its what happens. youll do it for sometime yet too. Youl feel her at the weirdest times nuzzling in..youll smell her wet coat when your doing stuff that has nothing to do with dogs and youl cry at times when you should be laughing. Its what owning, loving and losing dogs is all about. Its what they do to us.

Chin up chums :huggles:
Nick here again..

I hav had a good day today ! went through my phone and found a really good one of her which is now my wallpaper, figure shes in my mind all the time so she may as well be on my phone as well !

Thinking about all the chuckles, and stupid antics we got up to like taking her through a shopping arcade and trying to convince the guard she was a seeing eye dog and of course was a labrador? how could I tell? I thought all labradors were furry and small (and carried under the arm pmsl)..

I could write a book of the adventures me an the fraggle had and never run out of funny anecdotes because plain and simply we were naughty kids together, she saw me through some of the hardest times of my life like when my missus left me whilst still carrying my child and when my brother died in 2000, I know she would be sad to see me sad so every time I feel sad I think of something else funny we got up to and it makes me smile..

I still get the red eyes when the memory of the vets forces its way in as it keeps doing when I said my final goodbyes but even that in its own sad way was a good thing because I was stopping her suffering (so I keep telling myself)

thanks again to ALL for your kind words and Pm;s its good to know that even though this forum can be a battleground at times we all still love each other really !!

peony said:
Nick here again..
  I hav had a good day today ! went through my phone and found a really good one of her which is now my wallpaper, figure shes in my mind all the time so she may as well be on my phone as well !

  Thinking about all the chuckles, and stupid antics we got up to like taking her through a shopping arcade and trying to convince the guard she was a seeing eye dog and of course was a labrador?  how could I tell? I thought all labradors were furry and small (and carried under the arm pmsl)..

  I could write a book of the adventures me an the fraggle had and never run out of funny anecdotes because plain and simply we were naughty kids together, she saw me through some of the hardest times of my life like when my missus left me whilst still carrying my child and when my brother died in 2000,  I know she would be sad to see me sad so every time I feel sad I think of something else funny we got up to and it makes me smile..

  I still get the red eyes when the memory of the vets forces its way in as it keeps doing when I said my final goodbyes but even that in its own sad way was a good thing because I was stopping her suffering (so I keep telling myself)

thanks again to ALL for your kind words and Pm;s  its good to know that even though this forum can be a battleground at times we all still love each other really !!


GOOD LAD NIC ! well written :thumbsup:
so sorry to read this , my heart goes out to you both :huggles:

no one can take your treasured memories, remember them with pride :huggles:

R I P little bluer :(
its getting easier day by day thankfully,

I can think about her now and look at her pics and laugh and feel joy rather than sorrow because I know I gave her the best I could in her life. She had many many friends and I have even had a card in the post form someone who knew her offering condolances..

I came home from work tonight and checked my seat before I sat down before I realised she wouldn't be there... time heals they say. :(

Caroline seemed better yesterday and today until she encountered someone at her workplace who asked her how may dogs she had and she answered "5" before realising we didn't anymore :(

Everything seems to remind me of her at the mo, even songs on the radio that sound like "blu" Bryan adams "Everything I do...... I do for you" became Blu in my head for a minute and made me chuckle as I often found myself singing to her when we lived on our own...

(She probably enjoyed the deafness old age brought :lol: )

it struck me today whats actually bugging me at the moment and it was the realisation that I truly am alone up here now apart from my family-in-law and caroline.. Blu was my last link to my town of birth....

ah well !!!! its good to talk they say...

thank you K9 and all on here, you have been a pillar and a rock to someone who really needed it..