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Sad / Stressful Time

Very best of luck with your new pup :luck: I hope it all works out. :luck: Anyway the longer you wait the harder it will be to gor for another. :thumbsup:

(Helen I love your new avatar picture) :thumbsup:
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Sorry it didnt work out with Blue, You made the right decision and hopefully he will have a good life .

Congrats on the new baby as well :wub:
So sorry :( it didnt work out with Blue :( and its so nice that you know where he is :)) and all the very best of luck with your new baby :thumbsup:

Dont be too long with pics :thumbsup:

Caz x
So sorry to hear of your experience with Blue. I myself would have him put down. It was very lucky it was just a man’s body and not a child’s face. Unfortunately, it is not possible to trust dog like that ever again. I hope his new owner will be able to cope with him. :luck:

Looking forward seeing your new baby. :thumbsup:

Seraphina said:
  I hope his new owner will be able to cope with him. :luck:

Me too.

Tracey this is awful, am so sorry for you and Blue. You have done the best you can. Good luck with your new pup and don't be too hard on yourself.
Just to add my support during a time that all of us surely hope we never to have to deal with.

You didn't get another dog because you wanted to take on a problem, particularly not something as grave as Blue's behaviour. At least he's in a new home with someone who has the benefit of knowing about this issue and is prepared for it.

All the best with your new addition. :luck:
Well done Tracey for giving Blue another chance.

It may be with time and patience that he improves.

Wise words spoken by ILKC - you've got nothing to feel guilty about.

We've had enough rescues / foster dogs now to know that most dogs do re-adjust and settle in new homes quickly, and it sounds like you've found the perfect home for Blue.

Come on then - where are these pictures of the new puppy?
Sorry it didn't work out with Blue Tracy but like everybody else says you did the right thing. :thumbsup:

:cheers: congratulations on your new pup pics please as soon as possible. :huggles:
What bad luck he turned out so diffficult :( . Don't see what else you could have done in the circumstances.

Hope you have a wonderful time with your lovely new puppy :))


We had a similar scenario when we had to let our Jack Russell go. She was a much loved dog, but from the first day we left her alone, she dirtied behind the door. This could be after walking her and then leaving for an hour. She too was a rescue dog and we knew nothing of her past. It broke our hearts when we made the decision to let her go, but we had just had a baby, and the hygiene was becoming a problem. We even bought a cage as everyone told us dogs do not dirty their own beds, but she did. A friend of a friend had a farm and a teenager with mental disabilities, and she went to live with them. She was able to go outside whenever she needed to and was always out on walks. Sometimes, I guess, you have to find a home that suits the dog, rather than thinking we can rescue a dog and everything will work out with time and patience. Take heart from the fact that you tried, and were maybe the link to finding the right home. Hope all goes well with the new pup.

you did your best and it didnt work out,its not your fault. :)) maybe the owners of blue should have warned you of his unpredictability.i feel so sorry for him.well never know what hes been through to make him like this.though for a whippet to be like that is really strange,they are the most laid back of have done the right thing,and im glad you have got another pup to keep your dog company.hope everything works out well for you hun :thumbsup:
Hi all,

Thank you so much for your messages, it has really helped.

Have spoken to new owner of Blue and he has settled very well and is enjoying himself. She knows exactly what she is taking on and I think that makes things easier. Her dog is a lot older than Blue and there has been no friction there, which is fantastic.

"He is frolicking around the garden without a care in the world" (Mental image of 53lb whippet frolicking is quite funny!!)

I am so glad that he is okay, and definitely think that I have done the right thing. If I knew that I could change our lifestyle to accomodate Blue it would have been alright, but that was not possible, so I am so grateful that Blue now has the chance to have a good and happy life.

Thank once more for everything

It is good to hear that you were able to find a home for Blue, knowing that he has a serious behavioural problem. He is lucky not to have a death sentence. Although his new guardian is aware of the problem and will be keeping him relatively isolated and/or on the lead and muzzled, I think she should consult a professional dog trainer and discuss ways to improve Blue's behaviour and get him used to men. though I suspect with his history it may always be prudent to keep Blue muzzled in situations where he will meet new people.

Tracy Chamberlain said:
Hello everyone,

I am writing to tell you that Blue has gone, I'm afraid. I am sure that you will all have feelings on this matter, but I have made a decision with my head and not my heart (which I think is the best in this situation)

We rescued Blue (3.5 yr whippet) two Tuesdays ago and had the normal settling in period with Ollie (5.5 month whippet) over the week. A few run ins, the traumas over food that you were all so helpful with etc. Blue was very dominant with Ollie but this was too be expected, along with the puncture wounds.....

Unfortunately it was discovered over a traumatic 36 hours that Blue had a serious aversion to men, and bit three people, one of them very seriously. Fortunately for me, the guy does not seem to be taking things further (Blue was insured against this) even though he had a large wound to his side that required 11 sutures. He was stroking Blue who was enjoying having his head stroked, and then suddenly jumped straight up and took a large lump from the mans stomach. Obviously I offered all the help in the world and wanted to take him to hospital etc, but his wife took him. I have since been back to apologise again. The dog was checked for illness in case this was causing him to be distressed in any way but was given a clean bill of health.

After talking to his previous owner, it would seem that he hated her ex husband, but she had not known him be funny with other men. This was because he had not been outsde the house and garden for three years except to the vets, and yes, you guessed it, she was a woman. This is why there was no apparent problem.

I cannot take on a dog (purely to counteract Ollie's separation anxiety which did work instantly) which has to be kept on the lead or muzzled. I don't think it's fair on the dog when Ollie is allowed free run, and we spend so much of our time socialising the dog would not be allowed free rein. I also do not want the responsibility of a dog that cannot be trusted.

Blue is now living with a woman who has an acre of garden and another dog who is only ever walked on the lead. He is happy where he is, I am sure. There are those that will say he should have been pts, but this was sort of taken out of my hands.....

I hope that you will not judge me too harshly, but I truly believe that I have made the right decision for myself and my other dog. I felt that I needed to be honest and let you all know what had happened.

