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Sad News On The Orphaned Puppies

Please dont feel you are to blame, you did everything in your power to help these poor little things. You gave them a chance, without you they wouldnt have had that :huggles: :huggles:
So sorry about the pups Sharon- you have tried so hard with them :(

Good luck with the little girl :luck:

Liz and the Monellis
So sorry to hear about the pups,good luck with the little girl,Lady P :huggles: :huggles:
Just to say I agree with everything everyone else has said. Hand rearing is such a hard tiring job & if it goes well then great but when it goes wrong I know how gutting it is. At least you tried. Well done & try & get some sleep -_-
wild whippies said:
midlanderkeith said:
Yes i bet you feel gutted, but let me tell you this for what its worth, i look upon you as one of the best dog owners on this forum, you havent failed them at all, mother nature did that, so you hold your head up high my friend, top lady in my book                      MERRY CHRISTMAS

Couldn't agree more Keith :thumbsup:

Thing is Sharon they may well have absorbed some of the infection the Mum was suffering from due to the retained puppies inside her. When you start out like that, your buggered before you even try but you've got to give them that chance of survival which you did with all your heart. Please don't beat yourself up over this, you gave hope where there was none. :huggles:

Same happened to Meg's pups-infected due to one not developing properly...

Luckily Meg was ok though.

We buried them in a special place-our favourite walking area.

They didn't stand chance...too weak to suckle. :wub:

Sometimes things just aren't meant to be...

Take care :thumbsup: We can only do our best, which you obviously have done.
Sharon,so sorry to hear about the little ones :( You done your best you could :huggles: :huggles:
I'm so sorry for your loss :( .

Don't feel bad - you've been very brave and hand-rearing is not an easy job even with the best will in the world.

I hand-reared three pups who were born with an infection from mum, and they were all doing really well. We'd progressed from a tiny syringe to a tiny bottle and two of the three were sucking quite strongly. Luckily Mum survived but it was touch and go for a long time and there was no way she could suckle them.

Strangely it was the strongest one (called Splodge because he had big patches on his sides and ears) who just suddenly seemed to weaken; he went off his bottle and just faded and passed away in the early hours during the first week.

I'm very, very lucky that the other two just held on, the one who was weak just kept plugging away and even though each feed took him over half-an-hour he kept growing and they survived (my beautiful Phoenix and his sister Zinzin).

We buried Splodge under some ancient trees at my parents house and I often wonder what sort of wonderful life he would have had.

Good luck - we're thinking of you and your little baby :luck: :huggles:

i think you are an amazing person for trying,lots wouldnt. you havent failed them, you gave them your all, and they could not ask anymore from you, good luck with the last baby,

:huggles: :huggles: to you and the wee one,xx
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Sharon what you have done for those puppies was a lovely thing to do, selfless couldnt have tried any harder.

Im so sorry you lost the little ones... :( :huggles: Sleep tight babies...
well as i thought the last little girl didnt make it :(

i have buried them all together in the garden , at least they are now with there mum .

R.I.P little babies :(

thank you all for your kind words , you do feel like you have failed them when you lose them , i know its not my fault but i was responsible for them and they didnt make it :(

they are all together and running free now :huggles:
:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for you Sharon

So sorry :( Run free little babies :wub:
you did your best Sharon,noone could do in peace little ones :huggles:
:huggles: :huggles: So sorry after you've tried so hard for them all, but we can't save the world, you did your best, gave them a chance, so don't beat yourself up about it. Nature is cruel sadly and obviously it just wasn't meant to be, but you can sleep knowing that you did all you could. Hand rearing any animal is always a 'touch and go' situation (I'm a farmers daughter - done everything from pet lambs to orphan calves and the odd foal). Won't make it any easier when you have invested the time and emotional energy but :huggles:
Oh Sorry to here this, Sharon :(

You gave your all with this litter and should be so proud of what you have done for them all :) :huggles:

saraquele said:
well as i thought the last little girl didnt make it  :(
i have buried them all together in the garden , at least they are now with there mum .

R.I.P  little babies  :(

thank you all for your kind words , you do feel like you have failed them when you lose them , i know its not my fault but i was responsible for them and they didnt make it  :(

they are all together and running free now  :huggles:

You tried that was the main thing... :huggles: :)

God bless... I suspect they have gone to play with little Merlin and a few more.. :huggles: :huggles:
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Am so sorry to hear this saraquel - i know you must feel dreadful but you did your very best by them....and although you couldn't make them thrive what you did was make their little lives 100% full of warmth and love and security. That is a huge gift to give, even though those little lives were short. xxx
So sorry to hear this Sharron .If you could not save them then nobody would have been able to. I know you would have done your best for them. :huggles: :huggles: to you and your family

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*so* sorry to read this. How heartbreaking to have them all taken from you.

RIP whippies.