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Sad News On The Orphaned Puppies


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just thought id let you know about the little orphaned puppies i have been hand rearing .

sad to say that so far i have lost 3 of them and the 4th isnt doing too well :(

they just seem to have faded :(

i lost the little girl on wed morning , she wasnt suckling as well throughout tuesday and passed away at 2am on wed morning , i took the others too the vets on thursday and was given antibiotcs just to cover them .

the vet couldnt find anything wrong with them but just gave it to be on the safe side .

wednesday day the fawn boy started to fade and passed away thursday morning :(

the other 2 were doing so well but yesterday the big brindle boy started to lose intrest in his bottle and i lost him this morning . the last brindle girl is also starting to slow up on feeding so i fear she may be gone soon too :(

the vet said just to drop feed them , keep them warm etc and there is nothing more to do .they did not suffer , just went to sleep and didnt wake up :(

to say i feel gutted is an understatement , i feel as if ive failed them and wish i could have done more .

i know its fighting nature to bottlefeed them and i have reared 2 litters before on the bottle so was quite confident about doing it but now i feel like ive failed the babies :(

just thought id keep you posted on them
Oh Sharon, I'm so sorry :(

You've done a marvellous job but sometimes fate just takes a hand no matter what you do.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the last little girlie but whatever happens, you've made their short lives very warm and happy :D

No puppy could want for more, well done you :thumbsup: :huggles: :huggles:
u have most certainly not failed trying all you have!!! many wouldnt have even attempted, you went above and beyond that!!! i can see the loss will leave you shattered though , heres a hug to cheer you up :huggles:
Sharon, I know you will have done all you could. Those puppies will have been given every chance. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the little one.


thanks guys , its just weird how they got over the first few days then started to fade :(

the vet said its just one of those things but when you sit up night after night battling to save them you do feel bad about it :(
How sorry you lost the little ones
RIP Little ones. Im keeping everything crossed for the little girl :huggles: :luck:

I can understand how you are feeling i had the same thing happen to me with some kittens i was hand rearing, absolutely broke my heart but i believe in fate and i believe they have gone on to a better place.

Well done you, you are a very special person not everyone would have been so keen to help these little guys :thumbsup: :huggles:
Sharon,dont beat yourself up over this you tried your best and nature said no its not to happens ive done it many times.sometimes its successful sometimes least you tried and wanted to give them the gift of life.theyve known warmth, food and love.many poor pups dont know any of these things.i know youre upset and ive been there so i know what youre going through.if its not to be it doesnt matter what you do,so dont you dare start blaming yourself.youve done a dam sight more than most would have and especially given that its just before xmas with all the extra work and jobs to be done.if the last little one doesnt survive at least you did your best. thats all you can kind to yourself and dont let guilt eat you and hugs to you hun :huggles:
Oh Sharon how sad for you, at least they were warm and loved best wishes for the little one and to you and yours this crimbo, keep trying luv Jan x
You've not failed them in any shape or form - you're brilliant for taking onthe job in the first place and you must be devastated - some puppies just fade though - there's nothing to be done - just mourn them, you poor thing :huggles:
:) You did your best, thats all anyone could ask. Mother nature has a strange way dealing with life sometime. :thumbsup: Diane
If only there were more people like you in the world that truly care and try, where others don't. You have done a marvellous thing by trying, and that is all you can do when they are so young. Unfortunately maybe it was just not meant to be. You should feel some pride in yourself for trying. I do feel for you as it must be utterly demoralsing to lose them after you have tried so hard. Sending you lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: , you deserve them xx
saraquele said:
just thought id let you know about the little orphaned puppies i have been hand rearing .
sad to say that so far i have lost 3 of them and the 4th isnt doing too well  :(

they just seem to have faded  :(

i lost the little girl on wed morning , she wasnt suckling as well throughout tuesday and passed away at 2am on wed morning , i took the others too the vets on thursday and was given antibiotcs just to cover them .

the vet couldnt find anything wrong with them but just gave it to be on the safe side .

wednesday day the fawn boy started to fade and passed away thursday morning  :(

the other 2 were doing so well but yesterday the big brindle boy started to lose intrest in his bottle and i lost him this morning .  the last brindle girl is also starting to slow up on feeding so i fear she may be gone soon too  :(

the vet said just to drop feed them , keep them warm etc and there is nothing more to do .they did not suffer , just went to sleep and didnt wake up  :(

to say i feel gutted is an understatement , i feel as if ive failed them and wish i could have done more .

i know its fighting nature to bottlefeed them and i have reared 2 litters before on the bottle so was quite confident about doing it but now i feel like ive failed the babies  :(

just thought id keep you posted on them

Yes i bet you feel gutted, but let me tell you this for what its worth, i look upon you as one of the best dog owners on this forum, you havent failed them at all, mother nature did that, so you hold your head up high my friend, top lady in my book

Oh Sharon, I'm sorry to hear this :(

Please don't think you have failed, you have done a wonderful thing by the little ones, you have shown them lots of love and care :huggles: :huggles: Nature some times has a sad way of dealing with life.

You should hold your head up and be proud of what you have done :) :huggles: :thumbsup:
midlanderkeith said:
Yes i bet you feel gutted, but let me tell you this for what its worth, i look upon you as one of the best dog owners on this forum, you havent failed them at all, mother nature did that, so you hold your head up high my friend, top lady in my book                      MERRY CHRISTMAS

Couldn't agree more Keith :thumbsup:

Thing is Sharon they may well have absorbed some of the infection the Mum was suffering from due to the retained puppies inside her. When you start out like that, your buggered before you even try but you've got to give them that chance of survival which you did with all your heart. Please don't beat yourself up over this, you gave hope where there was none. :huggles:
thank you everyone for your support :huggles:

ive not really slept for 10 days -_- so im a little shatterd :blink:

i know its natures way . thanks for the links , and for peoples pms :thumbsup:

your all great :huggles: