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Sad Loss

I've tried to reply on here loads of times and i just can't come up with anything.
There's no better thing that dog ownership, the total devotion, loyalty and endless love they give you, the constant aim to please and of course the many happy memories they give you.

There is also no worse feeling, the absolute gut wrenching ache in your heart that you just can't explain and the huge void they leave in your life when you lose them.

I can only say with tears welling up my eyes what my vet said to me, it is an amazing thing you can do for them when they have given you so many years of happiness, to end their suffering.

No matter what age, it always seems to soon and that ache in your heart never leaves you but after a while it doesn't seem so raw.

Tess was an amazing little girl, and you amazing owners. Be proud xx

Love Vicky, Mark and all the gang xxx
Vicky you said that so well. There really isn't anything else one can say

run free little one