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Sad Loss Of Hellsfire 'duke'

Thinking of you all at this very sad time, R.I.P Duke
so sorry for your loss karen & george.

john & angela
our hearts go out to you both karen and george

a great loos know how much he meant to you

r.i,p Duke

don and ruth
Karen & George so sorry to hear about Duke, thinking of you both at this very sad time...
Terrible thing to happen. Thinking of you Karen and George. R.I.P. Duke.
So so sorry Karen and George to hear this sad new about Duke. Thinking of you both, hope your legs ok see you soon

R.I.P Duke

Lots of love sending your way

Sadie and kids x
Karen & George, what can we say, we know the heartache youre going through and how much all your dogs mean to you both. RIP Duke, run free in the sky doing what you enjoy the most

Amanda, Nick & Pauline xx
When i heard about this on wednesday evening i was so sorry that it had happened to such a good and honest couple like you are, remember the good times with Duke and i hope to see you both soon.
Sorry for your loss our thoughts are with you both RIP Duke.

Tam & Keeley
Finding it a little hard to answer to all your kind words,so I hope you don't mind i've copied and pasted the reply I put on facebook earlier

Tried to reply to all your lovely words last night,but couldn't stop crying and low and behold crying again now lol.Most on here are my whippet racing mates,and those who aren't know how much my dogs mean to me.No words to describe how i'm ...feeling right now,and even though i've got the other 3 here with me,it's not the same.I know it'll get better in time,so i'll patiently wait.We all know how noisey Duke was,but he was such a loving thing,apart from at track when without a muzzle on he would and had on more than one occasion taken a few (lol)little chunks out of my leg.Then there was his early mornig alarm call.I missed that this morning Yvonne.George cooked his toast and as usual diid an extra slice for Duke.It went in the bin.I could go on all day about the daft things we do with em,but you all know you do exactly the same.I am so gonna miss him,but take a bit of comfort in knowing it was really quick and I was with him at the end.Got to say a big thanks to everybody last night,especially Paul and my better OH George.Love you sweetheart xxx Big thanks to Yvonne too,I know it was hard for you too xx RIP in my lad you'll never,ever be forgotten XXXXX