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Ryanair !! Warning !!


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Two Fingers up to RYANAIR ! :angry:

A few of my mates and I were off next weekend to Edinburgh to play Golf and wear kilts ! The cost of the flight per person was £32 plus £10 handling fee (of which no other company in the UK or ROI charge, still cheapish so happy days ! )

Last night we went to print off our Online Boarding passes (because if you leave it till you get to Check-Ins those delightful trolley dollys charge you £40 / matter how many names are on the one sheet ! If a family of 5 turn up without there Boarding Passes its “£200 extra before you leave the Terminal ! :eek: ) Doing it yourself at home costs nothing so it makes sense ! Then….i discovered that Ryanair and I quote…

“A valid passport – ( see below - */and ** below)

• A valid National Identity Card issued by the government of a European Econonomic Area (EEA) country.

So ….and I quote again …”Ryanair does NOT accept driver licence, residence cards, family books, seaman books, Ministerial ID’s, military ID cards, Italian AT/BT cards etc. Expired or damaged forms of photo-id will not be accepted on any flight.”

Ive never heard of crap like that ever ! You can probably guess a couple of us have let our Passports expire ! Ive contacted the different Offices in Belfast and the answer we got was…”We can do a fast-track Passport at around £100 but theres a chance you might not have it for next week”. EH…? SO WDF IS FAST-TRACK THEN !

Trying to contact Ryanair by Telephone is impossible…! Any numbers on there Website don’t ring or aren’t the right numbers about refunds or deferred dates.I eventually got a link to changing flights dates so I thought everything would be ok as the guys were all happy to put the date back a few weeks.

After putting in new dates and clicking on to select my new times etc I got a “Shockus Majorus “…an extra £109 quid required to re-book haha yeh right.. plus the £100 Passport fee ! :rant:

Outve curiosity I tried a totally new booking for the deferred date and guess what…..the flights were £1 out and £1 back !! In other words, if we just forget the original date altogether and rebook its only going to be £2 extra instead of £109 !!!

So, if any of you are thinking of using Ryanair….MAKE SURE YOU’VE GOT A PASSPORT !!!


signed...John..Kilted and Grounded until further notice :D

Ps....Im sooo glad i cheered on France last night ! heehee OUI OUI !
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sounds like a nightmare :(

where are you suppose to be going golfing?

and do you really want to be wearing kilts in this weather, we have high winds and floods over here :b
ryanair is beyond a joke, try to avoid if possible. now though with three dogs it's not a problem anymore as I cannot afford a holiday :D
Ryanair isn't the most profitable airline in Europe by chance. Profits up 80+ percent over last year. There are always lots of little charges here & there, lot's of little rules to trip over. If you miss them it will cost you...

Having said that from my experience if you play by their rules, never want to contact them and treat them like a bus service you can get good deals. We are off to Portugal in December, total cost, including cabin baggage, tax, booking fee, check-in charge - £5 each way. They would like to add £20 to that just for paying them, but pay by Visa Electron card (free from Post Office) & there are no additional charges. We have travelled Ryanair lots of times to Portugal and never yet had a problem. We like them so much I've booked another 2 trips to Portugal next year - really expensive those (weekend flights) £10 each way including tax etc!
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Yup Nigel no doubt if you hit it right with Ryanair you will defo get a bargain. I just think its rubbish that flying anywhere in the UK requires by Ryanair a Passport. Maybe flying from Dublin they should enforce their rule ..but then again i can use the Ferry from Dublin to Liverpool using Driving License or even my Works Pass as ID !

Never mind ive ordered a Passport so atleast i wont fall foul of their crappyness again .... :)

Katie....the course we are playing is Prestonfield.....maybe ! :lol:

Glasgow Airport might remain intact then afterall :D

Belfast Christmas Market is the alternative for the weekends now anyway ! HO HO HO !! and not FORRRRRRRRE !! :(
Thanks for the warning John, Im flying by Ryanair to Belfast in Dec, so fingers crossed all will be ok. £35 return !!
not being a golfer, i havnt been to many, but you can see Prestonfield course from up Arthur Seat, it looks really nice, :thumbsup:

enjoy, if you ever get there :sweating: :teehee:
Please also be aware with Ryanair when printing the boarding passes check the scan/barcode is complete!

Had a :unsure: moment when it turned out my pal's printer had left out bottom of code so could not be scanned - potential £40 of pub tokens at stake for me and her :eek: Nasty moment at the airport (long ago, I used to work there, found a familiar face who gave us another print out :) printed another from hotel on way back with complete barcode,) otherwise Dublin would have been sans £80 for the weekend.

Other then that mustn't grumble...

Had flights cheaper than chips all over Europe (obviously I printed the passes :) )
My bad actually I was thinking of my beer tokens!

For the two of us to fly out without those barcodes would have been £80 for Ryanair desk printing the tokens.

Makes a wee weekend jaunt all the more expensive.