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Running Dogs In Scotland


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I have a gorgeous Saluki x Collie bitch, lacking in great intelligence to be honest, but bloody fast anyway! I'm not desperate to run her (although she's amazing to watch ... until she disappears over the horizon, not to be seen again for an hour), but I'm interested in the state of affairs up here in Scotland. Hare coursing is technically illegal, I understand, but are any alternatives in place?

The crazy thing is that she picks up hares anyway without any instruction from me - I assume that I must be breaking the law when she tanks off after a bunny?! We're fortunate enough to have a lovely big garden she can run in to her heart's content, so walks on a lead are less of a hardship, but I'm interested to hear of anyone else's experiences in this situation. :blink:
Im in Scotland also :D . I dont let my dog's free run as they would chase the bunny's or anything that would run away from them. If they some how did kill a rabbit I would just chuck it into the tree's and let the other wild animal's have it and hope noone saw the kill :p I dont course my dog's but it would not stop them trying to chase and kill rabbit's. :oops:

Know if there are any formal agreements regarding running dogs north of the border though?
Ive no idea :wacko: . Im sure someone from the coursing side will be able to answer your question soon :D . Mine just chase a plastic lure along the ground :p
Hi, In answer to question about running dogs: A Law was passed on 1\08\02 Banning all hunting with dogs in Scotland. Breech of law punishable by Fine or Imprisonment. This is not before time and I hope the rest of Britain folows our lead soon.
Have you ever thought of a different breed of dog??????? seems SLIGHTLY incongruous.......not to say fookin stupid.
gillan said:
Hi, In answer to question about running dogs: A Law was passed on 1\08\02 Banning all hunting with dogs in Scotland. Breech of law punishable by Fine or Imprisonment. This is not before time and I hope the rest of Britain folows our lead soon.
I will be absolutely gutted if this happens - I can't think of anything worse :(

Mind you I think I will just sit down and explain the new law to my dogs and I am sure they will understand straight away and never try and chase anything again :blink: :blink: hmmmmm

Mind you I could just keep them on their leads permanently - nice
Dogs can be used to flush animals so that they can be shot. Other than this you can't have your dogs chase any animal. Including rats I believe but I might be wrong there.

I know someone up there who has two rescue lurchers. She doesn't intend for them to hunt. Because of the law she only lets one off at a time - two ='s a pack. She's coping with owning such dogs but despite not wanting them to hunt hates the law as it makes life so difficult for her re free running them.

Remember hunting is chasing NOT just killing.
gillan said:
I hope the rest of Britain folows our lead soon.
I hope not as my pup loves hunting toilet rolls at the moment!
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gillan said:
Hi, In answer to question about running dogs: A Law was passed on 1\08\02 Banning all hunting with dogs in Scotland. Breech of law punishable by Fine or Imprisonment. This is not before time and I hope the rest of Britain folows our lead soon.
Yeah, I know, but I just wondered if anyone did organised lure chasing or anything? My bitch is incredible to watch running, and a big garden makes up a lot for the lack of free running, but it'd be ace if there was a way to have her running in a safe and organised setting.

As for John's suggestion that another breed would be better ... does that mean people in Scotland shouldn't have lurchers ...? ... and therefore if a ban is extended to England and Wales we'll all be bad people for having the wrong breed of dog?! :lol: :eek: :wacko:
It's a shame that Scotland passed this ridiculous law, and i hope to god that this never happens in England or Wales :( ........There is NOTHING nicer than watching your dog behaving in a natural way by hunting :D ..........and when your dog is in full flight after a Hare its beautiful :D and breathtaking :thumbsup:
>As for John's suggestion that another breed would be better ... does that mean people in Scotland shouldn't have lurchers ...? ... and therefore if a ban is extended to England and Wales we'll all be bad people for having the wrong breed of dog?!

I don't think that John was replying to you but to Gillan.

As for somewhere to run your dog. There are two racing clubs up in Scotland. (See the clubs forum) But as far as I know there is no lure coursing. From what I can remember people have asked before on this list so there must be a need up there.

The closest to you is the BSFA meeting in Cheshire and of course Mark Roberts Wacky Racers (have I got that right?) who used to run near Preston.

Other than that are there any country and or game fairs near to you? Because they sometimes have simulated coursing events.
gillan said:
Hi, In answer to question about running dogs: A Law was passed on 1\08\02 Banning all hunting with dogs in Scotland. Breech of law punishable by Fine or Imprisonment. This is not before time and I hope the rest of Britain folows our lead soon.
Suppose everyone is entitled to an opinion however stupid we feel it is!

Maybe better posted on the LACS website ? :b
BeeJay said:
>As for John's suggestion that another breed would be better ... does that mean people in Scotland shouldn't have lurchers ...? ... and therefore if a ban is extended to England and Wales we'll all be bad people for having the wrong breed of dog?!   
I don't think that John was replying to you but to Gillan.
Sorry John ... makes more sense now! :b
gillan said:
Hi, In answer to question about running dogs: A Law was passed on 1\08\02 Banning all hunting with dogs in Scotland. Breech of law punishable by Fine or Imprisonment. This is not before time and I hope the rest of Britain folows our lead soon.
What a particularly dull place Scotland is becoming.

I attended a very popular Game Fair in Perth some thirty years ago. What has become of all those keen sportsmen and women.

I suppose all their voices have been drowned out by raucous townies from Glasgow , Edinburgh and other urban areas.

Very sad!
gillan said:
Hi, In answer to question about running dogs: A Law was passed on 1\08\02 Banning all hunting with dogs in Scotland. Breech of law punishable by Fine or Imprisonment. This is not before time and I hope the rest of Britain folows our lead soon.
Has anyone been prosecuted up in Scotland yet ? I`d laugh my c--k off if the first person to be tried was an anti taking their dog for a walk , when it takes off after a coney or a hare , forgets to be pc and nabs it . Bound to happen one day. the law is an ass , so they say and Bliar and all his anti cronies in the houses of parliament.

Rant over !!
Still running lure coursing every other Sunday through the winter starting at the end of October till end of February.

if you want more details i'll be updating the groups site under the clubs section or you can ring me on 07903 624876 for more details.

and theres also the site i've set up for live & lure coursing there is a link in the coursing section that is at the top of the threads.

Cheers Mark
they can ban what they want ,willl it stop you from free running your dog on rabbit / hare land ? i dont think so , just like people still use mobiles while driving , imposible to enforce , p.c plod has got better things to do than follow people taking running dogs out