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Rufus At The Beach


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I took Rufus down to the beach this morning, not for the first time but this time I remembered the camera :- " .

He had a look at the water


bit of a sniff


He went in and wet his toes but was soon chased away by a wave :D


He lost interest in the water after that and ran around like a mad thing sniffing everything, including children's feet (w00t) which he also licked :blink: .



He's starting to look more grown up now, at just over 3 months, 18" at the shoulder and eyes gone amber. And he tries his best to look regal, which is hard with sand on your nose :D


He is getting better looking each time I see him. :wub: :wub:
He's gorgeous! Such a handsome, noble profile. His name suits him so much. You must get some admiring glances when you're out walking :)
He gets showered with complements and attention when we're out, as opposed to the sideways glances I get with Ben :blink: . It's mostly collies, labs, staffies etc round here so he stands out a mile. It's all good socialization for him, though he seems more interested in people than other dogs.

Nobody seems to have heard of pharaoh hounds here (not even the vet), except for one bloke a few weeks ago who regognised the breed immediately, then whipped out a ton of photos of the flat coated retrievers he used to breed!

Walks are alot more sociable now, and take longer


P.S. the pics really don't do him justice at all, he's faaaar more :wub: :huggles: than that.
Rufus is a lovely sturdy chunky pup - and what a rich red colour - gorgeous. :wub: :wub: Love your beach piccies. :thumbsup:
What a handsome boy- very grand looking. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

How tall do they get- looks like he has got quite a lot of growing to do.
The breed standard says 22"- 25", so yes he's got a bit to go yet :D . He grew 3" in two weeks a couple of weeks ago :eek: but he's slowed right down in the vertical.

He's chunked up a little since then, doesn't look quite so gangly. I wish I could get him to go down the stairs though (quite steep) cos he's getting a bit heavy for carrying :b .

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He gets showered with complements and attention when we're out. It's all good socialization for him, though.
We've had the same, even though our Pharoah Hound is a cross with bull terrier [so we've been told, but he looks mainly Pharoah - just a bit chunkier and muscular! (w00t) ], but people seem fascinated with him.

Nobody seems to have heard of pharaoh hounds hereWalks are alot more sociable now, and take longer
We either get people coming straight up stating 'Pharoah Hound!?' and then being dead chuffed that they nearly right or - more commonly - 'what type of dog is that!!' I've often said we need a t-shirt for him telling people what he is! :D
Apart from the retriever man the only person to come right out with Pharaoh hound was a bloke with a beddie in April and he was referring to Ben :wacko:


Apart from the sticky up ears (which don't curl at the tips like a Pharaoh) and possibly the shape of his muzzle he's nothing like!

I think I'd like to see more of Simba, more pics please :)

Rufus what a beautiful specimen if it was not for having whippets it i the one dog i would love to own but still i love to see them.
Farwells said:
I think I'd like to see more of Simba, more pics please :)

Hi Dave,

Not to take over your thread :- " but, as requested, here are some piccies of Simba enjoying a bbq with a new friend that he went rocketing about the place with most of the afternoon! :D





That last photo of Rufus is such a beautiful shot of him. He's really coming on well isn't he? :wub:

Simba looks lovely too. ;)
I think Rufus knows how lovely he is , he is a beautiful rich warm colour. :wub:

Simba you are also lovely. :thumbsup:

Thanks for putting the pics on Jennie, Simba looks like a great dog :)

You're right about him being chunkier, his back end's got more of a curve than an ordinary Pharaoh, he's probably faster too :thumbsup:

Out of curiosity, did he inherit the ability to blush?

Nicola said:
That last photo of Rufus is such a beautiful shot of him. He's really coming on well isn't he? :wub:

Yep, he's thriving on a diet of bonsai trees, ipods & my last packet of tobacco :rant:

Farwells said:
Out of curiosity, did he inherit the ability to blush?
I've read this about this unique feature of the Pharoahs....mmmm, we're not sure; we'd like to think he does - there are times when he certainly has very pink ears and nose, but it may be more to do with his blood pressure going up when he's excited rather than blushing! :p

Oh, and he is pretty swift - particularly when chasing birds [when flying! (w00t) ] and rabbits, but mostly when he is just having a mad moment with an open field ahead of him! :D Don't think he'd match a greyhound though! :blink:
Rufus certainly has grown!! Still got those puppy paws though! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Simba is gorgeous too. :wub: :wub: So's the lurcher in his pics! :D