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Rue Poorly Whippet


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Hi everyone RUE.. he was not well last week and ended up spending Tuesday - Friday in hospital, he has not eaten for 7 days, he has been on a drip, he looks pitiful we only weighted him last week and he weighed 19 Ibs within 3 days he had lost almost 2 Ibs, our vet suggested he came home, in the hope he would begin to eat. he had a few biscuits, and small piece chicken. this morning I liquidised cooked steak and margarine, with dog food gravy and started to syringe it into his mouth, in the end he decided to lick it from my fingers instead. Rue has (Human multivitamins) he was having them everyday, I had cut them down to just a couple a week, perhaps this is why he was ill again, I really don't know. We have spent thousands of pounds trying to find out why he just would'nt eat, and ended up without any answers, however our vet tried giving him an IV of multivitamins, it was costing us a lot of money so I decided to just buy humans multivitamins. He was at the vets almost every day, when he started these tablets at home he picked up and began eating on his own he has been well for almost a year! I thought we had won the battle but here we are again back at square 1. I won't give up on him, but it is very hard to watch him just sleeping, and when he needs to go out to the loo struggling to get up to go outside... but I feel that if he can get better I did it before and I hope to be able to do it again, but I need to know WHAT can I give him to give him some energy that is fast acting? anyone got any sugesstions?



Regards Dawn
Poor Rue, I have no suggestions I'm afraid, just hope he gets better soon. My last dog was called Roo and she was very special, just like your Rue is. :thumbsup:
Hello Dawn, welcome to k9. :)

First of all just thought I'd say I don't think giving Rue steak and margarine after being so ill a good idea. I think it would be too rich for his stomach and with him not eating he needs light meals that can be easily digested so as not to put strain on his digestive system. Scrambled eggs, chicken and rice, may be a better choice also plain yoghurt will provide him with good bacteria to line his stomach. Also keep those fluids up as much as you can, have you been recommended to use electrolytes? Does your vet know he is receiving human multivitamins? and are they safe for him to have and are you giving a safe dosage? Does your vet have any idea what has caused his illness e.g. gastroenteritis or is he just not eating? if not is this a possible chronic illness and what tests (if any) does the vet plan? Sorry to come back with a load of questions!

wild whippies said:
Hello Dawn, welcome to k9. :)
First of all just thought I'd say I don't think giving Rue steak and margarine after being so ill a good idea. I think it would be too rich for his stomach and with him not eating he needs light meals that can be easily digested so as not to put strain on his digestive system.  Scrambled eggs, chicken and rice, may be a better choice also plain yoghurt will provide him with good bacteria to line his stomach. Also keep those fluids up as much as you can, have you been recommended to use electrolytes? Does your vet know he is receiving human multivitamins? and are they safe for him to have and are you giving a safe dosage? Does your vet have any idea what has caused his illness e.g. gastroenteritis or is he just not eating? if not is this a possible chronic illness and what tests (if any) does the vet plan? Sorry to come back with a load of questions!


Thanks for your reply, Rue has had every blood test going he has had CAT scan, lumber punch, you name it he has had it... he normally eats roast chicken and rice and milk, he has lived on this for a year, the vet knows he is having multivits and this is ok, he was having an IV multivits at vets over 1 year ago, they sugested trying pills fron chemist. Rue has had gastroenteritious??? after having a setroid injecting when he had a funny turn last week, this is what has caused his tummy probs, as it is like us taking asprin on empty stomach...
So if I've read right, he's had a bout of gastro following a steroid injection and now it's a matter of getting him eating again? Does he have another illness (? funny turn) or is this part of his syptoms?
wild whippies said:
So if I've read right, he's had a bout of gastro following a steroid injection and now it's a matter of getting him eating again? Does he have another illness (? funny turn) or is this part of his syptoms?

Yes the gastro has stopped him eating... he stopped eating last Saturday when the sickness etc started. A little about his medical history.... when we picked him up @ 12 wks he was scrawny had looked great @ 8 weeks, breeder had trouble getting him to eat.... once I had hand fed him for almost a year he started eating on his own, the first episode he had was almost like a small stroke, he fell over eyes flickering no control over his body, subsequent episodes, shivering, body cramps, then we had emergency cat scan London! and lumber punch, also blood tests, vet thought he had lysomal storage disease, to do with brain.... but all tests came back negative all blood test clear?

He had a little ice cream this afternoon he enjoyed that, otherwise no interest in food or moving, just sleeps and if I try to put food in side of his mouth just flicks it out with his tongue.... like he has given up... but I won't be beaten just need some ideas for feeding... friend e-mail this afternoon, suggesting complan... which I shall buy today, I will try anything!
ok snapdog sorry to hear your news will your dog drink on its own? if not try a salt sugar & boiled water mixture 1 pint water 2 table spoons sugar 1 table spoon salt mix & cool syringe mix in to side of mouth that will replace lost fluids put a coat on the dog to retain body temperature try cheese fish eggs rice yogurt pasta or green tripe i know it stinks but very few dogs refuse it little & often is best hope this helps :luck:
Has your vet given you any medication to protect his stomach? Any sort of gastric trouble will make a dog unwilling to eat, as they often feel nauseous and it can be painful for them. If not, ask about something like sucralfate or cimetidine to protect his tum. I agree with Wild Whippies' suggestions for food - avoid margarine if at all possible! Try boiling rice in fresh ham or chicken stock, to give if flavour, and offer him things like tinned chicken soup, tuna and strong-flavoured sausages. Warming his food gently (not too hot!) may make him more interested in it. :luck:
Hi, Sorry about Rue being ill, I have used Effico Tonic with my whippets when they have been off thier food with poor appitite; from the chemist, it is liquid and I found it brings their appitite back. I give them the lowest childs dose, you can dilute also. It contains vitamin B1 also so you may have to check with other vitamins he is getting. I hope this helps and that he improves soon.
So sad to hear of such a sick and young dog. I was going to suggest things like CAT scan, gastroscopy, MRI but it seems you have already gone along those lines. Sounds like a malabsorption disorder. Are you able to get any Doctors (as opposed to Veterinarians) interested in his symptoms? There may be a chance of drawing a parallel.

I'm sure my next comment will upset you, but it is not intended to do so.

It really sounds like you are just prolonging this little dog's illness......

Without being able to determine a cause and/or arrive at a reliable treatment, I truly think it would be kinder to let the poor boy go.

You are 'torturing' yourselves and Rue.

In saying that, I REALLY hope you can get a Endocrinologist interested in Rue's condition.

Slippery elm (from the herbalist) is excellent and gentle for protecting and settling stomaches. "Protexin" will reastablish all the correct gut bacteria after an episode of gastenteritis.

All thes best to all of you. Julie
whippophile said:
So sad to hear of such a sick and young dog.  I was going to suggest things like CAT scan, gastroscopy, MRI but it seems you have already gone along those lines. Sounds like a malabsorption disorder. Are you able to get any Doctors (as opposed to Veterinarians) interested in his symptoms?  There may be a chance of drawing a parallel.I'm sure my next comment will upset you, but it is not intended to do so.

It really sounds like you are just prolonging this little dog's illness......

Without being able to determine a cause and/or arrive at a reliable treatment, I truly think it would be kinder to let the poor boy go.

You are 'torturing' yourselves and Rue.

In saying that, I REALLY hope you can get a Endocrinologist interested in Rue's condition.

Slippery elm (from the herbalist) is excellent and gentle for protecting and settling stomaches. "Protexin" will reastablish all the correct gut bacteria after an episode of gastenteritis. 

All thes best to all of you.  Julie

Our vets mother is a doctor in a childrens hospital in London, she was the one who first suggested giving Rue multivitamins, and he has had good quality of life for almost 12 months, I could not stand to watch him suffer any more than he has too, he has had more than his fair share of illness in his short life. This is very upsetting to write. thanks Dawn
i had a very similar problem with a young dobermann male.he got it by eating bone chipped from a large ham bone that he couldnt splinter as it was too big,but he managed to chip little bits off them and over a period of time they started to get stuck in his intestine.rather like pouring pebbles down a pipe,eventually one sticks then another and before you know where you are there was a complete blockage.he had to have a large portion of intestine cut out as they twisted and the blood was cut off and the flesh started to die (gangrene)anyway my vet managed to operate and get him over this,but for the rest of his short life i had the same problem as you.he couldnt eat normal food could only eat small amounts of boiled rice and chicken,was always terribly thin to the extent he looked like a cruelty case.he dodnt absorb his food properly and his motions were always sort of greasy and loose.i spent thousands on him,trying various treatments,steroids etc.nothing worked. in the end one morning i got up went to him and as he got up out of his bed he collapsed.we rushed him to the vet who said thats it there nothing i can do for him,his veins have collapsed and hes going,so we let him put him to sleep.i broke my heart crying,i was so upset after all we had tried to get him better,but it just wasnt meant to be.if id have known he was going to be like this i would have let the vet put him to sleep when he first got the blockage,but im a great believer in where theres life theres hope.its easy to be wise after the event and hindsight is a wonderful thing.but when its your adored dog who is ill youll do anything to try to help them. :( ill say a little prayer for Rue tonight.may all our gods bless him,no matter what religion :thumbsup:
Hi all - just to let you know (Dawn hope you don't mind me answering a bit for you) that Rue has a long history (in his short life) of these kind of medical problems (poor little guy). He's had almost every test under the sun and they've found NOTHING. Which I know is so frustrating for them. So the fact that he's been so healthy (for him) for the past several months means they've been doing something right!! He is absolutely the sweetest little whippet!!

Dawn I'm so sorry to hear of this set-back. I hope that you're able to get his equilibrium back and get him back to his more recent self.

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Heart-breaking...........I so hope he picks up, it sounds like you have tried so hard. if it were me, I think I would try the route of a little bit of what you fancy. Good luck and please keep us informed. You are both very brave :luck:
:luck: to Rue heres hoping he gets well again :huggles:
Hey Dawn, Just wondered if Rue was eating again yet. Really hope he is/will pick up. Julie
whippophile said:
Hey Dawn, Just wondered if Rue was eating again yet.  Really hope he is/will pick up.  Julie
Hi Julie,

Rue has been a lot brighter today, he has been popping in and out of the garden very wobbly, but thats to be expected.... He is still sleeping lots but all the time he is sleeping he is getting stronger.

keep in touch, rue has an appointment at the vets tomorrow 5.50pm GMT so hope ot's going to be good news.
Wendy said:
Hi all - just to let you know (Dawn hope you don't mind me answering a bit for you) that Rue has a long history (in his short life) of these kind of medical problems (poor little guy).  He's had almost every test under the sun and they've found NOTHING.  Which I know is so frustrating for them.  So the fact that he's been so healthy (for him) for the past several months means they've been doing something right!!  He is absolutely the sweetest little whippet!!
Dawn I'm so sorry to hear of this set-back.  I hope that you're able to get his equilibrium back and get him back to his more recent self.


Hi Wendy,

thanks for you support, I have had so many replies which has been very encouraging for me. Today Rue has been a lot brighter, he has been popping out to the garden, sometimes just to bask in the sun I am mashing and food and syringing it into his mouth, when I tried to feed him on Friday when he came home from the vets he had only eaten about 2 tsp of food... he looks terrible, he had been home for a few hours when I first tried to feed him, his second eyelid would just close and he just held the food in his mouth, I wondered if I had done the right thing bringing him home. The vet said he would need lots of rest and to try to feed chicken & rice anything bland. Rue did not seem interested in life! I was having to stroke his throat to get him to swallow the food I was syringing into his mouth, so I brought baby milk... and build up chicken soup, he was only eating very small amounts, however I thought that even though he does not want to eat I have to make him. He looks at me with trepidation every time I go near him. I opened a new syringe yeaterday his face, I felt so sorry for him he looked so scared I felt guilty that I left him at the vets for so long, but Col said if we had'nt he would have died. He was on a drip alll the time he was there, they did not offer food until morning he left because of sickness etc.

When I offered the chicken build up soup he seemed really interested... and started to lick the syringe before I started to feed him, he is not happy being fed this way, but he won't eat on his own... I just hope that the vet is pleased with his progress, he still had a temperature when he came home Friday, but he does not feel as hot today, and seems less shivery. I will keep you posted, thanks again for your support. Dawn & Col
Again. all the best........You are doing every-thing you can, he knows that :( I hope he will be well one day, but if he doesn't perk, you must PLEASE know you did so much for him. Take care
:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to poor Rue from all of us

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: to you