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Ruby Is So Lucky

longstone lad said:
thinking back now am asking myself the question did i do the rite thing by lifting Ruby up i mean wot else was i meant to do let her b maled or risk being biten myself?
Sorry to hear this. Sadly we have found ourselves in a similar situation quite a few times now. What we do is to stand in front of our dogs, so they are out of direct eye-contact with the aggressive dog, and then try to use voice commands to halt it in the first instance; failing that, if you have to make contact with the aggressor to prevent it biting your dog and causing serious injury, use your feet whilst keeping your own dogs under control behind you with your hands (assuming your own dog/s are on the lead of course). I'd never pick my dog up, as you then have to control your own dog, who may be panicking, you can't protect them from the other dog if it jumps, and your hands may well be bitten if it does snap at your dog in your arms.

James had to do just this on the weekend, when a Shar-pei flew at our 2. It did make some kind of contact, but luckily he managed to aim a good kick at it before it had time to bite, and it took several more kicks to keep it at bay before the owner finally managed to grab it (and anyone who knows my OH will know how untypical it would be of him to behave like this unless it had been absolutely necessary). It must have slammed into Gelert as he seemed very sore afterwards.

The lady had previously asked if she could walk with us, as apparently whippets were one of the few breeds her dog 'liked' and she was trying to socialise it; reading between the lines, it may just have been that they were the only breed it hadn't yet had a go at. :- "
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blue eyed boy said:
longstone lad said:
herby said:
rhonda  was that up past stormys house ?  did you actually  see the speak to her if i was you .
                 cedric celery  :- "

yes herby it wz outside the mace.

the owner cam runnin out of da shop to pull the dog away and she did say sorry and wz ruby ok but dat was it

another girl which wz in the mace told me dat the dog had actually gone 4 another dog a couple of days ago out side the shop.

i wz actually too shaken :sweating: up to say much to her, but afterwards i thought of everything i should ave zd.


You should ask if anyone has had the same experience from that dog,, if so you should separately ask the women to either muzzle her dog in public places, or do not leave it unatended outside the shop/shops, and if that dosnt work well o:) :lol:

hi chic a dee

the thing is i put meself in her shoes i would actually feel terrible if it wz my dog u had attacked but then i think well hey my dogs would'nt.

grant cn the owner walking da dog earlyer 2day i just pray i dont ever bump into dat dog again. :)

Im so glad you and Ruby are ok.

If that was me in the sitaution i would have done it aswell.

Recently, my friend jane from school was walking down the road which was the schools road and a rottwieler pounced on her and starting biting and scratching her leg but luckily her friend managed to pul the dog off of her but she was left with cuts and bruises. :rant:

I dont like it to be put down. but they shouldnt be left on the street especially this dog as it had done previously to other students from my school.

Im just glad she is ok, but she still has a limp and it happened to days ago. :rant:

i just hope ya ok. :wub: :huggles:
longstone lad said:
blue eyed boy said:
longstone lad said:
herby said:
rhonda  was that up past stormys house ?  did you actually  see the speak to her if i was you .
                 cedric celery  :- "

yes herby it wz outside the mace.

the owner cam runnin out of da shop to pull the dog away and she did say sorry and wz ruby ok but dat was it

another girl which wz in the mace told me dat the dog had actually gone 4 another dog a couple of days ago out side the shop.

i wz actually too shaken :sweating: up to say much to her, but afterwards i thought of everything i should ave zd.


You should ask if anyone has had the same experience from that dog,, if so you should separately ask the women to either muzzle her dog in public places, or do not leave it unatended outside the shop/shops, and if that dosnt work well o:) :lol:

hi chic a dee

the thing is i put meself in her shoes i would actually feel terrible if it wz my dog u had attacked but then i think well hey my dogs would'nt.

grant cn the owner walking da dog earlyer 2day i just pray i dont ever bump into dat dog again. :)


Well if i was the girl i would make sure you both were ok before i left, also i would add an apologie to you, for having to get her dog inyour face, i wonder what she would have done it worked out worse then it did,, SOME PEOPLE :rant: