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Ruby Is So Lucky

longstone lass

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was out walking ruby this lunch time wz goin 2 collect my 3 year old from nursery.

am still bloody shakin now just thinkin how close we both were to bein eaten alive. :eek:

walkin past my local shop and there wz a dog tied up to a tree well of course i thought its tied up no prob so i walk past and the blimming thing snapped the lead it was tied with and tryed to pick up poor Ruby ( who is only 7 mths). :eek:

it crabed her back end.

in panic i bent down to scoop poor Ruby up who at this stange wz cryin her wee heart out. :(

[SIZE=14pt]the dogs face wz rite in mine[/SIZE] as i scopped her up and then the bloody thing started snaping at me jumping up it really looked like it wanted to eat us. :eek:

talk abot shaking i thought i wz going pass out but there was no way it wz geting Ruby :angry:

the girl who owned it cam out of the shop and called it but it wasnt listen to her so she then cam over and grabed it she had to trail itbac to the tree to gt it back on the lead. :sweating:

i just stood there shaking with Ruby in my arms my face chalk white .

the girl shouted over that she wz sorry and wz Ruby ok but i couldnt speak bac to her i wz in shock. i just stood there with Ruby in my arms looking at her thinking thank god i didnt have my 3 year old with me god it doesnt bare thinking about :angry:

then i said to her ACTUALLY am lucky you came out when you did . there was alot more i should have zd to her but i was just so glad we were both safe :sweating:

thinking back now am asking myself the question did i do the rite thing by lifting Ruby up i mean wot else was i meant to do let her b maled or risk being biten myself?

if it was to happen again (which a pray to god it never does) i would do the same thing its the first thing i would do pick up Ruby after all shes 1 of the family.

the dog doing the attacking was a bull terrier
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I dont know if it was the right thing to do, but I would have picked her up too
you did what you needed to do at that moment, i prob would have done that as well, glad you are both ok :huggles:
Hi....oh my !! I am so sorry this happened to you, that is awful. I am so glad you are okay and Ruby too. Keep her warm and quiet incase she is in shock.

It is advisable NOT to pick up any of the dogs involved in a `skirmish`. You`d probably find that Ruby being a pup, would lie down to be submissive.

If a dog fight ensues , don`t interfere physically as the dogs lose all momentum as to what they are doing and may bite YOU by mistake.

This girl , the owner, can be reported. It isn`t the dog`s fault. Owners should NEVER tie any dog to anything...It is a dreadful thing to do I personally think....especially any type of dog which could be dangerous to others.

Any dog which is tied up may be protecting what he thinks is his domain. I wish people wouldn`t do it !
I wish people wouldn`t do it !

quite right flowerpot, drives me mad, there have been times that i havent been able to get in our little shop cos there are dogs tied up outside going mad :rant:
Flowerpot said:
Hi....oh my !! I am so sorry this happened to you, that is awful. I am so glad you are okay and Ruby too. Keep her warm and quiet incase she is in shock.
It is advisable NOT to pick up any of the dogs involved in a `skirmish`. You`d probably find that  Ruby  being a pup, would lie down to be submissive.

If a dog fight ensues , don`t interfere physically as the dogs lose all momentum as to what they are doing and may bite YOU by mistake.

This girl , the owner, can be reported. It isn`t the dog`s fault. Owners should NEVER tie any dog to anything...It is a dreadful thing to do I personally think....especially any type of dog which could be dangerous to others.

Any dog which is tied up may be protecting what he thinks is his domain. I wish people wouldn`t do it !

thankyou i will keep her warm

yes my partner wants me to report want happened but am just thankful we r ok
That is terrible :- "

I had my tibetan spaniel ruined for the show ring as she was attacked by a dog at 5 mts old , she has never recovered and won't go near a dog that is not one of her family pack.

I hope you are both feeling better :huggles:

Hi, I to have had a dog try to attack my dog and my first instinct was to pick him up and thank goodness that I did as this dog has really attacked various other dogs in the area quite badly. It backed straight off when I picked him up and I would do it again as I just couldn't let a dog attack him as he is such a sweet natured boy and would not fight back.

I know that at the time you are just so relieved to get away and then you start to get angry and think of all the things you should of said to the owner - I did get to speak to the owner shortly afterwards and got a mouthful of abuse so I did report them but the dog warden said they could do nothing about it.

You have to be so vigilant - I do not tend to walk my dog around streets because of this - I think it has affected me more than him as I am so nervous around other dogs now and am a bit over protective with him.

Hope you are feeling OK.

Was it rocky :rant:

Poor Ruby and you , i bet you were glad Craig wasnt there, i dont no what i would have done.... Altho i think you done the rite thing picking Ruby up, shes still only a pup, and rocky would have prob just left you her collar :oops: and maybe lead :oops: .

I'd do the same thing in any case like that, altho i dont think i could pick hosie up, i'd have the rite idea what id prob do but i better not comment. (w00t)

Am Glad You Both Are Ok :huggles: :huggles:
I'm so glad you're both alright :sweating:

Surely these bull terriers should be muzzled at all times when out in public? Their basic instinct is to attack and kill and, IMO, they can't be trusted and certainly not left on their own without any control (w00t)

At least you got an apology but it is an awful thing to happen to poor Ruby :( Jinny is only 7 months old and I know how vulnerable she is :wub:

I hope it doesn't cause her to be frightened in the future :luck: :thumbsup:
that must have been a awful shock,hope your both feeling better soon.

we once had a similar thing happen to us but it was a rottie that grabbed our dog :(
that's awful, and of course it's the owners fault, it should've at least been muzzled.

It's natural instinct to protect your own, I was out with our 15 week old whippet when an ownerless well built staff came sniffing her and then growling and snapping at her, after reading previously on here that you shouldn't pick up your dog etc... I ended up picking mine up eventually as the other one would not leave her alone and she was crouching and squealing. :angry:

I'm sure in the animal world a mother dog would put herself between an over zealous investigator and her pup, so we've done exactly the same, next time I'll trust my instinct :angry:
blue eyed boy said:
Rhonda!Was it rocky :rant:

Poor Ruby and you , i bet you were glad Craig wasnt there, i dont no what i would have done.... Altho i think you done the rite thing picking Ruby up, shes still only a pup, and rocky would have prob just left you her collar :oops:   and maybe lead :oops: .

I'd do the same thing in any case like that, altho i dont think i could pick hosie up,  i'd have the rite idea what id prob do but i better not comment.  (w00t)

Am Glad You Both Are Ok :huggles:   :huggles:

hi court,

no it was'nt rocket.

and yes thank god craig was'nt there

Ruby seems to be fine ave been checkin on her all nite if she could talk she'd b tellin me to naff off

am at the stage were am thinking ishould ave this and i should ave said that
longstone lad said:
blue eyed boy said:
Rhonda!Was it rocky :rant:

Poor Ruby and you , i bet you were glad Craig wasnt there, i dont no what i would have done.... Altho i think you done the rite thing picking Ruby up, shes still only a pup, and rocky would have prob just left you her collar :oops:   and maybe lead :oops: .

I'd do the same thing in any case like that, altho i dont think i could pick hosie up,  i'd have the rite idea what id prob do but i better not comment.  (w00t)

Am Glad You Both Are Ok :huggles:   :huggles:

hi court,

no it was'nt rocket.

and yes thank god craig was'nt there

Ruby seems to be fine ave been checkin on her all nite if she could talk she'd b tellin me to naff off

am at the stage were am thinking ishould ave this and i should ave said that

Am sure she is loving all the attension :huggles:

Did the girl not even, come over to see if u both were ok? or was she to worried about the stuff she prob left on the counter :rant:

i think you both need a good treat after tht (w00t)
rhonda was that up past stormys house ? did you actually see the speak to her if i was you .

cedric celery :- "
What a shock for you, and as you said, very lucky that you didn't have your 3yr old with you or you would be in a right state. It's only natural to want to protect your dog from any danger and picking her up was what anyone would do, just instinct. You probably saved Ruby from a nasty bite from that dog. Lucky she's light enough to pick up... a very frightening experience for you :(


I once booted a dog in the head which was attacking my dog and it got hold of my leg :wacko:


I think that any dog with aggressive tendencies should be muzzled at all times in public places. (Mine is :( )


Tracey x
Omg that would have been scary, something similar happened me last year when i was walking tori wen a labrador came running viciously across the road towards tori, i panicked and put my leg infront of tori to block it from her and it grabbed my leg and knocked me to the ground i then let go off Tori who took off down the road, it was scary & i know i shouldnt have put my leg out to block it but ya cant help it at the time its just a natural instinct i think,lol :thumbsup: i couldnt believe it was a labrador though,lol, they r meant to be friendly dogs,LOL, :wacko:

Rose :)
herby said:
rhonda  was that up past stormys house ?  did you actually  see the speak to her if i was you .
                cedric celery  :- "

yes herby it wz outside the mace.

the owner cam runnin out of da shop to pull the dog away and she did say sorry and wz ruby ok but dat was it

another girl which wz in the mace told me dat the dog had actually gone 4 another dog a couple of days ago out side the shop.

i wz actually too shaken :sweating: up to say much to her, but afterwards i thought of everything i should ave zd.

longstone lad said:
herby said:
rhonda  was that up past stormys house ?  did you actually  see the speak to her if i was you .
                 cedric celery  :- "

yes herby it wz outside the mace.

the owner cam runnin out of da shop to pull the dog away and she did say sorry and wz ruby ok but dat was it

another girl which wz in the mace told me dat the dog had actually gone 4 another dog a couple of days ago out side the shop.

i wz actually too shaken :sweating: up to say much to her, but afterwards i thought of everything i should ave zd.


You should ask if anyone has had the same experience from that dog,, if so you should separately ask the women to either muzzle her dog in public places, or do not leave it unatended outside the shop/shops, and if that dosnt work well o:) :lol: