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As ihave said on another posting, why does this forum carry adverts for the rspca, who helped get coursing banned? Is the rspca reading this forum, to try to get stuff on us for a prosecution, do they help run it????? We need some answers, cos i dont want anything to do with a web site that embraces that bunch of dog murdering double standard dealing bunny huggers. :rant: :rant: :rant:
invision wqho host the board chooses which adds are placed on K9 not the K( admin or mods.

a search engine matches adverts to web sites ie: dog related to dog related web sites ect.
Mark Roberts said:
invision wqho host the board chooses which adds are placed on K9 not the K( admin or mods.
a search engine matches adverts to web sites ie: dog related to dog related web sites ect.

Could the mods on here not advise them as to the offence caused to us by having ads from the number 1 culprit for hare coursing being banned? Or do we not care any more? I for one marched at all the labour conferences , went to hyde park, went on the London marches, and to see a coursing forum giving the rspca advert space turns my stomach.
wunwin said:
Mark Roberts said:
invision wqho host the board chooses which adds are placed on K9 not the K( admin or mods.
a search engine matches adverts to web sites ie: dog related to dog related web sites ect.

Could the mods on here not advise them as to the offence caused to us by having ads from the number 1 culprit for hare coursing being banned? Or do we not care any more? I for one marched at all the labour conferences , went to hyde park, went on the London marches, and to see a coursing forum giving the rspca advert space turns my stomach.

I am not convinced that RSPCA are as culpable as you suggest. They(RSPCA) were one of a number of bodies opposed to hunting atc, not least a indeterminate section of the public. I too marched at Brighton and demonstrated in Parliament Square and various other places but have moved on. RSPCA takes alot of stick but can we perhaps be generous enough to agree that maybe they do some good also? As for adverts ,so what? Life's too short............ . Best wishes to you :thumbsup:
I personaly think the good the Rspca does outweigh's the bad ..just my opinion :thumbsup:
nicky12 said:
I personaly think the good the Rspca does  outweigh's the bad ..just my opinion  :thumbsup:
So an organisation that kills more dogs than it saves is deemed to be 'good' Wake up and smell them luv.

'i have moved on' can you be so insensitive to the good folk who have had their sport taken away from them. Coursing is as old as man, and due to the misguided evidence provided by such'experts' as the rspca, it has been out lawed. I for one can never forgive them for stepping outside their original remit, ie care of pets, to campaign so aggressivley against a sport i love and one that should never have been banned.
wunwin said:
nicky12 said:
I personaly think the good the Rspca does  outweigh's the bad ..just my opinion  :thumbsup:
So an organisation that kills more dogs than it saves is deemed to be 'good' Wake up and smell them luv.

'i have moved on' can you be so insensitive to the good folk who have had their sport taken away from them. Coursing is as old as man, and due to the misguided evidence provided by such'experts' as the rspca, it has been out lawed. I for one can never forgive them for stepping outside their original remit, ie care of pets, to campaign so aggressivley against a sport i love and one that should never have been banned.


was just my opinion no need to go off on one :p :thumbsup: not against coursing at all just think some of the rescue work they do needs sum recognition :thumbsup:
wunwin said:
nicky12 said:
I personaly think the good the Rspca does  outweigh's the bad ..just my opinion   :thumbsup:
So an organisation that kills more dogs than it saves is deemed to be 'good' Wake up and smell them luv.

'i have moved on' can you be so insensitive to the good folk who have had their sport taken away from them. Coursing is as old as man, and due to the misguided evidence provided by such'experts' as the rspca, it has been out lawed. I for one can never forgive them for stepping outside their original remit, ie care of pets, to campaign so aggressivley against a sport i love and one that should never have been banned.

their full title is the royal society for the PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.didnt read anywhere that they only concern themselves with pets. :- " also there are folk on here who arent pro hunting with dogs,so maybe you ought to remember that when youre ranting about the site carrying these ads.not everyone agrees with you. ;)
LasVegasNo1 said:
wunwin said:
nicky12 said:
I personaly think the good the Rspca does  outweigh's the bad ..just my opinion   :thumbsup:
So an organisation that kills more dogs than it saves is deemed to be 'good' Wake up and smell them luv.

Out of interest what would you do with the thousands of unwanted dogs then?

Send them to Battersea, an organisation who re-homes working dogs to working homes, not puts them to sleep just in case someone might hunt with them.
kris said:
wunwin said:
nicky12 said:
I personaly think the good the Rspca does� outweigh's the bad ..just my opinion�  :thumbsup:
So an organisation that kills more dogs than it saves is deemed to be 'good' Wake up and smell them luv.

'i have moved on' can you be so insensitive to the good folk who have had their sport taken away from them. Coursing is as old as man, and due to the misguided evidence provided by such'experts' as the rspca, it has been out lawed. I for one can never forgive them for stepping outside their original remit, ie care of pets, to campaign so aggressivley against a sport i love and one that should never have been banned.

their full title is the royal society for the PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.didnt read anywhere that they only concern themselves with pets. :- " also there are folk on here who arent pro hunting with dogs,so maybe you ought to remember that when youre ranting about the site carrying these ads.not everyone agrees with you. ;)

If you`re anti-coursing /hunting what are you doing reading/posting on a working section?? :- "
nigelmcfc said:
kris said:
wunwin said:
nicky12 said:
I personaly think the good the Rspca does� outweigh's the bad ..just my opinion�  :thumbsup:
So an organisation that kills more dogs than it saves is deemed to be 'good' Wake up and smell them luv.

'i have moved on' can you be so insensitive to the good folk who have had their sport taken away from them. Coursing is as old as man, and due to the misguided evidence provided by such'experts' as the rspca, it has been out lawed. I for one can never forgive them for stepping outside their original remit, ie care of pets, to campaign so aggressivley against a sport i love and one that should never have been banned.

their full title is the royal society for the PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.didnt read anywhere that they only concern themselves with pets. :- " also there are folk on here who arent pro hunting with dogs,so maybe you ought to remember that when youre ranting about the site carrying these ads.not everyone agrees with you. ;)

If you`re anti-coursing /hunting what are you doing reading/posting on a working section?? :- "

youre making assumptions.i didnt state that i was pro or anti hunting.i saw a thread about the rspca and so had a look.i was stating facts about people who are members of the site. ;)
Anyone regardless of their views on hunting are welcome to post in this section.

Healthy debate between pro/anti hunting sides is a good thing as long as its done in a resonsible manner and doesnt turn into a slanging match (which woiuld be removed as will any profanities)
If the RSPCA had not opposed hare coursing I think the majority of the public would have seen it as a disgrace - it may not suit those of you that have had your lovely sport ruined, but they are there to prevent cruelty and so surely this does fall within their remit.
wunwin said:
Is the rspca reading this forum, to try to get stuff on us for a prosecution, do they help run it????? We need some answers, cos i dont want anything to do with a web  site that embraces that bunch of dog murdering double standard dealing bunny huggers. :rant:   :rant:   :rant:
I can assure you K9 has nothing to with the rspca -_- We use Google Adsense to provide adverts on K9 and the ads shown are automatically selected to match the content on the page...
Rae said:
If the RSPCA had not opposed hare coursing I think the majority of the public would have seen it as a disgrace - it may not suit those of you that have had your lovely sport ruined, but they are there to prevent cruelty and so surely this does fall within their remit.

Well said Rae, totally agree with you
Rae said:
If the RSPCA had not opposed hare coursing I think the majority of the public would have seen it as a disgrace - it may not suit those of you that have had your lovely sport ruined, but they are there to prevent cruelty and so surely this does fall within their remit.
So why was ,or or is hare coursing cruel in your opinion???? Have you ever attended a coursing meet or been out coursing with your own dogs?

Coursing has been around since the start of civilisation, it is a test of the dogs skill not a deliberate attempt to kill hares, many more hares have been shot since the ban on coursing was introduced on estates where they were once preserved for coursing, a hare coursed can escape to run another day, a hare shot is a dead hare , or a wounded hare left to die a slow and painful death, i know which one I prefer......

One thing we have to look forward to ist he end of this labour government and the restoration of a Conservative government. David Cameron has given a manifesto pledge to repeal the hunting act so perhaps we will see a return once more of the sight of a slipper with two dogs ready to go , or the fact that you will be able once more to walk legally over land that you have written permission from the landowner to hunt upon, secure in the knowledge that you are breaking no laws if a hare gets up in front of your dogs :D

There you go and I haven`t been abusive either..
Last edited by a moderator:
nigelmcfc said:
Rae said:
If the RSPCA had not opposed hare coursing I think the majority of the public would have seen it as a disgrace - it may not suit those of you that have had your lovely sport ruined, but they are there to prevent cruelty and so surely this does fall within their remit.
So why was ,or or is hare coursing cruel in your opinion???? Have you ever attended a coursing meet or been out coursing with your own dogs?
6.67 There is a lack of firm scientific evidence about the effect on the welfare of a hare of being closely pursued, caught and killed by hounds during hunting. We are satisfied, nevertheless, that although death and insensibility will normally follow within a matter of seconds, this experience seriously compromises the welfare of the hare.

6.68 We are similarly satisfied that being pursued, caught and killed by dogs during coursing seriously compromises the welfare of the hare. It is clear, moreover, that, if the dog or dogs catch the hare, they do not always kill it quickly. There can also sometimes be a significant delay, in “driven†coursing, before the “picker up†reaches the hare and dispatches it (if it is not already dead). In the case of “walked up†coursing, the delay is likely to be even longer.

6.69 In the event of a ban on hunting and coursing hares, it seems likely that a few more would be shot than at present. There are concerns about the welfare implications of shooting hares because of wounding rates.

Burns report in full...
Quote from Burns report :

6.66 As far as shooting hares is concerned, we received anecdotal evidence of high wounding rates on organised shoots which would undoubtedly lead to poor welfare. We note that the report of the House of Lords Select Committee which was examining a Coursing Bill in 1976 concluded that "the total physical suffering caused by coursing matches is negligible compared with the suffering of hares wounded by shooting".64 Dogs are sometimes used to dispatch hares that are wounded by shooting.