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Rooster Booster X Greyhound Puppy Pics

Well Pat, I think around 22 to 23 but how long is a piece of string :wacko: I remember someone telling me that Gwilym would be the same size as Roo and a 40 Ib, think something got lost in translation there (lol) he turned out to be 24" and 48Ib!! His legs just kept getting longer and longer.....

They all look very like their dad did at that age so who knows, I was aiming for a 40ib er as i would love another one for non ped racing or it will just have to go do agility like dad does (w00t)

so whose ears is Twiglet going to have?
there coming on a treat jo

that black boy still my fav he does look like roo

soon grow into them ears lol
Just thought i'd show you all Twiglets very trendy coat, knocked up from the sleeve of an ancient fleece jacket (knew it would come in handy one day LOL) He is currently modeling the right hand sleeve....................!!!!!!!!! Curtesy of Toggi Clothing....

Tansy and Jack the horse admiring each others coats.
and a couple of the trees this morning all frosted up, just a shame it was so foggy!
good idea jo

they grow so quick

blue def suits him lol
Really nice pups :wub: Dad looks like a very versatile dog, does he have a smidge of collie in him?
:thumbsup: Really cracking pups,my olly in the picture above is very sharp not shy of anything,and bred really well, with outstanding winning racing lines at non ped racing to really well bred greyhound dam. They will make exellent robust FAST working dogs in my opinion, if your thinking about a pup dont miss this litter. ;) ;)
Really nice pups :wub: Dad looks like a very versatile dog, does he have a smidge of collie in him?

Hi there, No not even a hint of collie, despite being pretty good at agility. Dad is whippet greyhound, you can find his breeding on here on the non ped breeding section, his racing name is Rooster Booster. He is pretty good at rabbiting as well and very bright. They grow the asparagus under small polly tunnels about 23" - 24" high and he pushes the sides up and runs up the inside of them after the rabbits! Comes out plastered in mud and soaking wet but thoroughly enjoys himself in the process (w00t)

So these guys if they have dads intelligence should be pretty versatile all rounders.
Thought i'd put a few pics on of the boys who are 4 months old on Monday. The sun was out today so we had a photo session.

The two boys together

This is Tolly the slightly larger boy
This is Arri who is a right live wire!!

Just checking things out... ( Tolly on left, Arri on the right)
:wub: These two handsome lads are still looking for forever homes!! :wub:

Think they will make about 24" to the shoulder,pm me if interested.
Very pleased to say that all my boys now have wonderful homes, racing, agility and working.

The last boy, Arri went off on thursday just gone to his new sofa (didn't take him long to find it either when he arrived) so i now have what seems like a very empty house ( only 2 pups and 3 adults) and it seems very quiet except for the odd bit of verbal abuse from Roo...

So to all the new owners of my beautiful pups i wish you the very best of luck with them in the future.