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Review Your Year


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[SIZE=14pt]Well, 2007 is nearly over and 2008 is round the corner. [/SIZE]

Whatever the New Year brings, I hope it is a good one for all K9ers :thumbsup:


But what was 2007 like for you???


Here's a brief review of the last 12 months for me, a potted history so to speak!!

January - My mum got the all clear from breast cancer having been through surgery in November 2006..... YIPPEE!!!!!!! (w00t) :D

February - my racehorse, Lad, had a pulmonary bleed during his first race of the season which meant he was sidelined for 3 months minimum - he won't be racing again :(

March/April/May - very little rain meant the ground was too hard for racing so not much happened at all apart from my 50th on 27th April :oops: and, of course, the birth of my mare's first foal, Furby on 5th May - a beautiful colt foal :wub:

June - plans were in place for the arrival of Jinny :wub: when my border collie my best friend and constant companion, Fizz, died at four years old :( No reason, no warning - she just laid down and went to sleep. I haven't stopped crying yet.

July - a very busy month with my new baby, Jinny, who made a huge difference to my life and cheered me up no end :huggles:

August - Furby, my foal became very ill and despite all attempts to save him, died from salmonella poisoning and septacaemia :( The vet bill was over £4000 - I'm still paying it off :(

September - I saw the ad for 3 month old Ella on Epupz and couldn't help myself, I had to 'rescue' her from the situation she was in!!!! It was also my husband's 50th on 17th September but I was away on company business so he didn't have much of a birthday :(

October - Ella (little 'eller) arrives!! Life will never be the same :teehee:

November - no events to report!!!! Phew :sweating: Although life is much, much busier with two whippets in addition to the horses, job, cats, GSDs and husband (w00t)

December - Ella gets a wire injury but recovers well and we have our first Christmas as whippet slaves :lol:

[SIZE=14pt]On the whole I think I may have had more :( than :) over the last year, but I'm hoping 2008 will be a good year for all of us :thumbsup: :cheers: [/SIZE]
Jane, I have enjoyed following Ella's antics. I didn't realise, due to only being a K9'er for a few months that you hadn't had Jinny long either.

My year had had its ups and downs too. Here's my potted version :-


Jan - Decided that now I am retired I really ought to sell my last horse hummed and haahed about advertising her. :(

Feb - Aftermuch soul searching I sold her to two lovely 12 year old twins, so she will have lots of love and affection. I had bred her and had her for 12 years so really hard to part. :angry:

March - Really quite miserable not having a horse any more- the first time in over 30 years. Felt I must stay away from horses as it is too painful so I have only been riding once and spent one day stewarding at an Arab Race meeting.

April - My lovely greyhound Rosie had to be pts due to a bone tumour. :( She was almost 10 years old and I had got her as a 3 year old from the RGT.

May - Went to visit my sister in Cyprus but hated returning home to no animals.

June - A high grand-daughter Caitlin was born on the 18th June. :wub: :wub: :wub:

July and August - Still really missing having a dog around so decided to get another hound...I love all the hounds but thought a Whippet would be the ideal one. Joined K9. :D

September - Holiday to Italy and then a trip to South Wales to pick up Ruby. Life hasn't been the same since- she has brought me so much pleasure already. :D :D

Oct - Nov - Dec - Keeping busy trying to train Ruby and now waiting in anticipation of sending in her first show entry. :) :luck:

So roll on 2008 and hope we have a happy, healthy and sucessful year. :luck:

2007 has seen me blow up my van, nearly miss crufts coz i was in the loo, vet bills, re-wire my house on my own, re-plaster some of it to, spend my weekly wage in the vets on Ginster and some on Otis, go on strike at work and stand on the picket lines, vet bills, get dumped, get back together, dump him, get back together, agree mutually to split (got dumped again :- " ) more vet bills, get a puppy, help rescue a puppy, vet bills, get another puppy with a broken leg, vet bills, vet bills vet bills, split the house in two because of warring brothers, vet bills, buy a kitchen offa ebay and pick it up christmas eve, christmas dinner, start pulling out old kitchen on boxing day- might have new one in for 2008- no vet bills, ginni on the up and i got a new van :thumbsup: phew :sweating:

oh and i moaned about most of it to everyone on here :lol: :huggles: and got sympathy to :huggles:

with my mates around me, i say, bring on 2008 :D
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Low points were my uncle dying at the beginning of the year.

My old cat being PTS a few months ago.

High points, Hebe getting a 3rd place trophy & Scrumpy getting 4 rosettes during the season.

Keeping my 2 foster kittens :- "

May 2008 only have high points :luck:
How do you remember all those dates?

I struggle with what happened yesterday...

Anyway-Happy New Year to all :cheers:
In January i celebrated my 40th with a Limo and lovelya meal.

In March went to Crufts with two of my dogs.

In April had a lovely litter of eight pups

In June the pups went off to their lovely new homes.

In September went on holiday,Jack hurt his back and leg.

In September we got the lovely Beau

In December done well with Beau in the shows.

In December my Dad had a heart attack.

In December my Dad had a operation,just before Christmas and came home two days before Christmas.
Mine's been a pretty good year all in all, a couple of low points but only one main one of losing Churchill 14 year old cat :(

Few car troubles at the same time which made us late for holidays but all worked out in the end :) it seemed we were having a run of bad luck at that time but everything comes right in the end :)

Dogs have all been healthy only one injury in the woods for Sienna which was small but very expensive as it was weekend but a distant memory now :)

Family has been healthy with the exception of minor ailments :sweating:

Made new K9 friends in 2007 and had a fab weekend with some of them in November :huggles:

Fitted a new kitchen which was bloody hard work but worth it, still a few bits of that to do.

If 2008 is as incident free I will be happy :D

Good luck to everyone else for the same in 2008 :huggles: :luck: :luck:
daledogs said:
In December my Dad had a heart attack.In December my Dad had a operation,just before Christmas and came home two days before Christmas.

Oh, Dawn. You must be in a bit of a turmoil with your Dad being poorly :(

Sending you lots of :huggles: and :luck: .... You know my number - just shout if you need any help with the dogs :thumbsup: :)
Havnt really enjoyed my 2007 much apart from little Archies arrival.. :wub:

Jan Feb ...mostly went ok

March saw the birth of little Archie... :)

April my Birthday month was ok too

May - Archie came to live with us.... :cheers:

but also in May a huge explosion happened in the street where I live...its took me a long time getting over it if Im honest....

All the windows in the street were blown out and the man in the vehicle died... :(

I only just got my new windows in December.

as for the partner of the lad who died, she has since had a baby girl so something good to come out of it at least. :huggles:

My brother and partner lost the home they were living in, due to the owners not paying the mortgage....then my brother lost his job and failed his driving test.

No holiday this year either as the house was insecure, windows were nailed up.

Lost two of my rabbits this year too... :(

October ok

November my daughters 18th :cheers:

and December ok My Mam and Dads 50th Wedding Aniversary

....but looking forward to 2008 :thumbsup:

dont really want a repeat of nerves wouldnt take it.
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suppose mine year as been quite boring really which isnt all that bad :)

jan must have come and gone as i carnt remember it :p

feb.. brought finley into our lives :huggles:

march.. me and grahams birthday :thumbsup:

april/may.. my aunt was recovering from a op for lung cancer :(

june.. brought oliver into our lives so getting quite busy at this stage :p

july/aug.. my son went to tamworth to start a new life with his fiancee :( :) also would like to say we started racing our whippets at the northern and was nice making lots of new friends so thankyou to all of them but especially carol,diane ,sue and cheryl :thumbsup:

sept/oct.. my aunt started going down hill again

nov.. my aunt was diagnosed with the cancer going into her brain and sadly we lost her on the 21st nov :(

dec.. so proud when my daughter graduated and is now a staff nurse :huggles: had a good christmas and getting ready to pick hopefully our last whippet baby up tomorrow :lol: welcome home noah :huggles:
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2007 Has been good for me.

Jan - Billy had just started his full working season

Feb - Not much happened

March, April, May - attended several gamefairs with Billy and won a fair few rosettes. Was also my daughters 4th Birthday.

June - More Gamefairs

July - started planning the Total Lurcher event, also helped out at my dads vintage tractor show.

August - Total Lurcher event. Was great to meet so many new people and spend a great weekend with friends, remembering Dinky and Cleo. HONEY also came home this month :wub:

September - My daughter started school :wub: Rudi and Rhys pups made their arrival.

October - I turned 25

November - Rudi and Rhys pups went off to their new homes :( apart from the one my OH kept.

December - Saw my daughters first ever xmas play (so proud of her) :wub: KRUGER arrived home :wub: Had a fantastic family xmas.

Looking forward to 2008.

Happy new year to you all :huggles:
My 2007 was a huge year for me, and very positive.

Got engaged in Nov 2006 so by the new year the preparations were under way...

January was my birthday, and we moved out of the house we bought in 2006 (and in with the inlaws :wacko: ) and started knocking it down to rebuild it :sweating:

February - our first lot of builders were a bit dodgy and were not turning up, taking money from our float and spending it on other jobs etc. Very little progress was being made and our bank balances were disappearing :unsure: :rant:

Little did I know it but our future family members, Twiggy and Willow, were both born in February 2007

In March my parents lost their little italian greyhound in a horrible accident :'( But new pups Hamish and Hugo came into their lives soon after as the loneliness was too much for them :huggles:

By Easter we had a new team of builders and things started to go well with the house build ...phew :sweating:

April, May and June were busy, busy with building and wedding preparations

Got married on 30 June and it was a fabulous event :wub: Bagged myself such a handsome, lovely chap :lol: :D

Finally moved into the new house in July and out of the inlaws house - they are lovely but 7 months was as much as I could take :wacko:

In October our two whippety loves came along and they have made our house a home :wub: :thumbsup:

Goodness knows what 2008 will bring but I hope it's full of fun, excitement and joy for all :luck: :luck:
I've had a good 2007 - the high points being:

Blue coming home to live with us in February aged nine weeks

my daughter, Carrie, passing all her Standard Grades in the summer


watching Carrie in her school musical - Greece - she had a ball!

Just had a lovely Christmas and wishing you all a very happy 2008!


Jill and Ian
mines pretty boring

jan & feb nothing exciting

march mine and adams birthdays

april went to my my only favorite uncles birthday

may,junejuly nothing to report there

august into our lives came spirit

september lee started high school

october lost my favorite aunty (the wife of my favorite uncle)to cancer so angry as no one told me she was ill :rant: so never got to say goodbye,broke my heart :(

november a quiet month

december well a nice quiet christmas except for the neighbours having a big fight :oops:

but at least i have made some very special friends on k9 :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
trac said:
mines pretty boringjan & feb nothing exciting

march mine and adams birthdays

april went to my my only favorite uncles birthday

may,junejuly nothing to report there

august into our lives came spirit

september lee started high school

october lost my favorite aunty (the wife of my favorite uncle)to cancer so angry as no one told me she was ill  :rant: so never got to say goodbye,broke my heart :(

november a quiet month

december  well a nice quiet christmas except for the neighbours having a big fight :oops:

but at least i have made some very special friends on k9 :huggles:   :huggles:   :huggles:

trac i will always be here for you and hope we never lose contact :huggles:
trish g said:
trac said:
mines pretty boringjan & feb nothing exciting

march mine and adams birthdays

april went to my my only favorite uncles birthday

may,junejuly nothing to report there

august into our lives came spirit

september lee started high school

october lost my favorite aunty (the wife of my favorite uncle)to cancer so angry as no one told me she was ill  :rant: so never got to say goodbye,broke my heart :(

november a quiet month

december  well a nice quiet christmas except for the neighbours having a big fight :oops:

but at least i have made some very special friends on k9 :huggles:   :huggles:   :huggles:

trac i will always be here for you and hope we never lose contact :huggles:

so do i trish im sure we wont :huggles: :huggles:
jinnyfizz said:
daledogs said:
In December my Dad had a heart attack.In December my Dad had a operation,just before Christmas and came home two days before Christmas.

Oh, Dawn. You must be in a bit of a turmoil with your Dad being poorly :(

Sending you lots of :huggles: and :luck: .... You know my number - just shout if you need any help with the dogs :thumbsup: :)

Hope your dad soon recovers from op. He probably had the same one as me 3 years ago, hope he recovers as quickly as I did. Best Wishes to him
