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Results Back From The Vets


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We got Gypsy's results back today, from the biopsy last week. What was thought to be a water infection is actually cancer of the lymph glands. I knew it was a possibility but was hoping that it would be a water infection, as the vet had initially suspected. She has started on steroids, and a cancer drug in tablet form, so hopefully those will help her. I'm gutted though, and at the moment I can't look at her without bursting into tears. She seems like her usual self, so it's taking a while to sink in properly :(
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So sorry to hear that news, make the most of the time she has left, and good luck for the whatever lies ahead :luck: :huggles:
:( sorry to hear you sad news lots of :luck: :luck: : and :huggles: :huggles: to you both :huggles:
oh crap emma. im gutted for you. dont get to deep about it yet, just wait a few weeks and see what way it turns. thank goodness you went to the vet !

j :( hn
sorry to hear that, hope they can help her as much as possible.

give her plenty more hugs and kisses, one good thing about our pets is they can't get sad about it. Hope she's not in pain :luck: :luck: :huggles:
Bellefire said:
We got Gypsy's results back today, from the biopsy last week. What was thought to be a water infection is actually cancer of the lymph glands. I knew it was a possibility but was hoping that it would be a water infection, as the vet had initially suspected. She has started on steroids, and a cancer drug in tablet form, so hopefully those will help her. I'm gutted though, and at the moment I can't look at her without bursting into tears. She seems like her usual self, so it's taking a while to sink in properly  :(
Hi Emma,

Sorry to hear this news about gypsy this sort of thing happened to the best lurcher i have ever had she was called fawn your dad will remember her she lost control of her water works etc, and i had to make the saddest decison of my life in the end but i could,nt let her suffer, But the medicines today are vastly improved so their could be a chance she will be ok,chin up. Darrell
So sorry to hear your sad news :huggles: to you both
so sorry to hear your news :( hope the meds help gypsy :huggles:

my lurcher molly was diagnosed with cancer a couple of months ago,its heartbreaking isnt it :(
How sad for you :huggles: :luck: lots of luck for treatment to improve things long term :luck:
Hi Emma,

So sorry for you.Lets hope the medication gets her better.Keep

your chin up,you will give her all the love she needs.
