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Resident dog and new pup..


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Hi all new here. Hope your all well and looking forward to speaking to you all and hearing about all your furbabies.

I have a 10 year old female (whole) shih tzu.

We recently got a staff X (8 weeks) female.

OH just turned up home with this puppy so didn't get to introduce the dogs slowly we just got landed. Anyway first week has been ok..puppy has been told off a few times by older dog but nothing nasty...yet. I need a few pointers and tips to keep things going in the right direction, they have been getting on well but my older dog is getting a bit snappy with certain things..puppy tries to lie on her cushion..She's head down..stiff..growling and top lip is up. Older dog snaps at puppy if puppy goes to eat food that has been dropped or if puppy goes to eat out of her bowl she will snap at the puppy.(getting worried she will turn possessive aggressive?) Before I get pounced on haven't kown what to do which is why I am far I got rid of the cushion and we keep the dog bowls lifted now when they have finished eating (at opposite ends of the room) how do we stop older dog snapping at the newies.

Sorry if I've gone on a bit I'm sure there will be many more questions to come :) x
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You have not "gone on". You are right to seek advice.

All that you describe is normal behaviour between an older bitch and a young puppy. She is teaching him manners. She values her cushion and she values her food. He will have to learn to deal with it. She is not being aggressive she is teaching him to know his place around her. This will make her life more relaxed and comfortable and it will be good for him to have boundaries.

Dogs will establish a pecking order among themselves and we should respect it. If you chastise her and allow him to have things which she regards as hers then she may escalate the behaviour towards him.

As he grows up he will have things that he will want to keep for himself and not share with her. That is natural and she will respect it.

You are right to watch their developing relationship but try not to interfere. It is extremely rare for an adult dog to seriously hurt a puppy. She is teaching him manners around other dogs that will stand him in good stead for the future.

Make sure you socialise your pup with lots of different breeds of dog and lots if different kinds of people. Look out for puppy classes run by a member of the APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers). They are excellent.
Maybe Gypsysmum will add to this but I don't think you should take away her cushion because that's almost like penalising her for his behaviour.
Thank you for replying.

I have been reading up on the internet and there is soo many different ways to deal with things which is why I thought I'd cone here. Just to point out the cushion wasn't really a dog cushion it was just put in there that day and had read to take things. So thank you for the heads up. My shih tzu is usually soo friendly I'd never seen her like that, she's also a little snappy over her favourite toy as well so I've been keeping that out of the way until her play time. We play with it then put it away so puppy doesn't take it although we have only just started doing that since the puppy came. So do I not take anything and just let them sort it between them? What signs do I look for so I know older isn't going to hurt the puppy? Sorry again for all the questions I just dont want to fail and want them both to be happy n there home. They both eat at same times opposite ends of room, I put older dogs dinner down first, they have playtime separate and together with myself and others in the house. Older dog also always has space if she needs time away from the pup sometimes. And they both have a few sessions of clicker training a day (seperate) Sorry gone on again lol x
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You aren't going on, this is just why we have this forum; to share advice and ultimately to improve our dogs' lives. Ive never had two at once (I've just read some material on behaviour which is why I posted about the cushion) so others with more experience than me will post soon but I just wanted to reassure you that we are all happy to give our input and there are never too many questions!
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You aren't going on, this is just why we have this forum; to share advice and ultimately to improve our dogs' lives. Ive never had two at once (I've just read some material on behaviour which is why I posted about the cushion) so others with more experience than me will post soon but I just wanted to reassure you that we are all happy to give our input and there are never too many questions!
Thank you Joanne it's appreciated. Like I said I just want to get it right lol. There just like extra kids to us. First time we have had 2 dogs to, and just got soo confused over all the different methods on the internet. X
If you are getting confused about all the information out on the internet then you need to have some idea of where to look. There are some very good organisations that have modern experts. I emphasise the modern because the trouble with the internet is that some very outdated methods are still out there and available for all to read.

Just a few modern organisations are APBC, COAPE, APDT. The Dogs Trust also uses up to date methods as do the Blue Cross. I am sure that others on here will have more suggestions for you.