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Rescue Story

Violet Turner

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Dog Rescue Stories

You can post your stories of dogs you have rescued and some videos on dog rescue stories.

I have rescued many of dogs, Cockapoos, one Labrador, Irish setter, and also a lovely little cross breed when I was in my early teens, but I have always watched Hope For Paws and they are a dog rescue charity in the USA that I love to watch as they do an amazing job and to rescue the dogs they use cheese burgers :)

Here is a sad video, but it promotes animal welfare and with it the laws that need to change in the ways of someone can just neglect a dog and dump it anywhere they like! L You don’t have to watch it but I recommend it because it shows how there are some horrible people in this world but there are some that are amazing people that help others. @Street dog shelter is this something like what you do when rescuing dogs?
Dog Rescue Stories

You can post your stories of dogs you have rescued and some videos on dog rescue stories.

I have rescued many of dogs, Cockapoos, one Labrador, Irish setter, and also a lovely little cross breed when I was in my early teens, but I have always watched Hope For Paws and they are a dog rescue charity in the USA that I love to watch as they do an amazing job and to rescue the dogs they use cheese burgers :)

Here is a sad video, but it promotes animal welfare and with it the laws that need to change in the ways of someone can just neglect a dog and dump it anywhere they like! L You don’t have to watch it but I recommend it because it shows how there are some horrible people in this world but there are some that are amazing people that help others. @Street dog shelter is this something like what you do when rescuing dogs?
Thank you Violet, on the back of watching a Netflix documentary on the rescue operation of pit bulls in America this week it has ignited my passion to want to rescue dogs. I have spotted one on the dogs Trust site but feel it may be too early to introduce another dog as Kenza is only 8 months. I know she would love another companion though.
@Yveren1, it is hard to tell what a dog wants as they cannot speak for themselves. I'm sure if you do speak to your local dog rescue they can help you with a dog your looking at and they can also do introductory lessons into your two dogs meeting... :)
We put fostering on hold 2 yrs ago as we have been doing major structule work in our house ...
I loved fostering mainly sighthounds over the 25 yrs ...i never forget my first foster a grippet (greyhound X whippet )
from our local dog warden ...he had been kept by drug addicts who had taped his muzzle up when he barked , set light to his tail ...he had cigarette burns on most of his body including his testicles :mad::mad::mad::(he was half his body weight and covered in fleas and looked like he had given up on life :confused:....after a week this broken body perked up and realised not all humans were Evil :mad:
He went to live with my sister and family and although his physical scars healed he had some real mental issues ...but he lived for 10 yrs with my sister and family .
We have also taken on oldies in the past 6 yrs just to make sure they live their remaining time in comfort. ..Bella a border terrier X 13 yrs old had been in kennels for many years after being taken from an abusive owner , she had been rehomed several times but bought back due to her biting passing feet (her former owner had kicked her daily )we drove the 3 hr journey and collected her ...we made a decision there and then no matter what she wasnt going to die in kennels ...she had a go at our dogs when she arrived home but settled in a covered crate ...i managed to clip her coat. .and give her a bath ....we discovered that she was almost deaf and blind and the saddest part was she was in kidney failure :(....she had 3 months with us ...came to work with me and had 2 lovely walks every day and she never tried to bite me or hubby ...she broke my hubbys heart ...
Then 3 yrs ago my vets phoned me and asked if i would take a 13 yr old JRT Tizzy taken to be PTS as the owners wre emigrating and the person meant to be rehoming Tizzy had let them down ...when i collected her i was greeted to a very overweight but lovely girl who couldn't wait to get out of her relinquishing owners home .....
Her nails were so long they were embedded into her pads ...she had urine scolds on her skin and vulva area ...she was a mess ...
But in 8 weeks she lost 2kgs and was a happy loving girl ....she too had kidney problems but 5 mths later she had rapid onset dementia and within 2 weeks was so distraught every day that our vets advised to let her go ....
The oldies are so very special that one day we will adopt another oldie ;)
Oh @Kara machon what heart breaking stories. I look at my little dog who is dozing in one of his several cosy beds, who has never known fear, hunger and pain (apart from the sort of post-op pain that is unavoidable) and whose biggest problem right now is whether to exert himself into rolling over for a belly rub. And it boils my blood knowing there are animals out there that have to bear such horrible and unnecessary cruelty. Thank goodness for people like you.

And as for the people who inflict that cruelty - whether you believe in karma or natural justice or a greater being; I only hope they get what they deserve.

By the way, apparently rolling over for a belly rub was in fact worth the effort so duty calls ...
I too believe in karma ...the belly rub made me laugh because i was imagining you rolling over for your belly rubbed :D:p:)
Yes i too look at my 5 just been fed and now sleeping either on leather sofas or numerous dog beds :rolleyes:

This was Bella ...such a sad life but a happy 6 mth ending ...forever with us laid to rest in our garden under the cherry tree ..the oldies especially take a piece of my heart with them. ...heartbreaking but so worth it xxx
It all started with my dad he would bring home waifs and strays and mum would fish out the dog bowl from the cupboard and manage to find something for the new arrival to eat. Some dogs stayed a while others just a few days. Before we got Murphy ( who isnt a rescue) I was talking with mum about dogs and suddenly had a flash of a small wirey dog.. 'who was Harry ' I asked her, she jumped and said that Harry had been a small wire haired terrier dad had bought home when I was about 3 but he didnt like children and so he had been found a quiet home after just a couple of days , she couldnt believe I had any memory of him.
But it was my dads passion that meant when I wanted a dog of my own I went looking at a rescue, so our first rescue Sheba came home. A dark brown mongrel who turned honey gold after a wash she only walked behind the furniture and never in her life ate dry food. She had been kept on a chain that had bruised her throat, she had been systematically beaten to make her a good guard dog but the owner told staff at Battersea that she was useless and not mean enough. Strangly she was the best guard dog we ever had but I think that was because you protect those you love and who love you and I have to say my children adored her.
After Sheba was Max I wasnt intending to get another dog but someone we knew had puppies and told us that if we wanted on we had to choose there and then because she had a vets appointment to put the rest to sleep. She had discovered too late that her 8 year old dog was pregnant and by a st Bernard so when the dog had 12 pups she was beside herself, the vet agreed it was too much for the mother and the chances of homing 12 huge pups almost non exsistant. So it was that Max arrived.
After Max there was Oscar.. I was still heartbroken from loosing Max but someone had broken into our home while we slept so OH said we need a dog and on my birthday we went to the rescue and adopted a skinny wretch of a dog. Confiscated by police he weighed only half what he should have and he could barely stand but he wagged his tail with delight when he saw us. He had been bought by a couple who couldnt cope with the hyperactive BC pup so they beat him breaking 4 ribs (they were left to heal on their own) shot him with an air rifle hitting his eye and ear, one pellet lodged in his leg and had to be removed later. They kept him locked in a shed and starved him.
The vet I took him to shortly after adopting him nearly killed me in his outrage at the condition of Oscar until I told him that I had only just adopted him. I dont think I ever paid full price at that vets! He was so proud of how Oscar turned out, as if Oscar was his own dog.
Then Benny joined us, bought as a lap dog from one of the best breeders in the country and from champion lines this fiesty little beagle was having none of it he wanted to be out there hunting and he did what beagles do, he ran off hunting, so they beat him, chained him up and as a last resort they threw him in the canal to drown but Benny had a strong will and he survived them and ended up with us, he was always a little autistic, we called him Benny grump and loved him.
Then in 2005 my son found a dog in a potato field and called him Remy (the orphan) Remy looked old and had misty eyes so off to the vet we went who explained that Remy had cloudy eyes from a massive head trauma, it was blood we could see , he had been savagely beaten and left to die in that field. He had slow responses and if you dropped a cloth over his head he just shut down like a budgie going to sleep. He was my velcro forever puppy he could never grow up, never learn tricks, never be the brightest candle in the box but he was love on legs. He was scared of everything though and the worst was new year with the fireworks when he just panicked like a soldier with shell shock ..
I swear if I ever lay hands on the person who did that to him I will throttle them ...

My neighbour once asked me 'why dont you get a pup from a breeder then you will have a perfect dog not one of these basket cases'
I explained very quitely but very firmly that my basket cases were perfect, the problem was the humans who had bought them as 'perfect pups' from breeders who didnt give a damn.
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