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Request to participate in study

Nikhita Sareen

New Member
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Hello all,

I am undertaking MS computing science at the university of Glasgow and as part of my thesis I am undertaking this semester, I created a mobile app for dog owners who visit dog parks and I am evaluating the same. Please help me by filling out a 15 minute questionnaire.

The app is all about dogs and for dogs. It is like a facebook for dogs where one can friend other dog owners and see when those friends with their pet( what breed, gender and age) arrive at the park. You can therefore, decide for your pet to visit the park and play with the friend. It also shows total count of the dogs present at the park at any moment. Other than this, one can set goals for their dog while at the park to complete for a positive dog park experience and also select events to attend they like for their dog like birthday party or puppy play party.

So, If you are a dog owner and visits park, please take out 20 minutes to take part in the study. I basically need your input/feedback to analyze how well the app is received by the people who are eventually going to use it and possibly improve upon it.

Please reply if you are in for it and I will send you the link to the form to fill. It will also have a link to a youtube video showing the demo of the app.
I'd be happy to do the survey, as long as I don't have to supply an email address or other identifying info :) However, I should say up front that personally I'd have security concerns about an app that lets people know when you are out of the house, as well as where you are going.
I was about to say the same and then saw JudyN had already done it. As well as home security, we dog owners need to be aware of the risk of dog theft and alerting the wrong people to go to the park and try to snatch a dog, especially if we are vulnerable in some way.

So - great idea and I hope you do well with it, but in real life, people arrange to meet with their dog-walking friends by private/more secure means.
Hi again,

Yes, I do not collect any personal information such as email address.

It will really help me if you can input your thoughts about security concerns in the google form (link in file attached). It will be the first couple questions only that ask you about your opinions about the app and what you want to change. Then, as you continue filling the form, it is just quick yes/no questions.

Please find attached a file that contains a link to the google form to fill out. I was not allowed for some reason to put in a link here in the post to google forms ( It will just mark in inappropriate) but, a file worked.

Thanks and regards


  • link_to_form.pdf
    183.6 KB · Views: 117
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Unfortunately the attached file doesn't appear. This might be because you're a new member. Could you try removing the 'https://' and/or 'www' part, please, and then post it as plain text? Then I should be able to turn it into a link and post it myself.
Here it is, just removed the https:// in the beginning
Oddly, the attachment has appeared in your post now... it wasn't there when I looked earlier!
I did start filling in the survey, but the questions were all geared to what features I'd like to see in the app, and as it is something I wouldn't choose to use, this wasn't relevant. Sorry.