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Red Ranger X Connors Lass (2)

:D All lovely pups but Libby is :wub: :wub: :wub:

best of luck to all the new owners they look loverly
Leo will be gone by the time I get home :( .

I have some outside in the garden pictures on the camera so wil put them on soon. Had a mad hour this morning, Leah is a right little madam (never had a pup like her). She sits pawing and barking at Blaze/Freya's bed getting Blaze to snap and snarl at her through the bars then she goes off an launches herself at the nearest pup will jaws snapping and snarling like a thing posessed.

Bet you can't wait now Trevor :- " .
Not been home long (100 mile round trip for Uni) and it was a long day, lots to do this evening so will have to wait until another day (hopefully Saturday) :thumbsup:

Leo is gone :'( hope to see some little pictures of him very very VERY soon :wub:
Okay ... good luck at uni .
Next year I'm hiring a helicopter - became a member of that little society known as ROAD RAGE today - silly c*w cut me up on a dual carriage way, so I gave her the salute through the front windscreen.

We were in a slow moving traffic jam that then proceeded to stop. I locked my doors :oops: .
have u found a racing home for fawn bitch,,,,,u know i would have her in a heart beat ,,,cos she is the spit off buddy ( my machine :D )

hope she finds a good racing home soon,,,did have old photo when buddy was same age but cant find it,,,but there,s no getting away they are so alike :thumbsup:

pic 1


pic 2,,,,buddy had to give 6yard and 12yard head start to win this jacket


hope its a racing home she find,s elise ,,,she,s my fav,,,but iam baised :lol: :thumbsup:
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No home for the Libster yet :( .

Taking the gang to Highgate on Sunday if I get a couple of hours free so she'll be there for people to have a nosey at :D .

I think she will be a great pup, would keep her myself but I think she'll end up the same size as Freya whereas Lucy will probably be bigger.
well iam amazed she wasnt the 1st one to go...

had buddy been racing in england maybe had another story,,,,he also put sugar rush back in her place after winning her 1st nch title,the week she came back to club ,, :lol: but even to keep up with seans bitch let alone beat her at yard lb (scr) when just taken a title is an achivment in its self

if she was a dog fleesh ,,,,as i only keep dog,s she would be mine,after i twisted ur arm :D

found some old photo,s off buddy at that age,,,,same as 1st litter 3 whit/partie and one fawn its a sign :thumbsup:

pic 1


pic 2

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yeah them ear,s..... :lol: :lol:

they,re twins,,,,same colour ,,,same build,,,and ear,s (w00t)
i had to come back for another look,,,,i knew they were alike,,,but that is dead canny,,, (w00t) ,,,,,ohhh if libbi wasn,t a bitch :(
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If you've noticed my signature - unless someone makes us a very good offer of a very good racing home - Libbi is staying !!!
Saw little Libbi yesterday,she is a beautiful pup and a credit to her breeder :wub: :thumbsup: Will be surprised but pleased if you keep her Elise,i'm sure after everybody seeing her yesterday,your phone will start ringing :thumbsup:
Well I did get a call Karen, a guy wanting to come back into racing. The perfect home for a whippet but sadly not to be due to family commitments at this moment in time.

I've directed him to this website and he's seen the pictures so hopefully when he's ready for a pup this spring there will be one out there waiting for him.

In the meantime they've been weighed 7½ weeks

Leah 6lb 3oz (average weight gain 2.75oz per day - I think)

Libbi 7lb 4oz (average weight gain 2.25oz per day)

Lucy 7lb 10oz :- " (average weight gain 2.5oz per day)
Vicky said:
I think this is one of them isn't it?  Taken this weekend at Ayr

Libbi in this 2nd litter is very similar to Buddy (Connor's Ranger) - am still trying to convince the family that we have to race her too rather than let her go to a pet home with Leo. I know she'd be loved to bits there but I think she'd turn out to show a pretty impressive turn of foot like her "big brother" Buddy. Hope a good racing home claims her soon. :(
Might as well just put this pic of Buddy up when I say that I've seen Libbi today for the first time in ages, she's so like him (but smaller). She's probably looking at about 26lb fully grown. Hopefully be taking her first trip to Maltby next Saturday ;) . With any luck Lucy and Freya will be going too :wacko: .