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Recieved A Letter This Morning

Got mine this morning :(

It's very worrying :angry:
Soooo.............everyone still happy to have national ID cards - where the government can store any information they d**n well please?????
I got one too.

What annoys me is that as a Payroll Manager and treasurer of a local social club I have a lot of dealing with the HMRC in relation to PAYE, VAT and other duties, and you would be mortified if you knew of the c*ck ups that I know of!

Two years ago hundreds/thousands of people received letters stating that they had unpaid in National Insurance contributions - this was not the case - the data had been lost as it was the first year of electronic submission.

This year, I applied to change my circumstance in relation to tax credits. They did not receive the first completed form, they did receive the second completed form, but lost the letter attached requesting an appeal for the back dated payment due to them losing the first form. (Also when I called to see if they had received the second form - they said no and then two days later I received the award through the post!!)

Also this year the company I work for has paid over £4M for tax and NI and they said that they had not received the year end submission - I wrote and attached a copy of the confirmation and I received a reply saying 'Oh they had found it'

Next, this year too we sent the payment for the PAYE Settlement £100K plus by BACS and yet again we received a letter demanding £11K in interest as we had not paid it - and guess what, when we appealed it was sitting in a suspense account.

Oh and there is another one this year - I paid for the duty on amusement machines for the club I do the accounts for and guess what - we received a threatening letter for £620 on 15.10.07 and they had banked the cheque on the 02.10.07! Finally they found it after numerous telephone calls - sitting in our VAT account!! The duty number was written on the back of the cheque!!!!!

Oh and to cap it all off - I was informed four weeks ago about the missing disc from a call centre agent at the Employers Helpline - at that time I did not realise that it affected me too!!

So guys and gals what do you think of the HMRC now!!!
Seemingly less than 1000 families in Scotland were affected by this cock up

Guess what I am one of those the letter arrived this morning!!!!!

Bloody typical if something can go wrong then its to me!!!! :rant:
Lal said:
Bottom line is nobody knows where these details are.  I got a letter this morning too!  Hells Bells government departments are meant to be safe, they ask for some fairly intimate details of your life then they bloody lose them!!!  They have intimate details of my health issues (I get disability living allowance), details of my children etc.  It is too scary to contemplate.
The disks may have been lost/mislaid but the department will still have all the information/personal details on their computer system. There should be no interuption in the payment of benefit. The concern is that if the disks get into the wrong hands will all be in a very accessible form and such a large quantity of data together. However, apart from bank details, [i don't know whether these were on the disks] all the information is available anyway if people are determined to find it.

Just to worry you all further, although computer systems should be secure, clerical records are still kept in filing cases in government offices. These are very rarely locked, unless they contain particularly sensitive cases such as apply to people coming under 'victim protection' after court cases. Civil Servants sign the Official Secrets Act but this does not apply to cleaners, who are mostly alone in the offices both before and after the normal working day. They would have access to all the same information that is on the disks [although in a lesser quantity] if they so wished to look for it


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ive not had one yet,but had a letter from the building society to say our account is one that they are keeping a close eye on,which worries me