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Lovely dogs, Lana! Aime retains her wonderful curves, even if she is a bit "stretched" :wub:
Dino is a very handsome chap :wub: & Aime of course is lovely too! Both Champions as well, now thats a successful litter - bet you are as as proud as punch Lana, and rightly so :D
roshwen said:
:wub:   They're both looking gorgeous Lana - any recent pics of the rest of the litter??
Thanks everyone and yes I have to say I am very proud. And I am very grateful to Molly Rule-Steele of the Taejaan kennel (yes that's an unashamed plug) for not dismissing me and my lovely Layla as 'country bumpkins who know nothing and are nothing' (which is the feeling I have had from some big city breeders in the past) and allowing me to use Darcy, as I had put a lot of thought into the right sire for Layla. Well I had a lot of time ... she didn't have her first season until she was two and a half. 2nd season at 3 1/2 !

Unfortunately no recent pics of the other three girls Louise. The pet girl I did get to see at the start of the year and I was very pleased with her also. Gorgeous size IMO (I got the 'thumper' in Aime :lol: ). Cara (with my mum) and Tinker (in Tasmania with Noelene Watson) are also two to be proud of. Cara gets lots of favourable comments (and she actually gets them from other whippet owners/breeders/handlers who are not connected to her or her breeding which is a very refreshing thing in this day and age of dog showing). I like that in people and I try to be like that myself. Credit where credit's due.
I can see why theyve done so well for you Lana :wub: