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Reaction To Frontline Spot On ??


thanks for that,going to ring the vet tomorrow and have a chat with him and see if he has experience with this sort of reaction etc and take further advice but i certainly won't use the Combo again on Parker.....however he is allergic to flea bites/stings etc so needs to be treated with something to prevent problems.
Whippets Rule said:
Thanks for all the replies...
Alfyn i don't need to use a flea comb as none of my dogs have fleas :) i only use the Frontline Combo as a preventative and the house is nuked regularly. :))

Sadly Parker had a partial seizure this afternoon which is very sad news indeed.

I won't use the combo again but i will use the spray next time he's due to be done.

on reflection it is just as likely Parkers brain is simply re-swelling in which case we'll be lucky if he makes it to the next time for flea treatment.....can't tell you all how awful i feel .....just feel like bursting into tears and never stopping....this lovely little dog has soooo totally got under my skin  :b   :(


Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear Parker's had another seizure. Sending him lots of good wishes :huggles:
Poor Parker, damned if you do and damned if you don't! :(

I hate using the stuff, and only use it if fleas appear on the dogs. I do think our milder weather has increased numbers, we have never seen a flea on a dog until this winter and we have owned them for in excess of 20 years. Cats seem to be the main problem, so I do a regular front-line on ours and hover and wash bedding often. Would it be worth treating the rest of the animals and just using a homeopathic or sympathetic herbal remedy on Parker? Hope he is OK :luck:
There has been talk in the dog press about bad reactions to flea treatments, hope Parker is feeling better soon.
Joanna said:
Poor Parker, damned if you do and damned if you don't! :( I hate using the stuff, and only use it if fleas appear on the dogs. I do think our milder weather has increased numbers, we have never seen a flea on a dog until this winter and we have owned them for in excess of 20 years. Cats seem to be the main problem, so I do a regular front-line on ours and hover and wash bedding often. Would it be worth treating the rest of the animals and just using a homeopathic or sympathetic herbal remedy on Parker? Hope he is OK :luck:


i will talk to the vet about what options for treatment of Parker but will continue to treat the other dogs with Frontline Combo and all bedding is hot washed weekly or more often if dirty,i hoover everywhere every day etc and regularly nuke the house......i am really phobic about mites/lice/fleas,in fact anything tiny that crawls,after an outbreak of grain mites in a bin of dry guinea pig feed two years ago..i can deal with anything except BUGS *shudder*

i beleive in some natural remedies but have yet to see any evidence of success where crawly things are concerned :b ,they do get garlic from time to time basically just in case it helps keep bugs away :b :b i'm seriously disturbed about bugs :b :b :b :lol:
sorry to hear about parker,hope hes ok soon
Sorry about Parker :( sending him some good wishes :huggles: :luck: :luck:

(Im not getting at you in any way :) - but Im sure in the instructions for Frontline - I read somewhere, do not give to any dogs on medication, older dogs or very young pups and kittens. I wondered if Parker was on any medication at all and this may have reacted with the Frontline)
Janimal said:
Sorry about Parker  :(   sending him some good wishes  :huggles:   :luck:   :luck:
(Im not getting at you in any way :)   - but Im sure in the instructions for Frontline - I read somewhere,  do not give to any dogs on medication, older dogs or very young pups and kittens. I wondered if Parker was on any medication at all and this may have reacted with the Frontline)

the first thing i asked the vet last year was whether iyt was safe to continue with the spot on flea treatments even though Parker was on phenobarbitone and he said yes there is no problem as he isn't ill, ie on antibiotics etc.

all it said on the packaging is not to give to sick/convalescing animals but Parker isn't ill with a bug,he simply has a brain problem.

rang the vet this afternoon and he agrees that Parker has probably had a reaction to the spot on but it should be perfectly safe to go back to using the Frontline spray which we used until four months ago.
I think if you can get away with using the spray only that'll be your best bet. I've got one who has skin allergies and a single flea bite makes him come out in hives. I've never used the drop on type mainly because I was concerned it could cause him a skin reaction but I've never had any problems with the spray, I use it every 3 months regardless of if I see a flea or not because I can't take the chance with him and I have to say it is excellent stuff.

Really sorry Parker's had another seizure, I have to say I'm quite smitten with him and I feel really sorry for the poor lad when he's having a hard time :(

Hope tomorrow's a better day for you Parker. :luck: