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Rch/nch North 2 South X Connor's Lass

Last night's pictures, as you can see she's having it really hard NOT :lol:



If they come out any time soon rest assured Auntie Blaze will be the first to know



This has been Kerri's idea all day so far, she just wants to sleep


She weighs exactly 32lb, no wonder she's fed up she's carrying an extra half her body weight around :sweating: .
shes sleeping all day so she can have them thru the night lol
shes sleeping all day so she can have them thru the night lol
Well just checked her temperature and it's starting to drop ... don't get excited though we may have a while to wait ... but I can't help it I'm getting excited ... :D
Good Luck Fleesh, it sounds like you might be up all night so keep a clear head girl, (i can see your mum running around the house panicking) :lol: I know i would be. :thumbsup: di
Good Luck Fleesh, it sounds like you might be up all night so keep a clear head girl, (i can see your mum running around the house panicking) :lol: I know i would be. :thumbsup: di
Just been having a laugh at that thought Di, it's too true in fact although she's been here to see Kerri's last litter born I don't think she actually watched the birth, most likely she was outside chain smoking :eek: .

Kerri got up a bit earlier and started nesting, Kerri isn't a bed scratter so it's generally a sign things are going to get underway. I quietly shoo'd the rest of the pack out the room and locked them safe and snug in their beds only to come back and find Kerri had made herself comfortable for another snooze infront of the fire. Seems she knows how to get rid of the other dogs when she wants 5 minutes peace :lol: .

Fire now too warm for her and she's back in her bed, no more nesting yet it's time for another snooze. -_-
good luck KERRI :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: (one for each pup) :wacko: :teehee:
guessing @ 5 pups 3 bitches and 2 dogs this time. r u keeping any fleesh?
Good Luck Fleesh, it sounds like you might be up all night so keep a clear head girl, (i can see your mum running around the house panicking) :lol: I know i would be. :thumbsup: di
Just been having a laugh at that thought Di, it's too true in fact although she's been here to see Kerri's last litter born I don't think she actually watched the birth, most likely she was outside chain smoking :eek: .

Kerri got up a bit earlier and started nesting, Kerri isn't a bed scratter so it's generally a sign things are going to get underway. I quietly shoo'd the rest of the pack out the room and locked them safe and snug in their beds only to come back and find Kerri had made herself comfortable for another snooze infront of the fire. Seems she knows how to get rid of the other dogs when she wants 5 minutes peace :lol: .

Fire now too warm for her and she's back in her bed, no more nesting yet it's time for another snooze. -_-
I'd be like your mum out side having a fag, :lol: good luck anyway when it happens. ;) di
come on judith u have got keep @ least one ;)

i remember when kez was having her babies i was a wreck so glad lisa came down and was midwife infact i ws ringing her when she was on her way i was flapping that much, mind id know wot 2 do next time :lol:
Mum knows what to do Carole.

Rush around, panick, phone at least 3 different people to come help, leave the room and smoke lots and lot.

Oh and don't come back until it's all done :D
Hope everything goes well Elise , Judith and Kerri :luck:
Mum knows what to do Carole.
Rush around, panick, phone at least 3 different people to come help, leave the room and smoke lots and lot.

Oh and don't come back until it's all done :D

lol sounds like me apart from the smoking bit (been off them 5 years now)
well done carole wish mum would nag nag winge winge :angry: :angry: :angry:
0days to go

Don't keep us waiting too long Kerri - hope everything goes okay Elise & Judith