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Rch/nch North 2 South X Connor's Lass

The pups all look gorgeous - I can't believe how much the little brindle boy looks like Jack :wub: Kerri looks quite content as well. Can't wait to see them all tomorrow.
and i watched them all being born but i didn't like it when kerri ate the afterburp lol :D :D :D judith
Afterburp LOL Mum that's what she did after she ate the afterbirth hehe :lol:
great looking pups good :luck: to all concerned. :thumbsup:
Well I have a few more pics, but they're taking aaages to load !!!
gorgeous looking puppies love the brindle dog with the white collar :thumbsup:



Have weighed them all again today and they've all held their weight, Remmy even put on 1oz :wub:
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Keep the pictures coming - they are gorgeous :wub:
I'm with Adam,brindle with white collar :wub: but the white one certainly has the gorgeous factor about it :wub:
Are you having a problem posting there Kay :D , looking forward to seeing you Mon/Tues the pups are troughing away.

I've been keeping an eye on their weights for the first few days, Remmy is now 10oz, Ronnie still 10oz, Rosie still 12oz, Ruby 13oz and Riley a whopping 14oz, I can see all of them sailing over the 1lb mark by the end of the week :D .
Have been to see the pups and they are all gorgeous - if only you could keep them all!! All the pups and mum are very content :wub: Looking forward to seeing them again.

Can't believe how much Riley looks like Jack - he's a spitting image except for a bit more white.
:D Don't they look different when they are dried out :D
Sent my sister out to the van with the camera to get some piccies of Jack, I'm afraid you'll have to e-mail me with some decent ones Kathryn :clown:



Woof :blink:




Two more of Mum and babies on their very fetching Lilac bedding :*



There may be one puppy looking for a home though we're not sure whether it's going to be a dog or a bitch yet o:) so any interest feel free to PM me :thumbsup:
love that brindle boy with the white collar but love the all white bitch too ok they r all lush lol
Aww they're lovely! Congratulations!!

Riley's my fave but I do have a soft spot for Remmy
Thanks Kathryn for this absolutely gorgeous picture of Daddy Jack :wub:

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they are gorgeous Fleesh :wub: :huggles: my two both weighed in at 12oz , then at 3 days 15oz & 1lb, at 1 week 1lb 8oz & 1lb 10oz finishing up at 23lb & 27lb Tilie (mum) was 25lb

(put these weights on for Katherine )