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Raw Diet

I've heard of anything being sprayed on to the pet food here but nothing would supprise these days :eek:

The particular meat I got for my girls was from a butcher locally to me and it was fresh...I chopped and prepared myself so that I knew it was ok...

Maybe thats it...maybe its the prepacked raw meat that they might eat...who knows... :blink:

Only time will tell :D
Mine are all fed on ready made mix - minced meat & veg etc from AMP, ad they get chicken necks too. They all love it, even the puppy. It comes frozen and it's so easy just to take a bag out of the freezer morning and night. You can get it in Pets at home so see if they like it, ad the order in bulk from AMP if they do.

I do have to give Leia some greyhound biccies too as she is impossible to keep weight on otherwise.

Good luck. :)
~Helen~ said:
Mine prefer minced to lumps, and also have likes and fads. Sometimes they just want tripe, other times won't touch it. Went through a rabbit phase, so I stocked up. Now prefer chicken and liver :wacko: I just go with it and know they're getting a good mix because I'm offering a variety. Sounds like you're offering them pletny of alternatives :thumbsup: good luck with it, whatever you decide to do.

Hi Hellybobs,

It seems that mine are just like Helen's :wacko: Have to admit though, the constant through everything has been AMP minced beef. Tripe is excellent for putting weight on, and also tempting Mr Winx the faddy eater, but after a couple of days he seems bored and doesn't want it. The next meal I give is mince and he wolfs it down quite happily for a couple of days and then boredom sets in again :angry: So now I alternate each meal and hope for the best.

Mine also refuses to eat carrots sliced, diced or batoned. I have to use a potato peeler and just keep stripping them into lovely wafer thin strips and they guzzle them down :teehee:

This morning I drained the spaghetti (two meals worth) and popped to the toilet while it was cooling down before I mixed it with the beef and veg. I came back to find Jacob with a bird's nest on top of his head and Ollie and Quick chomping away like something out of Lady and the Tramp (w00t) Ran to get camera and it was all gone by the time I got back to the kitchen :x Needless to say they didn't get anything else, and I will be watching the three bellies very carefully :- "

Raw feeding is great for my dogs, and I especially love the smaller poos :x but I am certainly not against other types of feeding and often resort to it for convenience sake as mine are also fussy about the temperature of the food that they eat. I always think that everything should be room temperature or even a little warm to make it even nicer and this also seems to enhance the smell making it more yummy so my meat is nuked to take the edge off the coldness. I know they are spoilt, but hey ho :- "

While we are camping next week I will take complete / tinned butchers tripe as I know that mine like this, and I am VERY lucky that they never seem to have upset stomachs from change as they have such a varied diet. If I only fed the same thing each day they might struggle to deal with change, but they do eat differently each day, including pasta, rice, fish, chicken, beef, wholemeal mixer and vegetables with the odd egg thrown in every now and again.

Good luck and please don't give up just yet, although it sounds like you are very positive :thumbsup:

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hellybobs said:
I've heard of anything being sprayed on to the pet food here but nothing would supprise these days :eek:
The particular meat I got for my girls was from a butcher locally to me and it was fresh...I chopped and prepared myself so that I knew it was ok...

Maybe thats it...maybe its the prepacked raw meat that they might eat...who knows... :blink:

Only time will tell  :D

Hmmm.... no, if it is bought from place where they handle meat for human consumption, they are not allowed to handle meat for animal consumption only. At least here. :unsure:
I think I worded that wrong :oops: was meat for human comsumption that I bought and prepared myself...

I'm trying to stay positive Tracy and it helps when I get positive responses (I know posting on here can get a mixture of responses :teehee: ) and hints.

I've seen AMP advertised in the Country Mans Weekly...I'll have a look :thumbsup:

I'll off to the pet shop to have a look at the prepacked this week...I'll let you know how it all goes :D
hellybobs - I feed mine the prepacked raw meat from Pets at Home and my dogs love it. I buy the minced chicken, chicken and liver, rabbit, beef, beef and tripe and tripe. It is from the freezer and I put it into my spare freezer then thaw it as I want it. Ialso keep a large bag of frozen beef mince (from a supermarket) and feed them this on alternative days, mixed with raw veggies and a small amount of mixer (I use Burgess Superdog) and any leftover pasta or rice.

Like anything else - some dogs suit the diet, but there are probably others who dont. I would feed what your dogs do the best on personally.

Also as a change from chicken wings, try lamb breast - I cut the thin bones up with strong kitchen scissors and they have a piece each for breakfast instead of the chicken wings.

Good Luck with the diet. :luck: :luck:
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Thanks for the hint about lambs breast...I'll give it a go :thumbsup:

If they want to know after trying the prepacked meat them I'm going to leave it...for a while anyway and maybe try again in the future.
hellybobs said:
Thanks Helen...
All I'm trying to do is the best for my girls...if it means resorting back to the dried complete them so be it but I don't think there's anything wrong with me trying once more...

And I do't think I'm being "so adamant" Keith, its only been a few weeks since I first started them and if it doesn't work then fine it doesn't work.

And as for  "I don't honestly see much point in persevering with something that your dogs are trying their best to tell you they don't like!" one has yet to try it and the other is only 15 weeks old so I don't think that comment is yet relevant.

Thank you anyway for you offers of advice  :thumbsup:

Hellybobs I was actually referring to my situation,I was only giving you an insight into the fact that not all dogs will accept all foods,as mine wont. :oops: sorry if you have picked this up wrong :b
Or dogs love Landywood green tripe with mixer and veg.They are also partical to a raw carrot or two plus raw fruit.Letture is fab and they eat lots of grass and clover too.....................perhaps i have cows :blink:
Dippy loves carrots too...she'll eat most veggies but is still wary of fruit... :teehee:

She's not bothered with grass yet but no doubt she will in time (w00t)
mine love grazing too.must be doing them good.
imperative said:
Or dogs love Landywood green tripe with mixer and veg.They are also partical to a raw carrot  or two plus raw fruit.Letture is fab and they eat lots of grass and clover too.....................perhaps i have cows :blink:
Yep,I think we have 4 Fresians!! (w00t) (w00t)
Inca's had a good old munch on some grass this morning :teehee:
We dont give ours fruit but they go mad for the odd grape now and then, its so funny watching them play with them.