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Rats, Cats And Whippets

Coco is just beautiful :wub: I hope she is as good a ratter as she is pretty.

We don't have a problem with rats here either as our Whippets love catching them too and we also have Archie,the stone cold killer cat!! :D he is lethal for killing things BUT he also eats them................head first :x we have a cat flap and he brings things INTO the house....ALIVE and then slaughters them in the hall,I usually wake up to blood up the walls,on the floor,curtains etc and half eaten things in different states of disembowelment :x :x It's a bit like living on the set of a horror flick (w00t) :teehee:
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She is stunning I rely miss not having a cat anymore hope she does her job well I havent seen a better looiing ratter in ages :D
This morning I went to feed Coco and i opened the crate with my dogs standing behind me, and to my surprise Coco just walked out, right past the girls and went for stroll around the house. :) Callista grew up with cats so she has a healthy respect for them, Genevieve will, no doubt, learn soon to keep her nose out of reach of Coco.

Seraphina said:
keeps the rats away.I was also very worried about the baits, although I placed them in my disused aviary, but I wondered what happens if the cat come out to die and the dogs get her.

:oops: :oops: :oops: I meant RAT not cat :b :oops:
Lovely cats Lida :thumbsup: ..... Oscar caught his first rat a week ago (w00t) hubby was taking him for their walk and one popped out of a drain - Oscar nabbed it straight away. :thumbsup: almost couldnt believe it when hubby told me.
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Seraphina said:
keeps the rats away.I was also very worried about the baits, although I placed them in my disused aviary, but I wondered what happens if the cat come out to die and the dogs get her.

:oops: :oops: :oops: I meant RAT not cat :b :oops:

We thought you probably did :- " :lol:
First walk in the garden, without the dogs. Coco was a cattery cat, so i doubt she has had the opportunity to wander through garden. At present I only take her out under supervision, but next week after she is microchipped and I make sure my cat proofing fence extension (under various creepers) is intact, I will open the dog door again and she will have the run of the garden.
cute cat :wub: get those rats :ph34r:
Yesterday was a Day 8, since Coco arrived and we were making very good progress, the girls a nd Coco tolerated each other, spent time in the same room but kept a respectful distance from each other. Then last night I left the room for a little while, and look what I found when I returned! (w00t)
Seraphina said:
Yesterday was a Day 8, since Coco arrived and we were making very good progress, the girls a nd Coco tolerated each other, spent time in the same room but kept a respectful distance from each other.  Then last night I left the room for a little while, and look what I found when I returned!  (w00t)
Awww they look all happy on the sofa together :wub:
It's freezing cold here in Melbourne, our heater is very popular in this moment.
they look cosy round the fire :wub: ,how is the screaming monkeys going :)) ,weve had ours three weeks now and they definatley need watching with them,the first 2 mins of them having them and they was a rip in the head of one :( .but they love the noise they make. :thumbsup:
No more rats poo in my kitchen, and Coco allows Callista to use her as a pillow :)
Coco is gorgeous! :wub: I think that oriental cats like Burmese & Siamese look & sound so different to moggies that normal cat chasing doglets would think twice about tackling one?

I'm hoping to get another Siamese boy one day to redress the balance of my household as my poor moggy girls are scared of the mad lurchers so are too scared to come into kitchen except at night when door is shut and dogs are asleep.

My old Siamese gave a foxhound I rescued from the road outside a right telling off altho the other cats weren't bothered but that was before I had Lurchers.
Loopy said:
My old Siamese gave a foxhound I rescued from the road outside a right telling off altho the other cats weren't bothered but that was before I had Lurchers.
I had once a Tonkinese (Burmese X Siamese) and she chased the Whippets right across the garden and when she cought themgave them good belting (w00t)