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Rash On Ellie's Tummy

sue burton

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Can any one help Ellie has got a rash on her tummy that looks a bit like chicken pox now I know it's not but iy's the only way I can describe it any ideas what it can be
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Hi Sue

If she is well otherwise, it may be a reaction to bites. Is she scratching at the rash?

Piriton paediatric would help with itching or just good old camomile lotion. My dogs sometimes get bites on their tummies that look like chicken pox.
thanks Eve she is fine other wise not scratching or taking any notice of it at all
if it looks similar to millies its a grass rash,some of mine always get it around this time of the year and especially when its wet

if it looks similar to millies its a grass rash,some of mine always get it around this time of the year and especially when its wet

hi there, two of my pups have a very bad rash similar to millies ....well it was, today it seems to be infected little yellow heads on both the dogs. my husband has been walking them in long wet grass and wheat.

will call vet for appointment but any suggestions how to calm the rash down?? our three other whippets are fine

any advice much appreciated
Could be Harvest Mites this time of year. Some dogs seem more sensitive to them than others :thumbsup:
if it looks similar to millies its a grass rash,some of mine always get it around this time of the year and especially when its wet

hi there, two of my pups have a very bad rash similar to millies ....well it was, today it seems to be infected little yellow heads on both the dogs. my husband has been walking them in long wet grass and wheat.

will call vet for appointment but any suggestions how to calm the rash down?? our three other whippets are fine

any advice much appreciated
Grace had exactly the same last year, with the nasty infected yellow heads. This year she seems better thank goodness, I suppose the skin gets a bit tougher as they grow up. My vet gave me a steroid cream for it which sorted it out, and I also used, thanks to advice from people on here, aloe vera to soothe it.
My light brindle bitch gets the same when she runs through the corn field. It doesnt seem to bother the others because they have more hair on their belly, where she is completely bald. !! Usually hose her off underneath when I get back. If it looks itchy I put sudocrem on.
Looks like a grass rash, a couple of mine get it as well. I put Aloe Vera gel on before and after they are exercised, I bought Jeremy an Equafleece t-shirt and he wears that if we are going to the fields where the long scratchy grass is, that stops it although he looks a bit like Rab C Nesbitt now, it is so holey where he has run with the others and they have obviously 'tagged' him!!!
I am so glad I found this post. Our whippet Prince is developing just such a rash (but no yellow heads) now that he is off the lead and running at full speed through long grass. It doesn't bother him but it sure bothers us worrying about what it was. There is a lot of Indian Balsam growing by the river and I wondered if this might be affecting him. I know some humans are allergic to it. The vet hadn't a clue, to be honest, and gave us anti this and anti that costing a bomb. Must try the aloe vera. Glad I found K9 although we have nothing positive to add yet.

Try good old Piriton (not the non drowsy). Half a tablet daily. It is what the vet will give you but a fraction of the price.