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I would carry on posting on this thread but as Mark has seen fit to make a personal comment about myself when actually he hardly knows me I'm not prepared to carry on.

It was quite pathetic of you Mark.
I have looked back through the thread and i'm not sure what the personal comment was that has offended you Barbera.

Having in the past tried to get members to attened talk ins I know you get very little interest or with it being on a Saturday some have to work..

hopefully this year the Northern will be taking the full complement of reps down.
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  MArk. Ahhhh.... your so sensitive 
........ :eek: .
Mark and sensitive in the sentence .... never heard that before !!!! :wacko:

Thick skinned more like ....... A hind like a rhino.... :- "
Mark Roberts said:
Having in the past tried to get members to attened talk ins I know you get very little interest
Is that because people don't really think they can make any difference...
Several reasons have been put forward.

Some work Saturdays which is very understandable no one wants to loose money.

Some say they have no interest in it at all they just want to race.

some have said whats the use nothing would/will change.

(I must say that was my view till I attended my 1st talk in and I came away feeling that if things didn't change that at least i'd been listened to and my views taken on board, talk in's are a great opertunity for WCRA/club reps to throw ideas about)

it's like when it comes to the AGM and you ask for committee/officials most have no interest in getting involved in the running at club level never mind WCRA level.
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Judy said:
I don't think Beejay has a downer on officials at all MArk. Ahhhh.... your so sensitive  :wub:
Well, from reading this thread,the W.C.R.A. is clearly very outdated.So maybe the rep's could find out what their members want,for the next talk-in.

Now,going back to the more important issue,regarding Mark's sensitivity.

In what context did you mean this Judy ?

i.e: as sensitive as a kick up the bottom ?

: as sensitive as a dead animal ?

: as sensitive as a kick up the bottom with hobnail boots ?

or, : a kick in the goolies - preferably Mark's ?

We're all dying to know,as Mark and sensitive do not readily spring to one's mind :unsure:

I'm sure Mark would dearly love to know,as at the moment, bless him :oops: , he thinks it was meant as a compliment :clown: .

sensitive ~ does this mean only saying what you know people want to hear?
I meant sensitive like a baby's bottom, sensitive like a 3 week old kitten, sensitive as the first buds of an early spring :wub:


Ps I think the WCRA talk-in is a good thing but has nothing to do with the communication issue.
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What was this thread about?

So reading back there don't seem to be anyone who's wrote on this thread that are against owners shouting encouragment to their dogs during the race.
Rule 4.37 Ragging. Which is defined as, encouragement either verbally or by other audible signal to a whippet during a race from within the perimeter barrier is forbidden and shall result in automatic disqualification.

After one phone call this information was given to me so why could none of you do the same.

This rule does not stop you from cheering your dog on provided it takes place from a permitted area.

I asume this rule would stop people from shouting from behind the traps after putting their dog in, so as not to put off a sensitive or nervous dog, and also from anywhere on the track.

We cant all have bomb proof dogs and this rule protects all.

I also have been informed that anyone may attend the WCRA talk-in and join in discussions but only people nominated by their club may vote.

Now ask yourself the following questions as you are so concerned about the way the sport you love is run.

1. Have you ever asked your club secretary for a copy of the current rules of racing.

2. Have you ever attended a WCRA talk-in or botherd to ask your club secretary when they are held. ( be warned you may be expected to attend and represent your club if you do which may be inconvenient to you so just let someone else go as usual )

Having read all the above postings I do agree with many comments (Beejay) but it seems most of you are happy to spend the time tappng away on your keyboards but cant be bothered to get involved where the real work is done.


john doe 8)
June Jonigk said:
I see no problem with shouting for your dog either, from the side of the track - BUT there was someone warned for ragging at Andover last week.  The person in question was standing in the line of the dogs (by the far roller), and so shouting the dog to come to him.  I think that is cheating, and I'm glad he was warned.  He isn't the only one though, and there is another very well known racer who stands at the end, and again the dog runs to her, and not the lure.  In my opinion, owners should not be allowed on the track - apart from cheating, it is dangerous for the dogs.  At Andover last week, a dog almost ran into the man standing at the end.  These incidents are not in my weight group, but if they were I would complain.
Of course we should have fun though, and lots of people have shouted their dogs from the side of the track, and even at the end, but if you're behind the perimeter fencing, I see no problem - sometimes you just can't help yourself. :thumbsup:
I think you should choose your words very carefuly, to say this person was cheeting is a very strong statement.

When you drive to work and you are late do you speed to make up some time.

Do you ever phone in sick when your are perfectly well to attend work.

Do you ever park in a prohibited area just to save time.

All the above can only be regarded as infringements of the rules or if you prefer breaking the law, they would all be delt with by the appropriate authority.

Just as this person was informed by the race manager of his infringement, Im sure he was not told that he was a cheet.

We are all human and make mistakes and I am sure that this person is now aware of their errors.
Nigel said:
I'm sure there would be a much better communication flow both from racers to the WCRA and from the WCRA to the racers if the racers were actually members of the WCRA.
The way it's set up at the moment where the WCRA really only talks to club officials (secretary) and racers should communicate with the WCRA via the club secretary is outdated. With the ease of communication available to everyone today I think that the present structure no longer works effectively. (w00t)
How hard is it for your club secretary to photo copy information sent by the WCRA and post it on their notice board or even mail it to them if they wish.

Yet again another idea from you that means you have to do nothing or maybe you could contact your club secretary and offer to circulate this info for them. :- "
john doe said:
How hard is it for your club secretary to photo copy information sent by the WCRA and post it on their notice board or even mail it to them if they wish.
Full of bright ideas aren't you? You're so certain of yourself that you won't even post under your real name - what a wimp.

It's not difficult for secretaries to copy information & post it on notice boards - trouble is our primary club doesn't have a notice board & we haven't had a club meeting since last winter. Club news letters do go out and items of interest are included.

john doe said:
Yet again another idea from you that means you have to do nothing or maybe you could contact your club secretary and offer to circulate this info for them.  :- "
Get real - I have spent many, many hours working on K9 and keeping this board running, at my own expense to give all the clubs and the WCRA the opportunity to post whatever information they want. I'll even offer to scan anything they want to publish. Last time I heard most club secretaries could type.

All your earlier rambling deserve comment but quite honestly I can't be bothered.
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john doe said:
Having read all the above postings I do agree with many comments (Beejay) but it seems most of you are happy to spend the time tappng away on your keyboards but cant be bothered to get involved where the real work is done.
Jesus, pots/kettles/black springs to mind! :b

Somebody has been busy at the keyboard!

John/Paul/Dave/Colin, whatever your real name is...... at least the people who post here have the courage of their convictions to put their own names! :angry:
Well John Doe - what a strange personality you have!

I do choose my words carefully, and I think you'll find I mentioned cheating, and not cheeting!

How strange that you should offer suggestions that I would park in a prohibited area - no need - I have a car park pass.

I may speed to work occasionally, but if I do, I'm not cheating at a sport.

To suggest I would phone in sick when I'm well! Who me? o:)

How are you so sure about what happened at Andover? Were you there? If not how could you possibly comment? - oh I forgot you're John Doe, and like to comment on everything :- "

Are you suggesting cheating is ok then? Perhaps it's ok for John Doe to cheat eh?

Me thinks you have too much time on your hands!! :thumbsup:
A few things you have said John Doe deserve comment.

First you made a phone call to ask about a specific rule (really?). So you didn't allready know it then - why not? You presume to know what it means but do you? We all have different ideas about what it means. Now you know that one rule, what about all the others? Will you only find out about them one at a time after the event? My point is that information need to be more freely available. If you read my previous post you will see that I was at pains to point out that I did not lay the blame for a lack of communication in any direction. I said it was the fault of the system. Yes, the racers need to make an effort to find out stuff too. Personally I think our secretary at Gloucester is one of the best around but she can't possibly be expected to do everything.

In answer to your questions I can answer Yes to all of them yet still nobody has mentioned to me when rules have been rewritten so how am I supposed to know when to ask for a new copy ?

From the fact that you seem to be angry with us for even discussing it and the way you have written 3 posts in a row implies that you have brooded a bit over this subject and have even taken it a bit personally. Also you are hiding behind your user name. All this to me, suggests that you are allready in the secretary/WCRA loop or are close to someone who is.

As for saying that Nigel has made another ??? suggestion that means he doesn't have to do anything - he has probably made more of an effort in that direction than anyone.

As you are so self righteous, why don't you tell us what you have done.