can't think why i called PINTSIZE that name can you?? :cheers: might have somats to do with pete liking a pint :teehee: or cos she is little and lovely just like her mum :wub:
Tigger is called southern scott because mine and dads surname is scott and all of dads other pedigree dogs were summit scot (arctic scott, flying scott) and the southern bit is cos he is out of alabama which is a southern state in america and because we are southerners lol, well i am dont know bout dad :b
CONNORS LASS because her sire's pet name is Connor, incidentally the brother to Connor was raced under CASSIE'S LAD (Cassie(Cassie Cool) being the grand-dam of Connors Lass) though we didn't know that at the time. So unintentionally we followed the "tradition" in the line.
MOANY MOANY wasn't difficult, we were going to race her as Blaze (pet name) or Spirit becasue of her nature. We also though of using a name with Wonder in after er sire Wonderwall or using another Oasis song. Once we got her home we realised she cries all the time for one thing and another (to say she's "vocal" is an understatement) hence Moany Moany stuck.
most my dog have jack or a number in there names and i want to call our new pup 4 sale but michelle says i cannot call her that just in case i sell her hence her name (4 sale)
Our dog was 2 years old when we got her so she already had her names! Skye (pet name) and Atlanta (racing name). We have just recently got a new puppy (male) and we have called him Roddy as the pet name, and if he is any good to run we will call him Ballajura as his racing name! We thought because Atlanta was a place in America we would call Roddy after a place in Austrailia where my uncle, auntie and cousins live (i have only been once but its gorgeous there!) My mam actually decided on it, but didn't realise what it meant until she phoned my uncle in Oz and mentioned it to him, then he told her it was an aboriginal word for 'fast running water' Lets just hope he can run though! Skye and Roddy are getting on well, Roddy is 3 and a half months old so still very hyperactive, skye soon puts him in his place if he is too aggressive though!
p.s. my name is Barry (if you didn't guess by my user name!)
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