Where does everyone get their dogs racing names from? My dogs Mickey Whizz is because he is out of Mickey Mouse xWhizziwig. Whizziwig was a kids t.v. programme. Hot Spice (sadly I liked the spice girls at the time) Marleys Magic was Peters surname Marley and the Magic just sounded good. Lastly Whisper Whizz because he goes back 2 Whisper Wishes and I just like the Whizz bit. What about everyone elses? :thumbsup:
Hi Debbie dont know if u have any back copies of whippet news mags. If u do Tiger Lils full breeding is in the Nov 1997 issue on page 22. If u cant get a copy of this her dam was a greyhound called Bomoor Lisa she ran a1/s1 grade and has derby winners on both sides of her pedigree. The sire was of course Crazy Cracker. Incidently I was the 1 that picked her racing name. Tiger Lil because she looks like a tiger her brindle markings.
Hi Sherry, our bitch is called after her dad "Floyds Girl" & our dog is called "Kadu Flyer" after a Hawkwind song, as my husband is a big fan :flowers: that smilie was nearest i could get to a hippy
i always said my next dog would be called HERE its the only thing they all answer to.Normally cause they think food is involved. :clown: :clown: :clown:
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