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Good to see Patrick got his affix :D ...... Oh yeah and great to see proper working dogs ;) .......We'd love to come and join you with our young 'uns :cheers:


Fantastic action shots - great to see them doing what they are born to do.
driven to the gun :cheers: i love hare pie you know :thumbsup:
sparky said:
haycroft said:
kitty1972 said:
trac said:
we have always wanted to go lamping,but dont know what to do,where to go,etc,so any advice ,help,or offers would be very much appreciated  :thumbsup:
me too!

love to give it ago...get offers but nothing as yet...

you should look for someone in your area to go out with :thumbsup:

You might find that by posting on a working whippet forum you might get more response. People will always hesitate to take out someone who they do not fully know and trust . Permission is hard won but very easily lost + there are a lot of closet antis around monitoring what we say and do...
sparky said:
haycroft said:
kitty1972 said:
trac said:
we have always wanted to go lamping,but dont know what to do,where to go,etc,so any advice ,help,or offers would be very much appreciated  :thumbsup:
me too!

love to give it ago...get offers but nothing as yet...

you should look for someone in your area to go out with :thumbsup:

is that an invite then sparky :- "
oxfords to yorkshire is a long way to travell for a spot of lamping :thumbsup: i am sure you will find some one a little closer to home.. :cheers:
caught at my feet.. another for the pot :thumbsup: