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R.i.p 3 X Sup Rch / Nch Little Bill

R.I.P Billy boy, so gutted we havent got a baby Billy here with us. xXx

Run free lad go join your babies over the rainbow bridge. xXx

Look after him for your girlfriend Tora xXx

Heres baby Larry for George and Lett to see Billy Baby who we sadly lost x
God I'm so shocked :'(

It's a sad day in whippet racing to loose a dog I personally considered to be one that would go down in history as a phenomenal little racing whippet.

I had high aspirations for him at stud too. :(

I know Bill was born round about the same time as my first non-ped and remember like it was only yesterday the posts on here about this outstanding little youngster making his debut in racing. Seeing the little fellow run was so enjoyable to watch, he was fearless coming into the finish and would sumersault over the lure with such enthusiasm, I'll really miss seeing this happy little dog that must of been George and Lett's pride and joy and my heart goes out to you both.

Run free Billy and take care of little Larry. :huggles: A true Champion who won over many hearts.

Im so sorry to hear about Little Bill. Always a pleasure to race against and watch him run .Im sure everyone who knew him will miss him so much. RIP little\one.
Not quite sure why the post with Billy's baby disappeared but have re posted as requested by George's family, hope this works as i'm not as good as Sadie :)


Thanks mum :thumbsup: will just add rainbow bridge again for Billy to cross to go see his babies

run free xXx
thanx for putting them back on will be showing george and lett them later as there coming to see everyones messages
Thinking of you both George and Lett, i'm gutted at this awful news, he was a perfect little dog and the only dog i wanted a baby out of, i will always remember Billy Boy and my Billy Babies (Larry & Tobi) they were both perfect, like there daddy.

Run Free Billy Boy, look after your boys Larry and Tobi. (sades gonna put the other pic of Tobi on the tiny black puppy that died at birth)


Kim and Tora x
R.I.P billy will be missed from between georges legs, gone but never forgotton,

very hard at the moment thinking of you

Donna and family

Heres a pic of tiny Tobi only got the one of him

and one more of Larry

Go play and be proud of your boys Billy your one in a million
So sorry for you loss, our thoughts are with tou RIP Billy, :(
So sorry to hear this news, one of the best.

Thinking of you George and Family.
sorry to here this sad news what a great dog from everybody at old hall who had the pleasure of watching him run