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First post on here. We are thinking of getting a whippet - and if we do I'd like to try racing. In the past we've showed dogs but it wasn't really my thing - a bit too subjective - but it's nice to have an activity you can do with your dog and racing does appeal to me, although the dog would primarily be a family pet and it wouldn't be the end of the world if for some reason it couldn't race.

Neither of us has any experience of racing dogs though so I'd be very grateful for any advice you can give.

We live in Derby - are there any whippet racing clubs anywhere near there where we might find out more - would they meet in Winter or is it just a Summer activity ?

I note there are pedigree and non-pedigree whippet racing clubs and presumably races. Are these completely different sports - are the non-pedigree dogs faster, bigger/smaller than the pedigrees ? What would be best for me. I am attracted partly by the smooth athletic lines and the size of a pedigree whippet - would the non-pedigree racers differ in many ways?

I'm assuming there are racing lines and show lines just as working breeds have show and working lines. Is it possible for a beginner to buy a dog from a decent racing line ?

Dog or bitch - we don't have a strong preference - would probably tend towards a bitch - do dogs and bitches race equally well - would one be better than another for a beginner ?

Anything else I should have asked but haven't?

Thanks for any replies.
You should try posting on the non ped section too, you get large pedigree whippets just the same as you get large non peds - if you want something small then go for a line which generally throws small, people on the non ped section would be happy to point you in the right direction, i know there are quite a few decent litters nocking aruond at the moment and a few in the pipeline.

Can't really comment on the peds.
Hi and welcome!

I think there are some members living not far from you who will be along to answer your racing questions pretty soon :thumbsup: In the meantime, have a browse round the FAQ section, you should find lots of answers to your questions there about dogs/bitches, as well as lots of questions you might not have thought of yet :thumbsup:

Here's the link: FAQ link - K9s virtual library!
Hi David,

Living in Derby you probably have more non-pedigree clubs local to you than pedigree.

I would post a question in the non-ped forum.

There is a pedigree whippet racing club called "The Heart of England" near to Derby, but they don't run that regularly.

As for dogs and bitches, in whippets it doesn't make any difference with speed (though I have heard bitches are faster as a general rule). Bitches will of course have seasons and tend to be a bit more independent.

If we are talking pedigree whippets, you must ensure you buy a "racing bred dog", there is a huge difference between show and racing bred, so if you know you have a desire to race, start with the right dog. As for buying from a good racing line, this is a good place to be looking and asking. :luck:

before i start to waffle, I am no expert in these matters but as someone who is relatively new to the sport i thought i could give you my views.

I was new into the sport about 5 years ago and have really enjoyed my time competing.

I was lucky to come into it with a couple of really good dogs and they have certainly helped the enjoyment factor.

There is certainly no reason to think that just because you are new that you cant get yourself a well bred dog or bitch. in my experience the breeders are just happy to get their litters into a good home that will try and race. One thing to bear in mind is that the better the line the more you will be expected to pay for a pup.

We have always kept bitches and although i have never had a dog I have been led to believe ( Not nessecerily True before the dog ownwers get offended!) that bitches are a little more loving and homely. Dogs will tend to be more consistent race wise as they dont have the season thing to contend with but as a result you need to be more disciplined so as not to over race them. Bitches obviously will come into season every so often ( anything from 6 - 18 months) and will have to be kept away form dogs for 4 weeks and will make a mess.

Hope i have been of some help and have not made to many mistakes in my views.

:cheers: welcome to k9 :cheers:

I race all of mine all peds two show breds and two coursing bred one(coursing bred bitch) is faster than the others but that is through luck rather than research on my part, we race every Sunday and enjoy it as much as the dogs.

It is a bonus to have a dog which is fast enough to compete at a higher level although I never planned it that way, and in my oppinion you have a very good attitude towards the fact it will be a pet first and foremost whether it proves to be a racer or not, that way whatever happens you won't be dissapointed, and you can still race at clubs even if you don't have the fastest dog in the world it's good fun with like minded people(look at some of the racing threads with pics it will give you an idea of whats involved)

As for dogs and bitches I have one dog & 3 bitches and as people have said dogs can race all year round where as bitches can be out of racing for quite a while with seasons, both are as loving in my experience of mine, my boy more so if I'm honest :huggles:

Good luck whatever you decide :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
Some good info Jim for the racers to be......I note you have been blessed with 2 good racing Whippies!!!!! now where did you get them from :- " :- " :thumbsup: :p xxx
Thanks - that's quite a lot of help - I'll have a look around on the forum and see if I can find any clubs locally to have a bit more of a look.

One other question I thought of - can a pedigree whippet that races compete OK in non-pedigree or is that a lot quicker ?
The non peds are generally quicker popsider, I understand some non-ped clubs hold pedigree only classes during a regular meet but as I only race pedigrees I can't be categoric about that. In terms of appearance non peds look quite similar to pedigrees - especially race bred pedigrees, who generally aren't bred for lovelyness, just speed :- "

As someone else stated there is the Heart of England club quite close to you and the Northern PWRC which is near Bolton, Lancashire (isn't it?) but there are probably more non-ped clubs within easier travelling distance - like Yorkshire for instance. Alternatively - you could move to the sunny south and race with the Harvel people (and Lampy) 8)

btw - boy whippets are FAR more loving than girl whippets - I have both :)