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Question regarding taping

Samantha Chase

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We are fairly new to racing, being only in our second year as it has only recently come to Canada, (although we've had Whippets for over 25).  This question may seem very silly to some, but I hope you will bear with my ignorance in the matter.  Several of the dogs who come racing, especially the ones who come up from the United States, run with their legs/feet taped with vetwrap.  I am told by those that use this, that it prevents injury.  We are currently racing three of ours, and we've been fortunate I guess in that none have ever had a pad, foot or leg injury - not even a knick or small cut.  I have noticed that our dogs have exceptionally "rough" feet compared to the others in attendance, and my husband attributes it to the fact that we live in a very rural, rocky and forested area, and since the dogs run the bush after hare daily, their feet have become accustomed to the rough terrain, so that hay fields etc., where we race and course, are really quite easy on them.  Could I have some opinions on whether or not wrapping or taping is a good idea or not necessary?  If it is a good thing that we might need some day, could it be explained exactly how it is done?

Best Wishes and Thanks

Hi Samantha

                Are they tapping the dogs feet or the wrist area of the leg?, the wrist area is normaly taped in dry weather to prevent damaged to the dew claws if they are still on and to prevent damadge to the stopper pad behind the wrist when the dogs stop at the end of the race.

we tape our in the Summer (dry weather) to prevent stopper pad damadge on hard ground as if they do cut them it can mean a few weeks out of racing to get them right,

not very easy to explain how to put it on as it needs to be tight enough to stay on but not so tight as to prevent free movement, i'm sure if you ask one of the racers to show you they would help, failing that move to the Uk and someone will show you here (only Jokeing) but ask someone at a meeting to show you

hope this helps
Hi Mark,

Thanks for the explanation and why taping is good.  The dogs I've seen predominately have been taped just above the foot and below the pastern joint as you describe, although there are two from the U.S., who tape the foot itself, just above the nails.  I will definately try to have someone show me exactly how I should do it - and in dry weather with hard ground it does make a lot of sense.  Wouldn't mind moving to the U.K. - but don't think my pension would follow me, so might be a tad difficult when I get there - LOL.

Again thanks for the advice.

Best Wishes

Hi Samantha

I tape one of mine as Mark describes above, because she still has dew claws and this prevents injury to the claws and her other feet.

However, like you we run over rough hills here in Scotland, so like yours perhaps my whippets feet are slightly harder than others, however we race a lot in England where the ground is very much harder as they get more sun than we do!  There because mine are not used to taping I use vaseline - petroleum jelly on and above the stopper pads, which does a great job in protecting them.

Hope to see you in Scotland!

Hello Mark and June

I've had the opportunity now to be shown closely how to tape and when.  Actually the gentleman who has shown me is originally from the U.K, but has been living here in Canada for a few years.  The ground this weekend was just what Mark talked about - very hard and dry - and I wish I'd have learned a little sooner, as in the early part of the day, Caleb "skinned" part of his pad - very minor, but just the sort of thing you've mentioned Mark.  

Thanks so much for your advice, and I'll now know a little better of how and when in this.

Best Wishes

Hi Samantha

                with hind sight we can all know what would have been best? :D  The main thing is to keep an open mind to any advice as you can never know enough and theres always something new to learn about.

good luck with you're racing.
Hi Samantha

Who was it that used to race in the UK ? Just wondering if it is anyone we knew.
Hi June,

His name is Bill Phillips and he use to live in Devonshire, but I do not know the exact place.  Next time I see him, I'll be sure to find out.  I know he has been in Canada for about 10 years.  Wouldn't it be a really small world if there is someone who remembers??

Best Wishes
