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Puppy weeing a river through the night... and poops


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Hope I'm posting in the right part of the forum, sorry if not!

Right, we got our puppy two months ago. He's a French Bulldog and is now 5 months old, and we love him.

During the day he goes into the garden very often and has a wee pretty much every time, sometimes a poo. He has water down all day but I've been trying to keep it out of reach after 5.30pm.

He hardly ever has an accident through the day now. He has an evening walk but rarely does a wee (and hates walking). He gets let out into the garden right before bed time at between 11 and midnight. Then we put him in the dining room, he has a crate in there with blankets and we have a child gate on the door. He doesn't have water or food through the night.

In the morning at about 7 we go to let him out and there is wee EVERYWHERE. So much wee! And he's walked it everywhere, soaked his bum and his feet where he sits in it, all in the tile grout. So so much. None in his crate though. It's mostly near the gate. We think it's anxiety, he hates being left alone. Cries so much and jumps up at the gate. If we leave him in the day at all (never for long) he will have had a wee again. We have tried leaving him for two minutes and going back, and then increasing the time and going back. Tried treats. Not tried locking him in the crate for fear of him being covered in his own wee and poo!

The poo is the other problem, but not so much. He sometimes has three poos in the night! He has his last meal at 5.30. And normally has a poo some time after in the evening. Normally a poo an hour or two after a meal. I realise the poo should be more of a problem but it's always in the same corner of the dining room and always easy to clean up (still a stinky nightmare though)

Hope I've given you all the information you need. I can answer any questions. Please any help is appreciated!!!

Thank you!

Edit: we have tried training mats and newspaper, he just weds on them and rips them up.

I'm probably missing the obvious!!
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You need to lock the crate door.

Dogs very rarely, unless poorly will mess where they sleep. As you have said he does it everywhere else except his bed.

There seems to be no question that your dog is toilet trained but as you say he gets anxiety and this causes him to mess everywhere. It is common in that breed as they dont like being left alone (as you have so aptly discovered!!).

I have said this many times to people on here as it is something i did with my pooch when we had him from a puppy and worked exceptionally well.

Now as you are dealing with seperation anxiety you need to start from scratch. You're probably not gonna like this as this will probably cause you some serious sleep deprivation, however please please please stick with it if you decide to take my advice.

You need to put your crate in your bedroom. Lock your puppy in the crate, and if you can pop some newspaper down at one end of the crate just in case.

have your bedroom door open with the landing light on. This means your puppy is safe and secure and with you so after around half an hour he should settle- it may take longer, so brace yourself!

DO NOT let him out or tender to his needs. Whining you can deal with but if it becomes cries then scoop him up (no fussing just hold him) put him outside for a wee. If he goes, give him lots of praise (like you did when you first toilet trained him). When done, pick him back up, again no fussing and put him straight back in the crate.

This may continue for a while but he will soon get the message that he will only be tendered to, to take him outside and thats it.

It could take one night it could take a week, each dog is different.

After 2 weeks put him on the landing with your bedroom door open and the lights off. Do this for another 2 weeks and repeat the toileting advice above if neccessary.

After 2 weeks of being on the landing put him downstairs with the landing light on, or a lamp in the room. Then 2 weeks after that turn the light off.

This is a gradual way of him learning that bedtime, means bedtime and under no circumstances will he get his way of getting out and with the crate being locked I seriously doubt he will mess in there.

This shoud ease his anxiety and also get him to go through the night without messing.

this will also help you when leaving him. By locking him in his crate he is safe and secure and you can come home safe in the knowledge that no disaster is waiting behind one of your doors!

For the crate pop a blanket over the top of it to make it more den like. This will help to create a little secure haven for him.

Give it time and patience, see if through, don't give up and I'm confident enough to say that after a few weeks, maybe a month you will have a mess ansd anxeity free pooch!!!

I wish you the best of luck.

Sophie x
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Some great tips from goldenbear2013 - if you are worried have you had him checked at the vets?
You are quite right! Haha!

But I am willing to try anything. What you've suggested makes perfect sense, and we'll start tonight.

Thank you for your help!!!

And Poppy, if it does continue, we will be sure to book him in, thank you!
You're in for a few sleepless nights, so make sure you have some pro plus ready to take to work tomorrow!!

I hope my advice helps you!

All the best

Sophie x
I hope things did get better? And you didn't have to take him to the vets?